Public Hearings and Public Notices

Legal Notice:  The information printed here is not official.  While an attempt is made to keep the information accurate and up-to-date, the information provided herein is not official.  Only the notice actually published in the newspaper is considered official.  Viewers of this page should rely on the information noted herein strictly at their own risk.

 NOTE:  There are multiple hearings and notices listed on this page.  Scroll down to look for the hearings and notices that are of concern to you.


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following amendment to Ordinance No. 10-2001 as amended by Ordinance #03-2016 at 7:30 pm on July 5, 2017 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford. 



2.  The Commission shall consist of seven five members who shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors for terms of three years and shall serve until their successors are appointed.  Initially the terms shall be structured so that they expire one at the end of the first year and then two for each of the next two years.  Vacancies shall be filled for the expiration of the term.  All members shall serve without compensation.

A)  The Board of Supervisors may appoint up to two Alternate Members who shall serve for terms of three years.  Alternate Members may participate in any proceedings or discussions of the Commission, but shall not vote unless designated as a voting member by the Chairman.  An Alternate Member will be designated as a voting member for proceedings where a quorum is not reached due to absence, recusal, or disqualification. Alternate Members so designated shall continue to serve as a voting member in all proceedings for which he was initially designated until the Commission has made a final decision on the matter. 

New provisions are in bold italics.  Deleted provisions are strikeouts.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed bids until 3:00 p.m. on JULY 3, 2017, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. Contract award is anticipated to occur during their regular meeting on July5, 2017 at 7:30 pm for the following Project:

            Weber Road: 432 ton 9.5mm Superpave scratch/leveling course in place, 682 ton 9.5mm Superpave wearing course in place, 107 sy incidental milling of bituminous, and 3400 lf double yellow centerlines and 3500 lf white side lines. Pre-bid meeting required.

            Bid Proposals MUST be submitted on forms supplied by the Township in a sealed envelope clearly labeled as “SPRINGBROOK PAVING BID”, and must include Bid Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid.  Bids will be accepted in person or by mail at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455. The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.

            The successful bidder shall: (a) provide proof of workers compensation insurance and liability insurance in an amount acceptable to the Board of Supervisors; (b) be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract and warranty with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded; and (c) be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing the prompt payment for all materials furnished and labor supplied or performed in the prosecution of the work hereunder with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded, & shall provide that every person, copartnership, association or corporation who, whether as subcontractor or otherwise, has furnished material or supplied or performed labor in the prosecution of the work & who has not been paid therefore, may sue in assumpsit on said additional bond in the name of the Township for his, their, or its use and prosecute same to final judgement for such sum or sums as may be justly due him, her, them or it and have execution thereon, provided, however, that the Township shall not be liable for any costs of suit.  Upon failure to provide said bonds, the award shall be void. 


                                                                                                Donny James Snyder, Roadmaster

                                                John H. Klemeyer, Esquire, Solicitor

Notice of Bid Request

Dingman Township is looking for sealed bids for the construction of trails in its parks.  Interested parties may click on the following links for details.

Bridge Preserve Park - Frank Trail Project

Dingman Township Recreational Park - Loop Trail Project


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed bids until 3:00 p.m. on MAY 22, 2017, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. Contract award is anticipated to occur during their regular meeting on May 23, 2017 at 7:30 pm for the following Project:

            Springbrook Road: 886 ton 9.5mm Superpave scratch/leveling course in place, 1476 ton 9.5mm Superpave wearing course in place, and 7700 lf double yellow lines.  Prevailing wage rates apply.  Pre-bid meeting required.

            Bid Proposals MUST be submitted on forms supplied by the Township in a sealed envelope clearly labeled as “SPRINGBROOK PAVING BID”, and must include Bid Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid.  Bids will be accepted in person or by mail at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455. The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.

            The successful bidder shall: (a) provide proof of workers compensation insurance and liability insurance in an amount acceptable to the Board of Supervisors; (b) be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract and warranty with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded; and (c) be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing the prompt payment for all materials furnished and labor supplied or performed in the prosecution of the work hereunder with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded, & shall provide that every person, copartnership, association or corporation who, whether as subcontractor or otherwise, has furnished material or supplied or performed labor in the prosecution of the work & who has not been paid therefore, may sue in assumpsit on said additional bond in the name of the Township for his, their, or its use and prosecute same to final judgement for such sum or sums as may be justly due him, her, them or it and have execution thereon, provided, however, that the Township shall not be liable for any costs of suit.  Upon failure to provide said bonds, the award shall be void. 


                                                                                                Donny James Snyder, Roadmaster

                                                John H. Klemeyer, Esquire, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed proposals for the following road materials (quantities are approximate):  100 tons surge material; 1200 tons 2A stone; 100 tons Aashto #3; 600 tons 3-A Antiskid; 200 tons Screenings; 200 tons ID2 wearing course; & 100 tons 19mm binder course.  Bid proposals will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. on MAY 22, 2017, at which time they will be read.  Bids will be awarded at the May 23, 2017 Supervisors meeting commencing at 7:30 pm.

            Bid Proposals must include a Bid Bond with sufficient surety in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total minimum amount of the bid, and MUST be submitted on forms supplied by the Township in a sealed envelope clearly labeled “2017 Road Materials Re-Bid”, and will be accepted in person or by mail at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455.

            The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.  The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract with sufficient surety in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded.


Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treasurer

                                                John H. Klemeyer, Esquire, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing to consider the conditional use zoning application of Samall Properties, Inc. to lease space to Calvary Church at Milford Professional Park, at 10 Buist Road.  Said Hearing will be held on May 2, 2017 at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend. Editors Note:  Hearing moved to June 6th.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption an amendment to the Dingman Twp. Zoning Ordinance, a summary of which is provided below. Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on April 18, 2017 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.  The full text of the amendment can be found at the Municipal Offices, at, the offices of the Pike County Dispatch, 105 W Catherine St, Milford, the Library of the Pike County Courthouse, Broad Street, Milford.

Editor's Note:  The entire draft changes to the zoning ordinance appear after this notice in blue font.



            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

Article II - Definitions:  Bed & Breakfast; Distributed Antenna System (DAS):  DAS Pole;  Travel Trailers.

Section 305 - Use Regulations:  Customary RV accessory uses;  DAS Poles; Large Hotels, Motels, Inns & Resorts.

Section 428 - Communications Towers & Antennas:  Special Definitions; Design & Location Standards.

Section 437 - Recreational Vehicles, Recreational Vehicle Parks & Campgrounds:  maximum RV size;  screen room details.

Section 504 - Signs in Conservation & Parks District:  Temporary sign regulations for nonresidential uses.

Section 505 - Signs in Neighborhood Commercial and Resort Commercial Districts:  temporary sign regulations for nonresidential uses.

Section 702 - Permits:  Certificate of Incumbency required.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

Editors Note:  The following is the entire draft ordinance, as proposed.  Regular text are words currently in the zoning ordinance.  Bold text are additions to the ordinance.  Striked out text are deleations.

Ordinance # _______________


The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:


For the purposes of this Ordinance the following words, terms and phrases have the meaning herein indicated:

Bed and Breakfast - Any dwelling in which more than three persons either individually or as families are housed or lodged for hire on a transient, non-permanent basis with meals normally included as part of services rendered.

Bed and Breakfast - A residential use consisting of one dwelling unit with no more than five (5) rooms or suites that are rented to the public for overnight or weekly accommodation for a fee. Only the breakfast meal may be prepared for the guests by the proprietor and no other meals are provided by the proprietor. The dwelling shall be the primary residence of the proprietor. The rented rooms do not contain cooking facilities and do not constitute separate dwelling units.

Distributed Antenna System – A network of spatially separated antenna nodes connected to a common source via a transport medium that provides wireless service within a geographic area. A distributed antenna system may also known as DAS or Small Cell Tower.  

Distributed Antenna System Pole – A pole or other structure designed and permitted for the sole purpose of supporting the antenna(s) of a Distributed Antenna System.

Recreational Vehicle  - A transportable or vehicular type of unit initially designed as temporary living quarters for recreational camping or travel use that does not require a special highway moving permit when transported which either has its own motive of power or is mounted on or drawn by another vehicle.  The types of recreation vehicles or units are:

A. Travel Trailers - A vehicular unit, mounted on wheels, of such size or weight as not to require special highway moving permits when drawn by a motorized vehicle (8.5 feet wide maximum) , designed and constructed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, or travel use, and not larger than 12 feet wide and 400 square feet in area when used for camping (in setup mode). 


Section 305 – Use Regulations 

The chart in section 305 shall be amended to make the following changes to the accessory uses permitted in the Limited Neighborhood Development District:

Customary RV accessory uses*

* When sited on an approved Recreational Vehicle Campground lot

Decks, screened porches, platforms, sheds, gazebos*

* When sited on an approved Recreational Vehicle Campground lot  

The chart in section 305 shall be amended to make the following changes to the conditional uses permitted in all districts:

Distributed Antenna System Poles

The chart in section 305 shall be amended to make the following changes to the conditional uses permitted in the Conservation and Parks district:

Large Hotel, Motel, Inns & Resorts

The chart in section 305 shall be amended to make the following changes to the conditional uses permitted in the Resort Commercial district:

Large Hotels, Motels, Inns & Resorts


Section 428 - Communications Towers and Antennas

A.   Special Definitions

For purposes of this Ordinance and this section, the following special definitions shall apply:

Distributed Antenna System – A network of spatially separated antenna nodes connected to a common source via a transport medium that provides wireless service within a geographic area. A distributed antenna system may also known as DAS or Small Cell Tower.

Distributed Antenna System Pole – A pole or other structure designed and permitted for the sole purpose of supporting the antenna(s) of a Distributed Antenna System.

B.    Design and Location Standards

The following design and location standards shall apply to all communications facilities except Distributed Antenna Systems:

D.  Distributed Antenna Systems and Distributed Antenna System Poles

The following design and location standards shall apply to all Distributed Antenna Systems:

1.     The applicant shall demonstrate compliance with all pertinent laws and regulations of the FCC and the Federal Aviation Administration. (“FAA”).

2.     No zoning permit will be required for any Distributed Antenna System installed within a structure (e.g. hotel) where the antenna(s) is designed to serve the occupants of the structure and not the public at-large. 

3.     No Distributed Antenna System Pole may be greater than 75 feet above the natural land surface.  Poles greater than 75 feet in height shall be considered Communications Towers and shall fall within the regulations found in this ordinance.

4.     Distributed Antenna System Poles and their subsequent antennas shall be designed to withstand wind gusts of up to 100 miles per hour.

5.     Any Distributed Antenna System antenna sited on a permitted Communications Tower or an existing structure (e.g. building, steeple, etc.) shall be considered a communications antenna and regulated by the applicable sections of this ordinance.

6.     No Distributed Antenna System Pole may be sited in the public right-of-way.  Distributed Antenna System Poles may be placed on previously developed properties however, a horizontal isolation distance of no less than the height of the pole must be maintained from any occupied structure existing at the time of permitting.

7.     Should any Distributed Antenna System Pole cease to be used for its permitted purpose, the owner or operator or then owner of the land on which the pole is located, shall be required to remove the same within one (1) year from the abandonment of use. Failure to do so shall authorize the Township to remove the facility and charge back the cost of removal to the foregoing parties.  The Township may also file a municipal lien against the land to recover the costs of removal and attorney’s fees.

Section 437 – Recreational Vehicles, Recreational Vehicle Parks and Campgrounds

Recreational Vehicles, when allowed for under section 305, may be permitted subject to the following regulations.

a.   No recreational vehicle may exceed a size of 320 400 square feet nor exceed 8.5  12 feet in width when in assembled for highway transportation and may not exceed 400 square feet when assembled for camping use. Vehicle size shall be determined by multiplying the greatest exterior length of the unit by the greatest exterior width (excluding hitches and bay windows).

e.   No recreational vehicle may be temporarily or permanently attached to any structure or to other recreational vehicle.  Decks, platforms, screen houses, and other such accessory structures may abut a recreational vehicle but not be connected to it.  Porches enclosed with windows constructed of glass, plastic, or any other solid material as opposed to screens are hereby prohibited.  Walls may be partially constructed of solid material provided that the solid wall material does not exceed 36 inches above floor level. Such screened porches may not be wired for electricity or lighting nor contain any heating devices.  Accessory structures abutting a recreational vehicle shall not be required to meet the ten (10) feet separation required in section 402.

Section 504  -  Signs in Conservation and Parks Districts

504.4  Signs for the purposes of identifying the location of a business non-residential use, other than Inns, provided such signs are located on the business subject premises and relate only to the use of that particular property. and further provided that such signs do not exceed one (1) per property along a public street and six (6) square feet each in area. Such signs shall meet the requirements for signs as set forth in Section 505.

Section 505  -  Signs in Neighborhood Commercial and Resort Commercial Districts

505.5  Signs advertising  the sale and rental of the premises on which located provided they do not exceed  one (1) per property road frontage and thirty-two square feet per sign in the Neighborhood Commercial District and sixty-four (64) square feet per sign in the Resort Commercial District.

505.6 Signs listing  the developer, general contractor, major subcontractors, financial partners and similar firms on the premises on which commercial development is taking place provided they do not exceed  one (1) per property road frontage and do not exceed thirty-two square (32) feet per sign.  Such signs shall require a zoning permit which may only be issued after zoning approval and subdivision and land development plan approval have been granted by the Township for the project.  Such signs must be removed within 60 days of completion of the project.

505.7 Signs announcing the name and nature of a proposed commercial development on the premises on which commercial development is taking place provided they do not exceed  one (1) per firm per property road frontage and do not exceed fifty (50) square feet per sign.  Such signs shall require a zoning permit which may only be issued after zoning approval and subdivision and land development plan approval have been granted by the Township for the project.  Such signs must be removed within 60 days of completion of the project.

Section 702  -  Permits

702.2  Applications for Permits  -  All applications for permits shall be signed by the property owner and by any tenant or other occupant of the property who may be the actual applicant and shall be accompanied by plot sketch in duplicate, drawn to show the actual shape and dimensions of the lot to be built upon, the exact size and location of any buildings existing on the lot, the lines within which the proposed building or structure shall be erected or altered, the existing and intended use of each building or part of building, the number of families or dwelling units the building is designed to accommodate, the areas of existing and proposed earth disturbance activity, a copy of the recorded deed showing the current record title owner and such information as may be necessary to determine compliance with this Ordinance and all other pertinent ordinances. All applications with accompanying plans and documents shall become a public record after a permit is issued or denied. Applications for uses which also necessitate approvals under the Dingman Township Subdivision Ordinance shall be processed in the manner provided for plot approval under that Ordinance. Such applications shall also contain all information or data normally required for a submission under the Subdivision Ordinance. A Zoning Permit shall not be issued until the proposed use has been granted a Preliminary Approval under the Subdivision Ordinance.

For all lots less than one (1) acre in size the site plan set forth above shall be a survey drawn by a PA registered surveyor certified to the current owner, except, however, those applications in which the entire proposed project involves no new uses and no construction that involves areas of the lot beyond the footprint of any existing structures shall not require a survey.

For all applications filed on behalf of a Partnership or Corporation, a completed and notarized Certificate of Incumbency must be submitted on a form prepared and provided by the Township.



 Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following amendment to the Dingman Twp. Zoning Ordinance. Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on March 21, 2017 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford. 




            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

SECTION 306 – Development Standards

The Maximum lot coverage in Districts CP and R-1 is hereby changed from 10,000 sq. ft. to 10,000 sq.ft. or 20%, whichever is greater.

The Maximum lot coverage in Districts NC, RC, ND-2 and RU is hereby changed from 50% to 10,000 sq.ft. or 50%, whichever is greater.

            Ordained and enacted this ______ day of ___________________, 2017. 


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Parks and Recreation Commission’s regular meetings are to be held at the Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA 18337 on the first and third Monday of every month at 6:00 P.M. except as listed below.

2017 dates are:

     February    27th      March   6th and 20th     April   3rd and 17th    May   1st and 15th

     June   5th and 19th     July  17th     August  7th and 21st     September 18th  

     October       2nd and 16th     November   6th     December   4th

All interested parties are invited to attend.

George Kleist, Chairman

Anthony Contino, Vice Chairman


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board will meet the 2nd Thursday of each month beginning in March, 2017.  Meeting dates are as follows:

            March 9, 2017     April 13, 2017      May 11, 2017      June 8, 2017     July 13, 2017

            August 10, 2017    September 14, 2017     October 12, 2017     November 9, 2017

            December 14, 2017

Meetings to be held at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Lawrence Boccardi


Jason R. Ohliger


Editor's Note:  ZHB meetings are cancelled if there is no business on the agenda.  Always call a day or two before the scheduled meeting date to see if a meeting is being held.


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors May 16, 2017 meeting is hereby cancelled and rescheduled for May 23, 2017. 


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following modified amendment to the Dingman Twp. Zoning Ordinance. Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on March 7, 2017 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.  The full text of the amendment can be found at the Municipal Offices, at, and at the offices of the Pike County Dispatch, 105 W Catherine St, Milford.

ORDINANCE NO. 01-2017    


Article II - Definitions

Section 305 – Use Regulations Chart

Section 412 - Keeping of Animals



Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

EDITOR'S NOTE:  The entire ordinance proposal is printed below in blue text.  The modification involves the addition of the words in red text.

ORDINANCE NO.         .



            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

Article II shall be amended to add the following definitions:

Chicken Coop – A structure designed to house and provide nesting areas for chickens.

Chicken Hen -  The female of the species Gallus domesticus.  The term “chicken hen” is limited to the female of the species and specifically excludes capons, the male of the species regardless of age, and any other member of the genus.

Chicken Pen – An area surrounding the chicken coop that is enclosed by fencing and designed to allow chickens freedom of movement in an outdoor area.

Chicken Tractor – A chicken pen designed to allow the pen to be routinely moved or relocated about the property.

Rooster – The male of the species Gallus domesticus regardless of age.  The term shall also include capons.


The Section 305 Use Regulations chart shall be amended to add the Keeping of Chicken Hens as a Conditional Use in the Neighborhood Commercial District.

The Section 305 Use Regulations chart shall be amended to add Chicken Coops and Chicken Pens as Accessory Uses in the Neighborhood Commercial District.

Section 412.3 shall be amended to read:

412.3    Other Domestic Animals.  Except as otherwise provided for in this ordinance, the keeping of livestock and any other animals of a domestic or agricultural type, including but not limited to cows, steers, goats, sheep, swine, poultry and furbearing animals shall not be permitted in any zone district other than CP or RU except where the tract in question is at least 10 acres in size and all animals and buildings are confined  to an area not closer than five feet to an adjoining property line or public or private road. In the CP and RU district the minimum lot size shall be five (5) acres. These restrictions shall not apply to the keeping of household pets such as dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, etc. All animals shall be confined to a yard enclosed by a fence designed to contain such animals therein.

Section 412 shall be amended to add:

Section 412.7 Chicken Hens

The keeping of Chicken Hens on private residential lots of one (1) acre or greater and less than ten (10) acres in size in the Neighborhood Commercial District shall be permitted as a conditional use provided that:

a.       Only chicken hens are permitted.  No roosters are permitted on parcels less than ten (10) acres in size.

b.      The number of chicken hens permitted shall not exceed six (6) regardless of the size of the lot.

c.       Chicken hens shall be kept for personal use only.  No person shall engage in chicken breeding, fertilizer or meat production or the sale of eggs under this section.

d.      Chicken hens must be kept in a chicken coop or chicken pen. Chicken Tractors shall be prohibited.

e.       The chicken coop and chicken pen must be clean, dry and odor free, kept in a neat and sanitary condition and otherwise maintained as indicated in Ordinance #41, as amended.  The composting of chicken feces is permitted.  No compost pile may be sited within 50 feet of any water well, stream, or pond, nor within 100 feet of any established residence not on the subject property.

f.       The chicken pen must provide adequate sun and shade and must be impermeable to rodents, wild birds, and predators.  It shall be constructed with sturdy wire fencing securely wrapped on all sides and the bottom. The chicken pen must be covered with wire, aviary netting or solid roofing.

g.      The chicken hens must be secured within the chicken coop during non-daylight hours.  The hen house shall be enclosed on all sides and shall have a roof and doors.  Access doors must be able to be shut and locked at night.  Open windows and vents must be covered with predator and bird-proof wire of not less than one (1”) inch openings.  All chicken coops and chicken pens shall be considered accessory structures.  No chicken pen or chicken coop shall be permitted (1) in the front yard of any residence, (2) within thirty-five (35) feet of an adjacent lot, or (3) within fifty (50) feet of any water well, stream or pond.  In the event that a property owner abandons or vacates a permitted domestic chicken coop or chicken pen the owner shall have thirty (30) days to remove the structure(s) from the property.


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following amendments to the Dingman Twp. Zoning Ordinance and Ordinance No. 41. Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on February 7, 2017 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.  The full text of the amendments can be found at the Municipal Offices, at, and at the offices of the Pike County Dispatch, 105 W Catherine St, Milford.

Editors note:  The full text of both proposed ordinances follows this notice in blue type.



Article II - Definitions

Section 305 – Use Regulations Chart

Section 412 - Keeping of Animals






Section 2 - Definitions

Section 4A - Regulatory Standards for the keeping of domestic chickens


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor






            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:


Article II shall be amended to add the following definitions:

Chicken Coop – A structure designed to house and provide nesting areas for chickens.

Chicken Hen -  The female of the species Gallus domesticus.  The term “chicken hen” is limited to the female of the species and specifically excludes capons, the male of the species regardless of age, and any other member of the genus.

Chicken Pen – An area surrounding the chicken coop that is enclosed by fencing and designed to allow chickens freedom of movement in an outdoor area.

Chicken Tractor – A chicken pen designed to allow the pen to be routinely moved or relocated about the property.

Rooster – The male of the species Gallus domesticus regardless of age.  The term shall also include capons.


The Section 305 Use Regulations chart shall be amended to add the Keeping of Chicken Hens as a Conditional Use in the Neighborhood Commercial District.


The Section 305 Use Regulations chart shall be amended to add Chicken Coops and Chicken Pens as Accessory Uses in the Neighborhood Commercial District.


Section 412.3 shall be amended to read:

412.3    Other Domestic Animals.  Except as otherwise provided for in this ordinance, the keeping of livestock and any other animals of a domestic or agricultural type, including but not limited to cows, steers, goats, sheep, swine, poultry and furbearing animals shall not be permitted in any zone district other than CP or RU except where the tract in question is at least 10 acres in size and all animals and buildings are confined  to an area not closer than five feet to an adjoining property line or public or private road. In the CP and RU district the minimum lot size shall be five (5) acres. These restrictions shall not apply to the keeping of household pets such as dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, etc. All animals shall be confined to a yard enclosed by a fence designed to contain such animals therein.


Section 412 shall be amended to add:

Section 412.7 Chicken Hens

The keeping of Chicken Hens on private residential lots of one (1) acre or greater and less than ten (10) acres in size in the Neighborhood Commercial District shall be permitted as a conditional use provided that:

a.       Only chicken hens are permitted.  No roosters are permitted on parcels less than ten (10) acres in size.

b.      The number of chicken hens permitted shall not exceed six (6) regardless of the size of the lot.

c.       Chicken hens shall be kept for personal use only.  No person shall engage in chicken breeding, fertilizer or meat production or the sale of eggs under this section.

d.      Chicken hens must be kept in a chicken coop or chicken pen. Chicken Tractors shall be prohibited.

e.       The chicken coop and chicken pen must be clean, dry and odor free, kept in a neat and sanitary condition and otherwise maintained as indicated in Ordinance #41, as amended.  The composting of chicken feces is permitted.  No compost pile may be sited within 50 feet of any water well, stream, or pond, nor within 100 feet of any established residence not on the subject property.

f.       The chicken pen must provide adequate sun and shade and must be impermeable to rodents, wild birds, and predators.  It shall be constructed with sturdy wire fencing securely wrapped on all sides and the bottom. The chicken pen must be covered with wire, aviary netting or solid roofing.

g.      The chicken hens must be secured within the chicken coop during non-daylight hours.  The hen house shall be enclosed on all sides and shall have a roof and doors.  Access doors must be able to be shut and locked at night.  Open windows and vents must be covered with predator and bird-proof wire of not less than one (1”) inch openings.  All chicken coops and chicken pens shall be considered accessory structures.  No chicken pen or chicken coop shall be within thirty-five (35) feet of an adjacent lot or fifty (50) feet of any water well, stream or pond.  In the event that a property owner abandons or vacates a permitted domestic chicken coop or chicken pen the owner shall have thirty (30) days to remove the structure(s) from the property.







            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:


The title of Ordinance #41 shall be changed to read:



Section 2: The following definitions are added:

Chicken  -  A member of the species Gallus domesticus. 

Chicken Coop – A structure designed to house and provide nesting areas for chickens

Chicken Pen – An area surrounding the chicken coop that is enclosed by fencing designed to allow chickens freedom of movement in an outdoor area.


The Ordinance shall be amended to add the following section:

Section 4-A     Regulatory Standards for the keeping of domestic Chickens;

a.       It shall be unlawful for the owner or owners of any chicken to allow the same to run at large upon any public or private property in the Township.  Any chicken not contained within a chicken pen shall be deemed “at large”.

b.      Sanitary Requirements.  All owners of chickens within the limits of the Township are hereby required to house the same at all times under sanitary conditions so that the keeping of said chickens shall not become a public or private nuisance.

1.      All chicken feces accumulated on private property shall be removed by using the approved sanitary method of double bagging and placing same in the trash for collection unless composted on that same property as described herein or spread on a bona fide farm where the manure is being used as fertilizer under normal farming practices. 

2.      Chicken feces on private property shall not be allowed to accumulate to the degree that it becomes a public health nuisance or hazard.  In cases where chicken feces do accumulate on private property the appropriate designee of the Township may conduct an investigation, after which the accumulation maybe declared a public hazard or nuisance and the owner shall be ordered to remove and dispose of the accumulated feces in any approved manner.  The order to remove such accumulated feces maybe given personally to the owner or maybe sent by registered mail and the owner shall be given a period of 48 hours from the date and time of receipt of the order to clean the property and remove the accumulated feces.


c.       Composting: It shall be unlawful for any person to spread or cause to spread or deposit upon any ground or premises within the Township any chicken manure except for bona fide farming operations where the manure is being used as fertilizer under normal farming practices.  However chicken manure may be composted on the property where the chickens are housed and the composted material then applied to gardens or yards.  No such compost pile shall be placed within 50 feet of any water well, stream, or pond, nor within 100 feet of any established residence not on the subject property.

d.      No person shall slaughter any chicken in the Township except for home use.

e.       All feed, water and other items associated with the keeping of chickens shall be protected in a way that prevents infestation by rats, mice or other rodents or vectors.  Failure to keep all feed, water and other items associated with the keeping of chickens in a clean and sanitary condition shall constitute a violation of this ordinance.

Help Wanted

Dingman Township is seeking quotes for snow shoveling services for the Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, milford.  For more information contact Karen kleist at 296-8455.


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold it's Organization Meeting on January 3, 2017 at 6:00 pm; and it's regular January meetings on Jan. 3 & Jan. 17, 2017 at 7:30 pm.  All meetings will be held at the Dingman Twp. Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane,  


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas

Public Notice

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing to consider the application of Jed Melnick, 1 Main Street, Apt. 11B, Brooklyn, New York 11201 will be held on Wednesday, January 18, 2017 begining at 6:00 PM.  The subject property is located at 117 Dwarfskill Court, in Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 and identified as Tax Map No. 123.00-02-13.

The applicant is appealing the Zoning Officer's denial of a zoning permit for "Transient Use of a Residential Property for Remuneration", a use only allowed in the CP, RC, and NC Zoning Districts.  The applicant is challenging that provision of Section 438 (c) (1) of the Zoning Ordinance as unconstitutional.  In the alternative, the applicant seeks a Variance to allow that use upon the subject property in the R-1 (low density residential) district.

The hearing will be held at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

Lawrence Boccardi, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board


Jason R. Ohliger, Solicitor

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Auditors will hold their 2016 Organizational Meeting on January 4, 2017 at 10:00 am in the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Twp. 

Yolanda Goldsack, Chairman

Board of Auditors

The Planning Commission meeting held on November 22, 2016 has been continued to Tuesday, November 29, 2016.




Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing to consider the conditional use zoning application of Sunrise Lake Property Owners Assn. to construct a parking lot at the ballfield on Sunrise Drive, and further known as Tax Map #109.00-01-48.  Said Hearing will be held on December 20, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend.



Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor




NO PARKING along any Township Roads:

NOVEMBER 1ST To APRIL 1ST 6:00 pm to 6:00 am or at any time during storms with 2" or more of snow.

The dumping, shoveling, pushing or placement of any snow, ice, or slush into the main cartway of any public road IS PROHIBITED.

Violators are subject to fines.
(Twp. Ordinance Nos. 35 & 36)


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors intends to appoint the independent certified accounting firm of Kirk, Summa & Co. LLP to conduct the Dingman Township FY2016 Audit.  Said appointment will take place at the Jan. 3, 2017 Organization Meeting located in the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Twp.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following amendment to the Dingman Twp. Zoning Ordinance. Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on December 20, 2016 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford. 



DINGMAN TOWNSHIP BY REVISING PROVISIONS FOR LOT COVERAGE                                                                             

            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

SECTION 306 – Development Standards

The Maximum lot coverage in Districts CP and R-1 is hereby changed from 10,000 sq. ft. to 50%.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor



Notice is hereby given that the DINGMAN TOWNSHIP FY2017 PROPOSED BUDGET is available for public review through December 20, 2016 at the Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Township during regular business hours (8:30 am - 4:00 pm) and at It is anticipated that adoption of the Final Budget will occur at the December 20, 2016 Board of Supervisors meeting.



Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

Editors Note:  Click here to see the 2017 Proposed Budget


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold budget workshops on Oct. 4 & 18 and Nov. 1 & 15, 2016 at 6:00 pm,  on Oct. 25, 2016 at 7:00 pm, and following the regular meetings on these dates, at the Dingman Twp. Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing to consider the application of James McLain, 179 Log Tavern Road, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 will be held on Tuesday, October 11, 2016 beginning at 6:00 p.m.  The subject property is located at 101 Gavoille Road and identified as Tax Map No. 137.00-01-18.   

The applicant is requesting a variance of the rear yard setback from Section 306 – Development Standards of the Dingman Township Zoning Ordinance. The property is located in the R1 (Low Density Residential) Zoning District.

The hearing will be held at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

Lawrence Boccardi, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board


Jason R. Ohliger, Solicitor

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed proposals until 4:00 p.m. on SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 for 300 tons of Sodium Chloride treated with “Ice-Ban Ultra M”, “Clear Lane”, or similar.  Bid Proposals should reflect delivery prices and must be accompanied by a 10% bid bond. Bids will be accepted in person or by mail, on forms provided by the Township, at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455.  Bid Opening will be held during the Sept. 20, 2016 Supervisors meeting commencing at 7:30 pm.

              The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.  Quantities indicated above are estimated amounts.  The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract with sufficient surety in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded.  Upon failure to provide such bond the award shall be void.

                                                              DINGMAN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

                                                              Jim Snyder, Roadmaster


Public Notice

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing to consider the application of Scott & Jennifer Walsh, 183 Wild Meadow Drive, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 will be held on Tuesday, September 13, 2016, beginning at 6:00 PM.  The subject property is located in Sunrise Lake, Section 15, Lot 57 and is identified as Tax Map No. 108.00-02-48.

The applicants are appealing the Zoning Officer's determination that the garage violates the 40 foot front yard setback.  The applicants are also requesting a variance of the front yard setback of Section 306 - Development Standards.  The property is located in the R1 (Low Density Residential) Zoning District.

The hearing will be held at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

Lawrence Boccardi - Chairman

Jason R. Ohliger - Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed bids until 2:00 p.m. on JUNE 1, 2016, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. Contract award is anticipated to occur during their regular meeting on June 7, 2016 at 7:30 pm for the following Project:

            Springbrook Road: 906 ton 9.5mm Superpave scratch/leveling course in place, 1510 ton 9.5mm Superpave wearing course in place, replacement of 6 culvert pipes (250lf) with endwalls, 8735 lf double yellow lines, 14,130lf single white lines, and 30 lf 24"solid white bar.  Prevailing wage rates apply.  Pre-bid meeting required.

            Bid Proposals MUST be submitted on forms supplied by the Township in a sealed envelope clearly labeled as “SPRINGBROOK PAVING BID”, and must include Bid Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid.  Bids will be accepted in person or by mail at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455. The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.

            The successful bidder shall: (a) provide proof of workers compensation insurance and liability insurance in an amount acceptable to the Board of Supervisors; (b) be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract and warranty with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded; and (c) be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing the prompt payment for all materials furnished and labor supplied or performed in the prosecution of the work hereunder with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded, & shall provide that every person, copartnership, association or corporation who, whether as subcontractor or otherwise, has furnished material or supplied or performed labor in the prosecution of the work & who has not been paid therefore, may sue in assumpsit on said additional bond in the name of the Township for his, their, or its use and prosecute same to final judgement for such sum or sums as may be justly due him, her, them or it and have execution thereon, provided, however, that the Township shall not be liable for any costs of suit.  Upon failure to provide said bonds, the award shall be void. 


                                                                                                Donny James Snyder, Roadmaster

                                                John H. Klemeyer, Esquire, Solicitor

Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given that the continued Public Hearing to consider the conditional use zoning application of Falling Creek Investments to construct a professional office building at the corner of Route 6 and Miller Road is being expanded to determine whether or not the proposed tenant falls within the definition of Professional Office.  Said Hearing Continuance will be held on May 31, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend.

Dingman Township Board of Supervisors

Karen Kleist, Sec./Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Help Wanted


Dingman Township Park


Permanent Seasonal park maintenance position, approx. 20 hrs/week; duties include grounds & light building maintenance. For more info contact Karen Kleist at 570-296-8455.


Notice is hereby given that the April 19, 2016 regular meeting of the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors is cancelled and rescheduled for April 26, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Dingman Twp. Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane,  


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board will meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month beginning in April, 2016.  Meeting dates are as follows:

            April 12, 2016       May 10, 2016      June 14, 2016     July 12, 2016     August 9, 2016     September 13, 2016

            October 11, 2016     November 8, 2016      December 13, 2016

Meetings to be held at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Lawrence Boccardi -Chairman

 Jason R. Ohliger - Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following amendment to Ordinance No. 9. Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on April 5, 2016 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford. 


The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:


The Township Planning Commission (referred to in the Subdivision and land Development Ordinance as the Township Planning Commission) shall consist of five (5) members who shall be appointed by the Supervisors and shall serve without compensation, except that they shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in carrying out their commission duties.  In the first instance one member of said commission shall be appointed for one year, one member for two years, one member for three years, one member for four years, and one member for five years, and annually thereafter, a member of said commission shall be appointed for a term of five four (4) years.  An appointment to fill a vacancy shall be only for the unexpired portion of the term.  All members of the said commission shall reside within the township.  Effective as of January 1, 2016 the Board of Supervisors may appoint to the Planning Commission such members and/or alternate members as may be authorized by the Municipalities Planning Code and the Chairman of the Planning Commission may utilize the services of alternate members in a manner consistent therewith.

Ordained and enacted, this the ____ day of _________, 2016.

Deleted text is strikethrough; new text is bolt italics.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing to consider the conditional use zoning application of Suzanne Geissler to convert her residence located at 106 Quarter Horse Lane, and further known as Tax Map #112.00-03-58 to a Bed & Breakfast.  Said Hearing will be held on March 15, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

Public Notice

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing to consider the application of Matthew Metz and August Metz IV, 104 Metz Road, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 will be held on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 beginning at 7:00 p.m.  The subject property is identified as Tax Map No. 126.00-01-16 and is located at 104 Metz Road, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.

The applicants are appealing the Zoning Officer's determination that their firewood manufacturing business does not qualify as a No Impact Home Based Business and would be considered a light manufacturing wood products business which is not permittable in the subject zoning districts.  The applicants are also requesting that the Zoning Hearing Board consider the use as a "Use Not Provided For"  which is heard as a Special Exception use.  The property is located partially in the FP (Floodplain) and partially in the CP (Conservation and Parks) Zoning Districts.

The hearing will be held at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  All interested parties are invited to attend.


Jason R. Ohlinger



Dingman Township Parks & Recreation Commission

Dingman Township is seeking residents interested in serving on its Recreation Commission.  The Commission meets two times a month and organizes events, etc.  Applicants must be a resident of Dingman Township.  If interested, please submit a letter of interest including a brief background summary to:

Karen Kleist

118 Fisher Lane

Milford, PA  18337



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing to consider the conditional use zoning application of Falling Creek Investments to construct a professional office building on their property located on Miller Road and further known as Tax Map #112.00-02-10.  Said Hearing will be held on March 1, 2016 at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend. 


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on March 1, 2016 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford. 


The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:


C. Zoning Permit.

            1.    Permitted Use.

            a. Transient use of residential property for remuneration shall be permitted in the CP, RC and ND NC zoning districts upon the issuance of a zoning permit pursuant to this Ordinance. Transient use of residential property for remuneration is not permitted in any other zoning districts under this Ordinance.

            b. Transient use of residential property in existence on the original effective date of this Section, May 19, 2015, shall, upon application, be issued a zoning permit or certificate of nonconforming use, as applicable, provided that any such units devoted to transient use are registered with the Zoning Officer and the zoning permit or nonconforming use application is filed within 90 days of the effective date of this Section on or before May 19, 2016The owner/registrant shall have the burden of demonstrating that the transient use was established.  Payment of transient occupancy taxes (hotel tax) and any applicable sales tax shall be, but is not the exclusive method of demonstrating, evidence of the existence of historic transient use of residential property through appropriate records. Failure to pay any such applicable taxes for the years of the alleged nonconforming use shall be an adequate basis to deny the certificate. Sporadic as opposed to consistent rental over a period of time shall not be considered evidence of such a pre-existing use.

Ordained and enacted, this the ____ day of _________, 2016.

Deleted text is strikethrough; new text is bolt italics.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board


Dingman Township is seeking residents interested in serving on its Zoning Hearing Board (meets on an as-needed basis).  Must be a resident of Dingman Township.

Please submit letter of interest including a brief background summary to Dingman Township, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA 18337



 Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Auditors will hold their 2016 Organizational Meeting on January 5, 2016 at 10:00 am in the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Twp. 

 Yolanda Goldsack, Chairman

Board of Auditors


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold it's Organization Meeting on January 4, 2016 at 9:00 am; and it's regular January meetings on Jan. 5 & Jan. 19, 2016 at 7:30 pm.  All meetings will be held at the Dingman Twp. Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane,


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas

editors note:  meeting time was revised 12/18/15


Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission Meeting scheduled for December 23, 2015 beginning at 7:00 p.m. has been rescheduled for December 22, 2015 beginning at 7:00 p.m.  The meeting is to be held at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

Walter H. Myer


John H. Klemeyer



Notice is hereby given that a public hearing to consider the Variance application of Good Shepherd Child Care Center, Inc., 321 5th Street, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 will be held on Tuesday, December 22, 2015 beginning at 3:00 p.m.  The subject property is identified as Tax Map No. 112.00-03-44 and located at 102 Route 2001, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337. 

The applicants are requesting a Variance of Sections 602 (Parking Facilites Required) and Section 605 (Parking and Loading Area Setbacks) .  The property is located partially in the FP (Floodplain) and partially in the CP (Conservation and Parks) Zoning Districts.

The hearing will be held at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

Robert Jones

Vice Chairman

Jason R. Ohliger



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors intends to appoint the independent certified accounting firm of Kirk, Summa & Co. LLP to conduct the Dingman Township FY2015 Audit.  Said appointment will take place at the Jan. 4, 2016 Organization Meeting located in the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Twp.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the DINGMAN TOWNSHIP FY2016 PROPOSED BUDGET is available for public review through December 15, 2015 at the Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Township during regular business hours (8:30 am - 4:00 pm) and at It is anticipated that adoption of the Final Budget will occur at the December 15, 2015 Board of Supervisors meeting.

Click here to see the 2016 budget



Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

Karen Kleist




NO PARKING along any Township Roads:

NOVEMBER 1ST To APRIL 1ST 6:00 pm to 6:00 am or at any time during storms with 2" or more of snow.

The dumping, shoveling, pushing or placement of any snow, ice, or slush into the main cartway of any public road IS PROHIBITED.

Violators are subject to fines.
(Twp. Ordinance Nos. 35 & 36)

Meeting Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold budget workshops on October 20 and November 4 & 17, 2015 at 6:00 pm, on October 27, 2015 at 7:00 pm, and following the regular meetings on these dates, at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.


Karen Kleist Sec//Treas.

John Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed bids until 2:00 p.m. on August 18, 2015, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. Awarding of the contract is anticipated to occur during their regular meeting on August 18, 2015 at 7:30 pm for the following Projects:

            Cobb Road: 761 SY milling, 183 ton 25mm Superpave base course, 451 ton 9.5mm Superpave scratch/leveling course in place, 844 ton 9.5mm Superpave wearing course in place,  2940 lf double yellow lines, and 30 lf 24"solid white bar.  Prevailing wage rates apply.  Pre-bid meeting required.

            Tunnel Road:  243 ton 9.5mm Superpave scratch/leveling course, 364 ton 9.5mm Superpave wearing course in place, 1820 lf double yellow line painting.

            Fisher Lane:  12,480 SY single seal coat in place, 4320 lf double yellow and 8640 single white line painting.

            Bid Proposals MUST be submitted on forms supplied by the Township in a sealed envelope clearly labeled as “(ROAD NAME) PAVING BID”, and must include Bid Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid.  Bids will be accepted in person or by mail at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455. The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.

            The successful bidder shall: (a) provide proof of workers compensation insurance and liability insurance in an amount acceptable to the Board of Supervisors; (b) be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract and warranty with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded; and (c) be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing the prompt payment for all materials furnished and labor supplied or performed in the prosecution of the work hereunder with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded, & shall provide that every person, copartnership, association or corporation who, whether as subcontractor or otherwise, has furnished material or supplied or performed labor in the prosecution of the work & who has not been paid therefore, may sue in assumpsit on said additional bond in the name of the Township for his, their, or its use and prosecute same to final judgement for such sum or sums as may be justly due him, her, them or it and have execution thereon, provided, however, that the Township shall not be liable for any costs of suit.  Upon failure to provide said bonds, the award shall be void. 


                                                                                                Donny James Snyder, Roadmaster

                                                John H. Klemeyer, Esquire, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed bids until 3:00 p.m. on June 15, 2015, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. Awarding of the contract is anticipated to occur during their regular meeting on June 16, 2015 at 7:30 pm for the following Projects:

            Kiesel Road: 1442 SY milling, 243 ton 19mm Superpave binder course in place, 126 ton 9.5mm Superpave wearing course in place,  17573 SY single Slurry Seal Coat in place, 6590 lf double yellow and 13180 lf single white line painting.  Pre-bid meeting required.

            Gavoille Road:  221 ton 9.5mm Superpave wearing course in place, 1840 lf double yellow line painting.

            Metz Road:  98 ton 9.5mm Superpave wearing course in place, 490 lf double yellow white line painting.

            Bridge Road:  2326 SY single Slurry Seal Coat in place, 805 lf double yellow line painting.

            Bid Proposals MUST be submitted on forms supplied by the Township in a sealed envelope clearly labeled as “(ROAD NAME) PAVING BID”, and must include Bid Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid.  Bids will be accepted in person or by mail at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455. The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.

            The successful bidder shall: (a) provide proof of workers compensation insurance and liability insurance in an amount acceptable to the Board of Supervisors; (b) be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract and warranty with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded; and (c) be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing the prompt payment for all materials furnished and labor supplied or performed in the prosecution of the work hereunder with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded, & shall provide that every person, copartnership, association or corporation who, whether as subcontractor or otherwise, has furnished material or supplied or performed labor in the prosecution of the work & who has not been paid therefore, may sue in assumpsit on said additional bond in the name of the Township for his, their, or its use and prosecute same to final judgement for such sum or sums as may be justly due him, her, them or it and have execution thereon, provided, however, that the Township shall not be liable for any costs of suit.  Upon failure to provide said bonds, the award shall be void. 


                                                                                                Donny James Snyder, Roadmaster

                                                John H. Klemeyer, Esquire, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed proposals for the following road materials (quantities are approximate):  100 tons surge material; 1000 tons 2A stone; 100 tons Aashto #3; 800 tons 3-A Antiskid; and 400 tons Screenings.  Bid proposals will be accepted until 1:00 p.m. on JUNE 15, 2015, at which time they will be read.  Bids will be awarded at the JUNE 16, 2015 Supervisors meeting commencing at 7:30 pm.

            Bid Proposals must include a Bid Bond with sufficient surety in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total minimum amount of the bid, and MUST be submitted on forms supplied by the Township in a sealed envelope clearly labeled “2015 Road Materials ReBid”, and will be accepted in person or by mail at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455.

            The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.  The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract with sufficient surety in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded.  




Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treasurer

                                                John H. Klemeyer, Esquire, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing to consider the Variance application and Special Exception Permit application of Good Shepherd Child Care Center, Inc., 321 5th Street, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 and Xavisean LLC, P.O. Box 1233, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 will be held on Tuesday, June 9, 2015 beginning at 5:00 p.m.  The subject property is identified as Tax Map No. 112.00-03-44 and located at 102 Route 2001, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337. 

The applicants are requesting that a Special Exception zoning permit be issued to establish a day care center at the subject property and are also requesting a Variance of Sections 306 (Development Standards) and Section 423 (Commercial Uses in the CP – Conservation and Parks District).  The property is located partially in the FP (Floodplain) and partially in the CP (Conservation and Parks) Zoning Districts.

The hearing will be held at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

Robert Jones

Vice Chairman

Jason R. Ohliger




Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed proposals for the following road materials (quantities are approximate):  200 tons 9.5mm wearing course; 100 tons 19mm binder course; 100 tons surge material; 1000 tons 2A stone; 100 tons Aashto #3; 800 tons 3-A Antiskid; and 400 tons Screenings.  Bid proposals will be accepted until 1:00 p.m. on MAY 18, 2015, at which time they will be read.  Bids will be awarded at the May 19, 2015 Supervisors meeting commencing at 7:30 pm.

            Bid Proposals must include a Bid Bond with sufficient surety in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total minimum amount of the bid, and MUST be submitted on forms supplied by the Township in a sealed envelope clearly labeled “2015 Road Materials Bid”, and will be accepted in person or by mail at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455.

            The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.  The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract with sufficient surety in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded.

    DINGMAN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS                                               

Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treasurer

                                                John H. Klemeyer, Esquire, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, a summary of which is provided below.  Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on May 19, 2015 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.  The full text of the ordinance can be viewed at Township Offices and website, the Pike County Law Library, 410 Broad St., Milford, and the offices of the Pike County Dispatch, 105 W. Catherine St, Milford. Editor's Note:  The actual text of the proposed ordinance follows this notice in blue text.


            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:


Section 305 - Use Regulations

Section 438 - Zoning Permits for Transient Use Of Residential Property for Remuneration


Ordained and enacted this ____ day of ______________, 2015.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

ORDINANCE NO.   __   -2015




The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following: 

Section 305 of the Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to include Transient Use of Residential Properties as a principal use in the CP, ND and RC Zoning Districts


Article II of the Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to include the following definitions:

           1.         "Person" : any individual, partnership, firm, business, or similar entity, public or private agency, municipality, city, State or Federal agency.

           2.         "Remuneration" :  compensation, money, rent, or other bargained for consideration given in return for occupancy, possession, or use of residential real property.

            3.         "Residential property or housing unit" : any single- or multiple-family dwelling units, duplexes, guesthouses, caretaker units, apartment, recreational vehicle or other dwelling unit or structure located on one or more contiguous lots of record in any of the zoning districts which allow residential uses.

            4.         "Transient" : except as provided herein, a period of time not less than seven (7) nor more than thirty (30) consecutive calendar days.

            5.         "Transient Use of Residential Property" : the use, by any person, of residential property or housing unit for a bed and breakfast, hostel, hotel, inn, lodging, motel, resort, recreational vehicle or other transient lodging uses where the term of occupancy, possession or tenancy of the property by the person entitled to such occupancy, possession, or tenancy is, except as provided herein, for not less than seven (7) nor more than thirty (30) consecutive calendar days.


The Zoning Ordinance shall be amended to add the following section:


A.        Findings and Declarations.

1.      The use of single and multiple family dwelling units, duplexes, guesthouses, caretaker units, apartments, recreational vehicles and other structures normally occupied for residential purposes, for short term rental, and for bed and breakfast, hostel, hotel, inn, lodging, resort, or other transient lodging purposes has impacts on residential areas which must be addressed through existing Township use permit processes.

2.      Allowing transient use of residential property will provide an administrative procedure to legalize existing visitor serving opportunities and increase and enhance public access to areas of the Township and other visitor destinations.

3.      If not properly regulated, such use of residential property may create adverse impacts on surrounding residential uses including, but not limited to, increased levels of commercial and residential vehicle traffic, parking demand, light and glare, and noise detrimental to surrounding residential uses and the general welfare of the Township. Moreover, such use may increase demand for public services, including, but not limited to, police, fire, and medical emergency services, and neighborhood watch programs.

4.      Requiring  zoning permits for such use of residential property enables the Township to address any adverse impacts of such use,  is consistent with and declaratory of existing regulations under this section, and necessary to maintain the integrity of the various zoning districts.

5.      This section does not apply to properly permitted bed and breakfast, hostel, hotel, inn, or resort establishments.

6.      This section is necessary in order to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.


B.        Purpose.  The purpose of this Section is to:

1.      Preserve and enhance the residential character of the zoning districts described in this section and the sense of security and safety in stable neighborhoods of owner-occupied residences.

2.      Implement the provisions and advance the purposes and objectives of this section.

3.      Except as provided in this Section, restrict transient use of property for remuneration, which use may be inharmonious with and injurious to the preservation of the character and environment of the various zoning districts in the Township.

4.      Promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of the Township.


C.        Zoning Permit.

            1.         Permitted Use.

a.       Transient use of residential property for remuneration shall be permitted in the CP, RC and NC zoning districts upon the issuance of a zoning permit pursuant to this Ordinance. Transient use of residential property for remuneration is not permitted in any other zoning districts under this Ordinance.

b.      Transient use of residential property in existence on the effective date of this Section shall, upon application, be issued a zoning permit or certificate of nonconforming use, as applicable, provided that any such units devoted to transient use are registered with the Zoning Officer and the zoning permit or nonconforming use application is filed within 90 days of the effective date of this Section. The owner/registrant shall have the burden of demonstrating that the transient use was established.  Payment of transient occupancy taxes shall be, but is not the exclusive method of demonstrating, evidence of the existence of historic transient use of residential property through appropriate records. Sporadic as opposed to consistent rental over a period of time shall not be considered evidence of such a pre-existing use.

c.       The rental period/season and days per year of rental for residential properties registered for transient uses with the Zoning Officer pursuant to this Section shall be limited to the rental period and days per year of rental established by the owner/registrant at the time of registration. Nothing in this Section shall preclude the owner/registrant from a natural, limited increase or extension of the rental period for the registered property provided a zoning permit is first obtained under this Section.

d.      Use of the property for transient purposes shall be restricted to the permitted residence(s) on the property and may not extend to any accessory structure except in so far as the accessory structures may be used by the guests for appropriate accessory uses. (e.g. a garage may be used for the storage of the tenant’s automobile). Single family residential property must be rented in its entirety. No permit for a Transient Residential Use may result in the creation of additional dwelling units on the property. (For example, the landlord may not continue to reside in a portion of a single family residence while renting out another portion(s).

            2.         Regulations.

a.       The minimum rental period for all transient use of any single family residential property or housing unit shall be the greater of seven (7) consecutive calendar days or the minimum rental period set forth in enforceable, recorded conditions, covenants, and restrictions encumbering the property rented.   Transient use of single family residential property or housing unit for a term less than provided herein is hereby expressly prohibited. 

b.      The number of occupants in any residential unit for transient use shall not exceed one single family per housing unit.  Each permit shall specify the maximum number of occupants allowed.

c.       Availability of the rental unit to the public shall not be advertised on site.

d.      Any zoning permit issued pursuant to this Section shall require, as a condition of approval, that applicant  who does not reside within a 25-mile radius of  the residence being rented, designate a person located within a 25-mile radius of the rental unit, as a local contact person who will be available 24 hours a day to respond to tenant and neighborhood questions or concerns and to otherwise be  responsible for assuring that the rental unit complies with the requirements of the  permit issued and the provisions of this Section and other applicable provisions of this ordinance.  The name, address, and telephone number(s) of such a designated person shall be furnished to the Zoning Officer prior to issuance of the permit and made available for public review. The permit holder shall promptly notify the Zoning Officer of any change in the local contact person’s address or telephone number. 

e.       A copy of any permit and/or registration issued pursuant to this Section shall be furnished by the Zoning Officer to the Treasurer of Pike County.

f.       The permit holder and/or registrant shall collect and remit to the Treasurer of the County of Pike, the transient occupancy tax for each rental unit pursuant to law.  

g.      The use of a residential unit for a transient use shall not violate any applicable conditions, covenants, or other restrictions on real property.  The applicant shall provide written notice to the homeowners’ association if the subject property is within a subdivision governed by restrictive covenants which the homeowner’s association has the power to enforce and submit proof of such notice to the Zoning Officer. In the event that the homeowners’ association objects to the issuance of the permit, the permit shall not be approved until the homeowners’ association’s objection has been withdrawn or the right of the applicant to use the subject residential property for transient use has been validated, approved, or otherwise ordered by a court, arbitrator, or other appropriate entity with the authority to review, approve, validate, or otherwise act on the proposed use of the action of the homeowners’ association. .  If the homeowner’s association fails to notify the Zoning Officer, in writing, of any objection(s) within 30 days of the association’s receipt of the applicant’s notice, the Zoning Officer may assume there are no objections and issue the permit.

h.      Compliance with the requirements of this Section shall be considered conditions of approval, the violation of which may result in a revocation of any zoning permit by the Zoning Officer.


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed proposals until 4:00 p.m. on MAY 5, 2015 for 300 tons of Sodium Chloride treated with “Ice-Ban Ultra M”, “Clear Lane”, or similar.  Bid Proposals should reflect delivery prices and must be accompanied by a 10% bid bond. Bids will be accepted in person or by mail, on forms provided by the Township, at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455.  Bid Opening will be held during the May 5, 2015 Supervisors meeting commencing at 7:30 pm.

              The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.  Quantities indicated above are estimated amounts.  The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract with sufficient surety in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded.  Upon failure to provide such bond the award shall be void.

                                                              DINGMAN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

                                                              Jim Snyder, Roadmaster



Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission Meeting scheduled for March 25, 2015 beginning at 7:00 p.m. has been rescheduled for March 25, 2015 beginning at 4:00 p.m.  The meeting is to be held at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

Walter H. Myer


John H. Klemeyer



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing to consider the conditional use zoning application of Springbrook Enterprises to renew their quarry operations permit on their property located on Springbrook Road and further known as Tax Map #077.00-01-08.001 for an additional ten years.  Said Hearing will be held on April 7, 2015 at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas

Public Notice

Snow Plow Operators Needed


Dingman Township is seeking qualified individuals to be placed on our list of on-call snow plow operators.  CDL & Non-CDL drivers needed.  Clean driving record and plowing experience required. 

For more info or an application call Jim Snyder at 296-2140 or Karen Kleist at 296-8455.

Seasonal Park Maintenance Employee Needed


A seasonal position is available at the Dingman Township Park.  Duties include opening / closing facilities and light grounds & building maintenance.  Seasonal (approx. April thorugh November), part-time, flexible hours (approx. 20 hours per week).  Applicants interested in remaining year to year preferred.  Pre-employment physical, drug/alcohol testing, and criminal background check required.

For more information or an application form call Karen Kleist at 296-8455.


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, a summary of which is provided below.  Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on April 7, 2015 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.  The full text of the ordinance can be viewed at Township Offices and website, the Pike County Law Library, 410 Broad St., Milford, and the offices of the News Eagle, 8 Silk Mill Dr. Suite 101, Hawley. Editor's note:  The complete ordinance text follows immediately (in blue) after this notice.  



            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:


Section 305 - Use Regulations

 Section 307 - Floodplain Development

Section 412 - Keeping of Animals

Section 703 - Fees

Section 705 - Certificate of Use


Ordained and enacted this ____ day of ______________, 2015.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

Editor's note:  The following is the text of the proposed ordinance changes.  Note text in BOLD are additions.  Struck out text are deleations.  The remainder is existing text already found in the ordinance. The reader is advised to go to the zoning ordinance to determine the context of the changes.


ORDINANCE NO._____________




            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

Section 703  Fees


1.      The Board of Supervisors shall establish a uniform schedule of fees, charges and expenses, as well as a collection procedure for application fees and other costs and fees for zoning permits, special permits, variances and other matters pertaining to this Ordinance. Said schedule of fees shall be posted in the office of the Zoning Officer.

2.      Certain fees and costs must be paid at the time of application as indicated in the schedule. Other fees and costs, incurred after application, must be paid or reimbursed to the Township as they are incurred.

3.      Permits, special exceptions and variances shall be issued only after all outstanding fees have been paid in full, and the Zoning Hearing Board shall take no action on appeals until preliminary charges have been paid in full. After application the Applicant shall be invoiced for all costs and fees promptly by the Township. 

4.      In the event that payment in full has not been received by the Township of all fees within fifteen (15) days after the invoice for same has been mailed or issued the Township or Zoning Hearing Board may, in its discretion, deny the pending application and provide no reason for the denial other than the non-payment of the appropriate fees.


Section 705 - Certificate of Use

705.7  In addition to all other requirements, no certificate of use shall be issued for any new or existing structure unless and until:

1.    There is in place a street number sign pursuant to the following specifications:

a.  Street number signs shall be constructed of reflective material and placed a minimum of three ( 3' ) feet and a maximum of six ( 6' )feet above the adjoining road measured at the curb.

b.  The lettering on such signs shall be a minimum of three ( 3" ) inches in height.

c.  The lettering shall clearly and legibly indicate, in block letters, the designated 911 street address for the subject premises.

2.  The property owner/applicant has received final approval (or certificate of occupancy, as applicable) for any and all municipal permits issued for the subject project including, but not limited to, sewage, well, building, storm water, and highway occupancy permits.



Antenna - A device licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) used to collect or transmit communications, radio, television, or other wireless signals.  This shall not include private residence mounted satellite dishes or television antennas or amateur radio equipment.

Communications Tower - A structure that is intended to support equipment used to transmit and/or receive communications signals.  Examples of such structures includes monopoles and lattice construction steel structures.

Multiple Occupant Commercial Building  - A building containing two (2) or more non-residential uses; such uses also being permitted in the District where the multiple occupant building is proposed.

            Planned Residential Development  -  Shall mean a contiguous area of land not less than 100 acres in size controlled by a landowner, to be developed as a single comprehensively planned entity for a number of dwelling units, the plan for which does not necessarily correspond in lot size, bulk, density, lot coverage and required open space to the Township Zoning District Regulations.

Public and Semi-Public Uses - any structure or use that is owned or operated by a municipality or organization appointed by a municipal governing body or by a nonprofit organization; provided that such structure or use fulfills a community need or provides a public service; including but not limited to municipal buildings and facilities, public schools, public libraries and volunteer fire and ambulance facilities provided that such use is not otherwise defined in this ordinance. 

Section 412 - Keeping of Animals

412.3   Other Domestic Animals.  The keeping of livestock and any other animals of a domestic or agricultural type, including but not limited to cows, steers, goats, sheep, swine, poultry and furbearing animals shall not be permitted in any zone district other than CP or RU except where the tract in question is at least 10 acres in size and all animals and buildings are confined  to an area not closer than five feet to an adjoining property line or public or private road. In the CP and RU district the minimum lot size shall be five (5) acres. These restrictions shall not apply to the keeping of domestic animals in CP or RU  zone districts nor to the keeping of household pets such as dogs, cats, birds, hamsters, etc. All such domestic animals shall be confined to a yard enclosed by a fence designed to contain such animals therein.

Section 305 - Use Regulations

            Add junkyards as a conditional use in the RU zone

            Add day care facility as a special exception in the CP zone with a minimum lot size of two acres.

Add day care facility* as a special exception in the FP Zone

*  When created in a pre-existing structure and subject to the provisions of Section 307

Section 307 - Floodplain Development

307.4  An existing structure within a designated FP Floodplain Development District may, subject to Special Exception approval, and provided no changes to the footprint of the structure or increases in the floor area are involved, be converted to an office or, bed and breakfast establishment or day care facility.

Ordained and enacted this _________ day of ___________________________, 2015.

                                                                                    DINGMAN TOWNSHIP

                                                                                    BOARD OF SUPERVISORS


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following ordinance amendment.  Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on February 17, 2015 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford. 



16. Firearms; fireworks.

No person except authorized members of the Police shall carry or discharge firearms of any kind in a park without a special permit, unless exempted. The use of javelins, arrows, discuses or similar athletic equipment dangerous in character is prohibited unless used under the direct supervision of an authorized playground supervisor. The use of firecrackers, fireworks or rockets is prohibited. Fireworks displays under a Township permit by qualified experts shall be permitted.

            Ordained and enacted this _________ day of ___________,  201__.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Parks and Recreation Commission’s regular meetings are to be held at the

Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA 18337 on the first and third Monday of every month at 6:00 P.M.

2015 dates are:

     February     2nd

     March         2nd and 16th

     April            6th and  20th

     May            4th and 18th

     June           1st and 15th

     July             20th

     August        3rd and 17th

     September 21st

     October      5th  and 19th

     November  2nd and  16th

     December  7th  and  21st

All interested parties are invited to attend.

George Kleist, Chairman

Anthony Contino, Vice Chairman


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold their re-organization meeting on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 beginning at 5:00 p.m. at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

James Leighty, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Jason R. Ohliger




Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing to consider the conditional use zoning application of DEPG Dingman's Associates LLC to construct a retail/shopping center on property located across from the intersection of Rt. 739 & Log Tavern Road, further known as Tax Map #135.00-01-03, and currently owned by Hunt Horizons LLC.  Said Hearing will be held on February 3, 2015 at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Parks and Recreation Commission is scheduling a meeting for Monday January 19, 2015 at 6:00 pm at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337. All interested parties are invited to attend.

Julie Forbes - Secretary


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold their 2015 Organizational Meeting on January 5, 2015 at 5:00 pm and their regular Jan. 2015 meetings on January 6 and January 20 at 7:30 pm, all held in the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Twp. 


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following ordinance amending the maximum compensation for Township Supervisors.  Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on January 20, 2015 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford. 


            WHEREAS, the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has enacted Act 60 of 1995, setting forth certain guidelines and limitations for the compensation of Supervisors of Township of the Second Class; and,

            WHEREAS, said Act provides that Supervisors of Townships having a population between 10,000 and 14,999 may be compensated in an amount not to exceed $3,250 (THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS) per year; and,

            WHEREAS, the population of Dingman Township is 11,926 according to the 2010 Census; and,

            WHEREAS, the General Assembly by Said Act 60 of 1995 authorizes the Board of Supervisors of the various Townships of the Second Class to determine the compensation of Supervisors subject to the limitations set for the in the Act.

            NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby enacted and ordained as follows:

Each Supervisor of Dingman Township, elected or appointed to office on or after the effective date of this Ordinance, shall receive compensation as a Supervisor not to exceed the annual amount of $3,250 (THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS), to be paid in monthly, quarterly or semi-annual installments.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


The Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public meeting on at 7:30 pm January 20, 2015 at the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA for the purpose of considering the enactment of a proposed ordinance, the title and summary of which are as follows:

ORDINANCE NO. _________





            The proposed Ordinance would confirm Dingman Township’s [continued] membership in the PSATS Unemployment Compensation Group Trust (“Trust”), which consists of governmental units from throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that have created an intergovernmental cooperative arrangement to permit participating employers to pool resources to satisfy unemployment compensation obligations in a cost effective manner.

            The proposed Ordinance includes provisions addressing the conditions that must be met to participate in and withdraw from the Trust, the organizational structure of the Trust, the appropriation of funds required for the operation of the Trust, the authority of the Trust to enter into contracts and take other actions appropriate to carry out the purposes of the Trust, and the effective date of January 21, 2015 Township’s participation in the Trust.  The proposed ordinance also provides for severability and confirms that it does not affect any rights or liabilities existing prior to the adoption of the ordinance.  It also references the Trust Agreement that governs the operations of the Trust.

            The full text of the proposed Ordinance and the Trust Agreement are on file for inspection and review at Dingman Township’s offices at 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA, and website  Editor's note:  The complete ordinance text follows immediately (in blue) after this notice. Complete copies of each have been provided to and may be reviewed at the following newspaper of general circulation: The News Eagle, 8 Silk Mill Drive, Suite 101, Hawley, PA.

            If any person with a disability wishes to request that special accommodations be made to allow his or her participation, he or she is asked to contact Karen Kleist at 570-296-8455 at least one business day in advance to make arrangements.

Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treas.




ORDINANCE NO. _________



             WHEREAS, the PSATS Unemployment Compensation Group Trust, originally established in 1980, exists as an intergovernmental cooperative arrangement of municipalities to provide townships and certain other permitted governmental employers of Pennsylvania with a vehicle to pool resources and jointly leverage buying power to develop and maintain unemployment compensation insurance coverage; and

            WHEREAS, the governing Declaration and Agreement of Trust for the Trust has been comprehensively updated, amended and restated effective July 16, 2014 (hereinafter “Restated Trust Agreement”); and

            WHEREAS, pursuant to the Restated Trust Agreement any municipality wishing to commence participation in the Trust, or continue participation in the Trust after July 16, 2014, is required to take formal action in the form of an enacted ordinance in which the municipality agrees to participate in the Trust in accordance with the amended and updated terms of the Restated Trust Agreement; and

            WHEREAS, Dingman Township (“the Township”) has determined that it is in the best interest of the Township to participate in the Trust in accordance with the terms of the Restated Trust Agreement and to agree to and join in such Restated Trust Agreement; and

            WHEREAS, pursuant to the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Law, 53 Pa. C.S.A. § 2301 et seq., a municipality may enter into an intergovernmental cooperative agreement upon the passage of an ordinance by its governing body.            The Board of Supervisors of Dingman Township, Pike County, Pennsylvania does hereby ENACT and ORDAIN:

            Section 1.        That the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and Secretary of the Township are hereby authorized to adopt the Restated Trust Agreement and any other agreements necessary for the Township’s participation in the Trust. 

            The Restated Trust Agreement is on file for inspection and review at the Township’s offices at 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.  The Restated Trust Agreement may be subsequently modified or amended in accordance with its terms, but in no event shall such modifications or amendments divert any of the trust funds from the purposes of the Trust.  The Township may withdraw from the Trust in accordance with the Restated Trust Agreement, including if the Board of Supervisors determines the modifications or amendments are not in the best interests of the Township.

            Section 2.        That the participation of the Township in the Trust is authorized for the purpose of pooling resources for the purpose of providing unemployment compensation insurance for Participating Employers at reasonable cost. 

            Section 3.        That, as set forth in greater detail in the Restated Trust Agreement and as otherwise stated herein, the following conditions apply to the participation of the Township in the Trust: 

1.                  That each Participating Employer must meet the admission and eligibility requirements set forth therein;

2.                  That each Participating Employer agrees to pay all contributions when due as provided in the Restated Trust Agreement or as otherwise established by the Board of Trustees; and


3.                  That each Participating Employer complies with all other conditions of the Restated Trust Agreement.

Section 4.        That the Township agrees to participate in the Trust and may withdraw for any reason and in accordance with the Restated Trust Agreement provided that it has fulfilled all its financial obligations to the Trust upon withdrawal.

Section 5.        That the effective date of the Township’s agreement to and joinder in the Restated Trust Agreement and the participation of the Township in the Trust pursuant to the terms of the Restated Trust Agreement will be January 21, 2015.

Section 6.        That each Participating Employer delegates to the Board of Trustees the powers enumerated in the Restated Trust Agreement.

Section 7.        That the organizational structure of the Trust shall consist of a Board of Trustees.  Under the Restated Trust Agreement, the Board of Trustees is authorized to, among other things, enter into contracts with third parties to perform various services necessary for the administration of the Trust.

Section 8.        That the funds required for the operation of the Trust shall be provided by the Participating Employers through scheduled appropriations as determined by the Board of Trustees. 

Section 9.        That the Trust is empowered to enter into contracts for policies of group insurance and employee benefits, including Social Security, for employees of the Trust, if any.

Section 10.      That as a condition of participating in the Trust, the Township agrees to comply with all of the terms and conditions in the Restated Trust Agreement.

Section 11.      That the Secretary of the Township shall provide a certified copy of this Ordinance upon its enactment to the Board of Trustees of the Trust.

Section 12.      The Board of Supervisors of the Township is hereby authorized to take any and all such other actions as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this Ordinance and comply with the requirements of the attached Restated Trust Agreement and any duly adopted amendments thereto.

Section 13.      The duration of the term of the Township’s participation in the Trust and obligations under the Restated Trust Agreement shall continue until withdrawal from the Trust by the Township in accordance with the terms of the Restated Trust Agreement.

Section 14.      The Board of Supervisors hereby specifically finds and determines as follows: 

            1.         The conditions of the intergovernmental cooperative agreement are set forth in the Restated Trust Agreement incorporated by reference herein.

            2.         The Township shall participate in the Trust in accordance with the Restated Trust Agreement until it withdraws by giving notice to the Board of Trustees in accordance with the terms of the Restated Trust Agreement. 

            3.         The purpose and objectives of the intergovernmental cooperative arrangement, including powers and scope of authority delegated to the Board of Trustees, are set forth in the incorporated Restated Trust Agreement.

            4.         The manner and extent of financing of the agreement are that (i) funds to implement the Township’s obligations under the agreement shall come from the normal and usual budgeted amounts for Township employee compensation and employee benefits and (ii) no borrowing is anticipated to be required.

            5.         The Trust shall be managed by the Board of Trustees pursuant to the terms of the Restated Trust Agreement.

            6.         All assets and property, real or personal, of the Trust shall be titled to, acquired, managed, licensed or disposed of by the Trust, and its Board of Trustees, in accordance with the terms of the Restated Trust Agreement.

            7.         The Trust in accordance with the Restated Trust Agreement shall be empowered to enter into contracts for policies of group insurance and employee welfare benefits to be offered to Participating Employers for their eligible employee and dependents.

Section 15.      The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and in the event that any provision is held invalid, void, illegal, or unconstitutional by any court, it is the intent of the Governing Body that such determination by the Court shall not affect or render void the remaining provisions of this Ordinance.  It is the declared intent of the Governing Body that this Ordinance would have been enacted if any provision subsequently declared to be void, invalid, illegal or unconstitutional had not been included at the time of enactment.

Section 16.      Nothing in this Ordinance shall be interpreted to affect any rights or liabilities of the Township, or to affect any cause of action, existing prior to the enactment of this Ordinance.

Section 17.      This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its enactment.

This Ordinance is being enacted pursuant to the provisions of the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Law, Act of July 12, 1972, No. 180, as amended, 53 Pa.C.S. §§ 2301, et seq.

ENACTED and ORDAINED this __20th __ day of   January,  2015  .                                               

                                                                        BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF

                                                                              DINGMAN TOWNSHIP




The Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public meeting on at 7:30 pm January 20, 2015 at the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA for the purpose of considering the enactment of a proposed ordinance, the title and summary of which are as follows:

ORDINANCE NO. _________





            The proposed Ordinance would confirm Dingman Township’s [continued] membership in the PSATS Unemployment Compensation Group Trust (“Trust”), which consists of governmental units from throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that have created an intergovernmental cooperative arrangement to permit participating employers to pool resources to satisfy unemployment compensation obligations in a cost effective manner.

            The proposed Ordinance includes provisions addressing the conditions that must be met to participate in and withdraw from the Trust, the organizational structure of the Trust, the appropriation of funds required for the operation of the Trust, the authority of the Trust to enter into contracts and take other actions appropriate to carry out the purposes of the Trust, and the effective date of January 21, 2015 Township’s participation in the Trust.  The proposed ordinance also provides for severability and confirms that it does not affect any rights or liabilities existing prior to the adoption of the ordinance.  It also references the Trust Agreement that governs the operations of the Trust.

            The full text of the proposed Ordinance and the Trust Agreement are on file for inspection and review at Dingman Township’s offices at 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA, and website   Editor's note:  The complete ordinance text follows immediately (in blue) after this notice.  Complete copies of each have been provided to and may be reviewed at the following newspaper of general circulation: The News Eagle, 8 Silk Mill Drive, Suite 101, Hawley, PA.

            If any person with a disability wishes to request that special accommodations be made to allow his or her participation, he or she is asked to contact Karen Kleist at 570-296-8455 at least one business day in advance to make arrangements 

Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treas.



ORDINANCE NO. _________



            WHEREAS, the PSATS Unemployment Compensation Group Trust, originally established in 1980, exists as an intergovernmental cooperative arrangement of municipalities to provide townships and certain other permitted governmental employers of Pennsylvania with a vehicle to pool resources and jointly leverage buying power to develop and maintain unemployment compensation insurance coverage; and

            WHEREAS, the governing Declaration and Agreement of Trust for the Trust has been comprehensively updated, amended and restated effective July 16, 2014 (hereinafter “Restated Trust Agreement”); and

            WHEREAS, pursuant to the Restated Trust Agreement any municipality wishing to commence participation in the Trust, or continue participation in the Trust after July 16, 2014, is required to take formal action in the form of an enacted ordinance in which the municipality agrees to participate in the Trust in accordance with the amended and updated terms of the Restated Trust Agreement; and 

            WHEREAS, Dingman Township (“the Township”) has determined that it is in the best interest of the Township to participate in the Trust in accordance with the terms of the Restated Trust Agreement and to agree to and join in such Restated Trust Agreement; and

            WHEREAS, pursuant to the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Law, 53 Pa. C.S.A. § 2301 et seq., a municipality may enter into an intergovernmental cooperative agreement upon the passage of an ordinance by its governing body.

            The Board of Supervisors of Dingman Township, Pike County, Pennsylvania does hereby ENACT and ORDAIN:

            Section 1.        That the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and Secretary of the Township are hereby authorized to adopt the Restated Trust Agreement and any other agreements necessary for the Township’s participation in the Trust. 

            The Restated Trust Agreement is on file for inspection and review at the Township’s offices at 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.  The Restated Trust Agreement may be subsequently modified or amended in accordance with its terms, but in no event shall such modifications or amendments divert any of the trust funds from the purposes of the Trust.  The Township may withdraw from the Trust in accordance with the Restated Trust Agreement, including if the Board of Supervisors determines the modifications or amendments are not in the best interests of the Township.

            Section 2.        That the participation of the Township in the Trust is authorized for the purpose of pooling resources for the purpose of providing unemployment compensation insurance for Participating Employers at reasonable cost.

            Section 3.        That, as set forth in greater detail in the Restated Trust Agreement and as otherwise stated herein, the following conditions apply to the participation of the Township in the Trust:

1.                  That each Participating Employer must meet the admission and eligibility requirements set forth therein;

2.                  That each Participating Employer agrees to pay all contributions when due as provided in the Restated Trust Agreement or as otherwise established by the Board of Trustees; and


3.                  That each Participating Employer complies with all other conditions of the Restated Trust Agreement.

Section 4.        That the Township agrees to participate in the Trust and may withdraw for any reason and in accordance with the Restated Trust Agreement provided that it has fulfilled all its financial obligations to the Trust upon withdrawal.

Section 5.        That the effective date of the Township’s agreement to and joinder in the Restated Trust Agreement and the participation of the Township in the Trust pursuant to the terms of the Restated Trust Agreement will be January 21, 2015.

Section 6.        That each Participating Employer delegates to the Board of Trustees the powers enumerated in the Restated Trust Agreement.

Section 7.        That the organizational structure of the Trust shall consist of a Board of Trustees.  Under the Restated Trust Agreement, the Board of Trustees is authorized to, among other things, enter into contracts with third parties to perform various services necessary for the administration of the Trust.

Section 8.        That the funds required for the operation of the Trust shall be provided by the Participating Employers through scheduled appropriations as determined by the Board of Trustees 

Section 9.        That the Trust is empowered to enter into contracts for policies of group insurance and employee benefits, including Social Security, for employees of the Trust, if any.

Section 10.      That as a condition of participating in the Trust, the Township agrees to comply with all of the terms and conditions in the Restated Trust Agreement.

Section 11.      That the Secretary of the Township shall provide a certified copy of this Ordinance upon its enactment to the Board of Trustees of the Trust.

Section 12.      The Board of Supervisors of the Township is hereby authorized to take any and all such other actions as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this Ordinance and comply with the requirements of the attached Restated Trust Agreement and any duly adopted amendments thereto.

Section 13.      The duration of the term of the Township’s participation in the Trust and obligations under the Restated Trust Agreement shall continue until withdrawal from the Trust by the Township in accordance with the terms of the Restated Trust Agreement.

Section 14.      The Board of Supervisors hereby specifically finds and determines as follows:

            1.         The conditions of the intergovernmental cooperative agreement are set forth in the Restated Trust Agreement incorporated by reference herein.

            2.         The Township shall participate in the Trust in accordance with the Restated Trust Agreement until it withdraws by giving notice to the Board of Trustees in accordance with the terms of the Restated Trust Agreement. 

            3.         The purpose and objectives of the intergovernmental cooperative arrangement, including powers and scope of authority delegated to the Board of Trustees, are set forth in the incorporated Restated Trust Agreement.

            4.         The manner and extent of financing of the agreement are that (i) funds to implement the Township’s obligations under the agreement shall come from the normal and usual budgeted amounts for Township employee compensation and employee benefits and (ii) no borrowing is anticipated to be required.

            5.         The Trust shall be managed by the Board of Trustees pursuant to the terms of the Restated Trust Agreement.

            6.         All assets and property, real or personal, of the Trust shall be titled to, acquired, managed, licensed or disposed of by the Trust, and its Board of Trustees, in accordance with the terms of the Restated Trust Agreement.

            7.         The Trust in accordance with the Restated Trust Agreement shall be empowered to enter into contracts for policies of group insurance and employee welfare benefits to be offered to Participating Employers for their eligible employee and dependents.

Section 15.      The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and in the event that any provision is held invalid, void, illegal, or unconstitutional by any court, it is the intent of the Governing Body that such determination by the Court shall not affect or render void the remaining provisions of this Ordinance.  It is the declared intent of the Governing Body that this Ordinance would have been enacted if any provision subsequently declared to be void, invalid, illegal or unconstitutional had not been included at the time of enactment.

Section 16.      Nothing in this Ordinance shall be interpreted to affect any rights or liabilities of the Township, or to affect any cause of action, existing prior to the enactment of this Ordinance.

Section 17.      This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its enactment 

This Ordinance is being enacted pursuant to the provisions of the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Law, Act of July 12, 1972, No. 180, as amended, 53 Pa.C.S. §§ 2301, et seq



Notice is hereby given that the DINGMAN TOWNSHIP FY2015 PROPOSED BUDGET is available for public review through December 16, 2014 at the Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Township during regular business hours (8:30 am - 4:00 pm) and at It is anticipated that adoption of the Final Budget will occur at the December 16, 2014 Board of Supervisors meeting.



Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing to consider the zoning application of James McLain to change the use of a non-conforming structure from a storage building to a residence on his property located at the corner of Log Tavern Rd. and Gavoille Rd., further known as Tax Map #137.00-01-18.  Said Hearing will be held on December 2, 2014 at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend.



Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.



Notice is hereby given that a public hearing to consider the Variance application of James McLain, 179 Log Tavern Road, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 will be held on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 beginning at 5:00 p.m.  The property is identified as Tax Map No. 137.00-01-18 and located at 107 Gavoille Road, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  The hearing will be held at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.    

The applicant is requesting a Variance of Section 306 (Development Standards – Net Lot Size) of the Zoning Ordinance.   The property is located in the R1 (Low Density Residential) Zoning District.  All interested parties are invited to attend. 

James Leighty, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Matthew J. Galasso



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors intend to adopt an updated Fee Schedule increasing the portion of fees due at application for building permits (the total building permit fees are not changing) at their meeting on October 7, 2014 commencing at 7:30 pm. at the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA.  The complete fee schedule can be viewed at the Township Offices and website, The Pike County Law Library, 410 Broad St., Milford, and the offices of the Pike County Dispatch, 105 W Catherine St, Milford.  All interested parties are invited to attend.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

 Editor's Note:     Click hear to see the Proposed Fee Schedule


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold budget workshops on Oct. 7 & 21 and Nov. 5 & 18, 2014 at 6:00 pm,  on Oct. 28, 2014 at 7:00 pm, and following the regular meetings on these dates, at the Dingman Twp. Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors intend to adopt an updated Fee Schedule increasing the portion of fees due at application for building permits (the total building permit fees are not changing) at their meeting on September 16, 2014 commencing at 7:30 pm. at the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA.  The complete fee schedule can be viewed at the Township Offices and website, The Pike County Law Library, 410 Broad St., Milford, and the offices of the Pike County Dispatch, 105 W Catherine St, Milford.  All interested parties are invited to attend.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

Editor's Note:    Click hear to see the Proposed Fee Schedule


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following amendment to the Township's Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance.  Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on Sept. 16, 2014 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford. 


            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

§ 100-19.        Final Plan Requirements.

T.       In the event that approved restrictive covenants are not placed on the final plan but rather are included in a separate document, that document along with any other approved documents, such as but not limited to: fire protection agreements, sewage maintenance agreements or storm water facility maintenance agreements shall be recorded simultaneously with the final plan in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds and reference to those documents and the intended recording thereof shall be placed on such final plan. A certificate of recording shall be filed with the Township for all recorded documents within thirty (30) days of recording.

U.       The first page (following the cover page, if any) of the final plan shall include a note that approval of this plan(s) by the Township does not guarantee that any required approvals from outside agencies, such as, but not limited to, the County, State or Federal government or their agencies, have been obtained.

New provisions are bold.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 for Elmer and Doris Joy, 862 Van Rossum Avenue, Edgewater Park, New Jersey 08010 beginning at 5:00 p.m.  The applicants are requesting a variance of Sections 306 (side yard setback) and 410.3(c) (expansion of non-conforming uses) of the Zoning Ordinance and an appeal of the Zoning Officer’s determination that the proposed screen enclosure on an existing deck would be sited in violation of the required setbacks and an expansion of a non-conforming use.  The property is identified as Lot 320, Tax Map No. 108.03-01-49 and located in the Lake Adventure recreational vehicle park subdivision at 110 Crescent Drive, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  The hearing will be held at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.    


The application has been denied by the Zoning Officer pursuant to Section 306 and Section 410.3(c) of the Dingman Township Zoning Ordinance.   The property is located in the ND2  Zoning District.  All interested parties are invited to attend. 

James Leighty, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Matthew J. Galasso


Bid Notice

Sealed bids are requested for work to be performed at the Bridge Park.  Click on this link for details.  If you can not access the link, please call 570 - 296 - 8455 for a paper copy.



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors regular meeting scheduled for June 17, 2014 is cancelled and rescheduled for June 19, 2014 at 7:30 pm in the Dingman Twp. Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane,


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed proposals until 4:00 p.m. on JULY 1, 2014 for 250 tons of Sodium Chloride treated with “Ice-Ban Ultra M”, “Clear Lane”, or similar.  Bid Proposals should reflect delivery prices and must be accompanied by a 10% bid bond. Bids will be accepted in person or by mail, on forms provided by the Township, at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455.  Bid Opening will be held during the July 1, 2014 Supervisors meeting commencing at 7:30 pm.

              The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.  Quantities indicated above are estimated amounts.  The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract with sufficient surety in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded.  Upon failure to provide such bond the award shall be void.


                                                              DINGMAN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

                                                              Jim Snyder, Roadmaster


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed proposals for the following asphalt materials (quantities are approximate):  200 tons 9.5mm wearing course; and 100 tons 19mm binder course.  Bid proposals will be accepted until 1:00 p.m. on JULY 1, 2014, at which time they will be read.  Bids will be awarded at the July 1, 2014 Supervisors meeting commencing at 7:30 pm.

            Bid Proposals must include a Bid Bond with sufficient surety in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total minimum amount of the bid, and MUST be submitted on forms supplied by the Township in a sealed envelope clearly labeled “2014 Asphalt Materials Bid”, and will be accepted in person or by mail at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455.

            The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.  The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract with sufficient surety in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded.


Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treasurer

                                                John H. Klemeyer, Esquire, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following amendment to the Township's Fire Protection Ordinance.  Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on June 3, 2014 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford. 


            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

Section 5.07   Maintenance:

Approval of any application under this ordinance shall be contingent upon approval by the Township following review by the Township Solicitor of a Maintenance Agreement for the fire protection system and all parts thereof between the developer/owner and the Township.  Said Agreement shall provide for the continued maintenance of the system by the Developer or by a property owners’ association or tenant’s association as applicable. The Agreement shall also provide that the Developer will indemnify and hold the Township harmless against any claims, including counsel fees,  made against the Township, its employees, appointed officials and elected officials, related to the fire protection facilities.

            This Ordinance shall take affect five days after adoption.

New provisions are bold.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed proposals for the following road materials (quantities are approximate):  200 tons 9.5mm wearing course; 100 tons 19mm binder course; 100 tons surge material; 1000 tons 2A stone; 200 tons Aashto #3; 600 tons Antiskid;  300 tons Screenings; and 300 tons "3A" antiskid.  Bid proposals will be accepted until 1:00 p.m. on MAY 2, 2014, at which time they will be read.  Bids will be awarded at the May 6, 2014 Supervisors meeting commencing at 7:30 pm.

            Bid Proposals must include a Bid Bond with sufficient surety in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total minimum amount of the bid, and MUST be submitted on forms supplied by the Township in a sealed envelope clearly labeled “2014 Road Materials Bid”, and will be accepted in person or by mail at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455.

            The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.  The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract with sufficient surety in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded.


Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treasurer

John H. Klemeyer, Esquire, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed proposals for the following road materials (quantities are approximate):  200 tons 9.5mm wearing course; 100 tons 19mm binder course; 100 tons surge material; 1000 tons 2A stone; 200 tons Aashto #3; 600 tons Antiskid;  300 tons Screenings; and 300 tons "3A" antiskid.  Bid proposals will be accepted until 1:00 p.m. on MAY 2, 2014, at which time they will be read.  Bids will be awarded at the May 6, 2014 Supervisors meeting commencing at 7:30 pm.

            Bid Proposals must include a Bid Bond with sufficient surety in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total minimum amount of the bid, and MUST be submitted on forms supplied by the Township in a sealed envelope clearly labeled “2014 Road Materials Bid”, and will be accepted in person or by mail at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455.

            The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.  The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract with sufficient surety in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded.


Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treasurer

                                                John H. Klemeyer, Esquire, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board will meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month beginning in February, 2014.  Meeting dates are as follows:

            February 11, 2014   March 11, 2014   April 8, 2014   May 13, 2014   June 10, 2014    July 8, 2014   August 12, 2014

            September 9, 2014   October 14, 2014    November 11, 2014     December 9, 2014

Meetings to be held at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 beginning at 5:00 p.m.

James Leighty


Matthew J. Galasso



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following Ordinance regulating campgrounds and recreational vehicle parks.  Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on February 18, 2014 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.  The complete text of the Ordinance can be viewed at; the Law Library of the Pike County Courthouse, Broad St., Milford;  the Pike County Dispatch, 105 W Catherine St, Milford;  and the Dingman Twp Offices, 118 Fisher La, Milford.  Editors note: click here to see actual text of the proposed ordinance.


  1. Purpose
  2. Definitions
  3. Licenses required and fees

a.      License requirement

b.      Issuance of License

c.       Supplemental license

d.      Expiration & Renewal of Licenses

e.      Fees

  1. License Application Procedure
  2. License Application Data
  3. Design & Operational Standards

a.      Minimum development area

b.      Screening requirements

c.       Lot & siting requirements

d.      Off-street parking requirements

e.      Streets

f.        Sewage facilities

g.       Water supply

h.      Location

i.         Common areas

j.         Entrances and exits

k.      Parking areas

l.         Occupancy

m.    Sanitary Facilities

n.      Fences

o.      Nuisances

p.      Animals

q.      Garbage & refuse disposal

r.        Camping accessories

s.       Ditches & swales

t.        Drilling & mining

u.      Accessories & appurtenances

v.       Fire & emergency access

w.     Covenants or management plan

x.       Amenities

y.       Motor vehicles

  1. Applicability to existing campgrounds & parks
  2. Variances
  3. Enforcement
  4. Revocation of license
  5. Penalties for offenses & remedies
  6. Exceptions
  7. General provisions
  8. Effective date


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing to consider the application of Kristofer Beadenkopf and Caroline Wrightson, 347 Sawkill Road, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 to convert a garage into a home occupation acupuncture practice will be held on Thursday, January 30, 2014 beginning at 5:00 p.m.  The property is identified as Tax Map No. 111.00-01-21 and located at 347 Sawkill Road, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  The hearing will be held at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.    

The application has been determined by the Zoning Officer to be classified as a Special Exception in accordance with Section 305 of the Zoning Ordinance.   The property is located in the R1 (Low Density Residential) Zoning District.  All interested parties are invited to attend. 

Robert Jones, Hearing Officer

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Matthew J. Galasso



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors intends to appoint the independent certified accounting firm of Kirk, Summa & Co. LLP to conduct the Dingman Township FY2013 Audit.  Said appointment will take place at the Jan. 6, 2014 Organization Meeting located in the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Twp.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the DINGMAN TOWNSHIP FY2014 PROPOSED BUDGET is available for public review through December 17, 2013 at the Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Township during regular business hours (8:30 am - 4:00 pm). It is anticipated that adoption of the Final Budget will occur at the December 17, 2013 Board of Supervisors meeting.


Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

Click here to see the proposed 2014 budget


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following Ordinance establishing rules and regulations for Township Parks.  Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on December 3, 2013 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.  The complete text of the Ordinance can be viewed at; the Law Library of the Pike County Courthouse, Broad St.,Milford;  the Pike County Dispatch, 105 W Catherine St, Milford;  and the Dingman Twp Offices, 118 Fisher La, Milford.   Editors note:  The proposed ordinance is posted immediately following this notice.


  1. Definitions
  2. Supervision of Parks
  3. Duties of the Recreation Commission
  4. Enforcement of Regulations
  5. Unlawful Acts
  6. Damage to Park Property; fires in parks
  7. Animals; Trees
  8. Restrooms & Washrooms
  9. Pollution of Waters; Depositing of refuse or trash
  10. Hours
  11. Group Permits
  12. Motor Vehicles
  13. Bringing Animals into Parks
  14. Alcoholic beverages
  15. Gambling; Indecent Acts
  16. Firearms; fireworks
  17. Hunting; Trapping; Fishing
  18. Bicycles; Skateboards; Model airplanes; Golf
  19. Swimming
  20. Clothing
  21. Merchandising, advertising and signs
  22. Age restrictions for certain Parks
  23. Camping


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

ORDINANCE NO. ___________ 


1.  Definitions.

As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:


PARK       Includes playgrounds; arboreta and bird sanctuaries; bridle, fitness and hiking trails; children's playgrounds and tot-lots; nature parks; picnic areas; sledding areas; baseball/softball, basketball, soccer, tennis, volleyball and similar improved recreational areas; swimming pools; undeveloped Township property; and the grounds surrounding any Township building.


VEHICLES          Any motorized device for carrying passengers or goods.

2.  Supervision of Parks.

All Township parks shall be operated and maintained under the general supervision of the Board of Supervisors acting through the Recreation Commission and in accordance with policies established by the Board of Supervisors upon recommendation of its Recreation Commission.

3.  Duties of the Recreation Commission.

A. The Board of Supervisors shall have immediate charge of all park maintenance, installation, repair and replacement of property and equipment therein and shall be chargeable with the duty of keeping the parks in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. The Board of Supervisors shall be in charge of the park maintenance employees.

B. The Recreation Commission shall have immediate charge of the use of all parks, park equipment and facilities, may develop recreational programs under Township sponsorship and shall regulate and issue permits for the use of parks by community groups. They may promulgate general regulations for the use of parks subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors. The Supervisors shall be in charge of Parks and Recreation employees.

4.  Enforcement of regulations.

It shall be the duty of the Board of Supervisors or its designee to enforce the provisions of this chapter and all rules, regulations and resolutions adopted by the Board of Supervisors and the Recreation Commission.

5.  Unlawful acts.

A. It shall be unlawful to wash or make other than emergency repairs to any motor or other vehicle in any Township park.

B. Except for those holding group permits, it shall be unlawful to engage in any organized group game, activity or instruction in any Township park except in such places specifically provided and set apart for such use.

C. It shall be unlawful for private individuals or groups to engage in fund-raising, profit-making or commercial activities in any Township park without a permit, which will only be issued to community-based organizations for an activity cosponsored by the Township and subject to restrictions and conditions which may be imposed by the Recreation Commission.

D. It shall be unlawful to trespass on adjacent lands of residents or to harass the owners thereof.

E. Smoking. Smoking is defined as the carrying by a person of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or other lighted smoking device. Smoking is prohibited in all Township parks, except for motor vehicle parking areas and any other smoking areas designated by the Recreation Commission.

F. It shall be unlawful to operate snow mobiles, ATVs, dirt bikes, quads, golf carts or other similar motorized vehicles within the park.

G. It shall be unlawful to violate those Park Rules and Regulations set forth herein.

6.  Damage to Park property; fires in parks.

A. No person in a park shall willfully mark, deface, disfigure, injure, tamper with, displace or remove any building, table, bench, fireplace, railing, paving, waterline or other public utility or part thereof, sign, notice or placard, whether temporary or permanent, monument, stake, post or other boundary marker or other structure or equipment, facility or appurtenance, whether real or personal.

B. No person shall light or permit a fire to burn in a park except in fireplaces designed for such purpose.

7.  Animals; trees.

No person shall annoy, injure or kill any animal or bird in a park, or disturb any fish or waterfowl in streams, pools or ponds, or remove or carry away any bird's nest or egg. Nor shall any person injure or damage any tree, plant, shrub, fern, blossom, flower or turf. The picking of violets, buttercups, daisies or dandelions in parks, however, is permitted.

8.  Rest rooms and washrooms.

No person in a park shall fail to cooperate in maintaining rest rooms and washrooms in a neat and sanitary condition. No person over the age of five years shall use the rest rooms and washrooms designated for the opposite sex.

9.  Pollution of waters; depositing of refuse or trash.

A. No person shall throw, discharge or otherwise place or cause to be placed in the waters of any pond, lake or stream in any park, or in any tributary, storm sewer or drain flowing into a park, any substance, matter or thing, liquid or solid, which may result in the pollution of said waters.

B. Refuse or trash shall be placed in proper receptacles, where they are provided. Where receptacles are not so provided, all such rubbish or waste shall be removed from the park by the person responsible for its presence and shall be properly disposed of elsewhere. 

10. Hours.

No person shall be allowed in a park or playground except between sunrise and sunset daily, local time; provided, however, that the Parks and Recreation Committee may by resolution establish different times during which particular parks or playgrounds shall be kept open, subject to ratification by the Board of Supervisors; and the Director of Parks and Recreation shall then post in each park or playground the hours during which it shall be open. It shall be unlawful for any person other than authorized Township personnel to occupy or be present in a park or playground during any hours in which the park or playground is not open to the public. Any portion of a park or playground may be closed to the public by the Board of Supervisors or thier designated appointee at any time, either temporarily or at regular or stated intervals.

11. Group permits.

A. Permits for the use of parks by groups of ten (10) persons or more desiring to engage in organized games, for the exclusive use of picnic tables or for any other special purpose shall be issued by the Recreation Commission upon application therefor. An application fee shall be as set forth in the Township Schedule of Fees, as adopted and amended from time to time by the Board of Supervisors. Any person to whom a permit is issued shall be liable for any loss, damage or injury sustained by any person by reason of the negligence or fault of the applicant, his servants, agents or employees.

B. The Township may allow certain park facilities to be used by permit and may provide that a fee be charged for making such reservations. Reservation fees shall be as set forth in the Township Schedule of Fees, as adopted and amended from time to time by the Board of Supervisors.

C. Time slots for using parks and recreation areas can be reserved by permit, and will take precedence over other public use of the area.

D. Regulations for the use of any group permit can be imposed by Recreation Commission.

12. Motor vehicles.

A. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle in any Township park, unless such person is a park patron who is using such park for park purposes during such time as such patron's motor vehicle is parked in such park, unless approved by the Recreation Commission.  

B. It shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle in any Township park at any time other than during park hours, unless approved by the Recreation Commission.

C. No person shall park any motor vehicle in any portion of a park except in spaces set aside and marked for parking purposes, and no person shall occupy a parked motor vehicle after dark except with the interior lights turned on. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive recklessly in a park, and no person shall drive in a park in excess of the posted speed limit. No person shall enter or leave a park except by entrances or exits provided for such purposes, and no person shall drive a motor vehicle in a park except on a road or driveway.

13. Bringing animals into parks.

It shall be unlawful for any person to bring any animal other than certified service dogs into a park or playground.

14. Alcoholic beverages.

It shall be unlawful for any person in a park to drink or possess any alcoholic beverage, including but not limited to beer or other malt beverages. No intoxicated persons shall be permitted in a park.

15. Gambling; indecent acts.

No gambling; nudity; obscene or indecent acts; amplified music or other sounds; abusive, threatening, indecent or profane language; or conduct that annoys other persons shall be allowed in a park.

16. Firearms; fireworks.

No person except authorized members of the Police shall carry or discharge firearms of any kind in a park without a special permit, unless exempted. The use of javelins, arrows, discuses or similar athletic equipment dangerous in character is prohibited unless used under the direct supervision of an authorized playground supervisor. The use of firecrackers, fireworks or rockets is prohibited. Fireworks displays under a Township permit by qualified experts shall be permitted.

17. Hunting; Trapping; Fishing

No hunting, trapping or fishing shall be allowed in any Park at any time.

18. Bicycles; skateboards; model airplanes; golf.

The use of bicycles, skateboards, motor-powered vehicles, or motor powered or propellant-driven model airplanes or rockets in a park is prohibited except at locations specifically designated for such purposes or otherwise approved by the Recreation Commission. The playing of golf in any park is prohibited except on putting greens and other locations provided for such purposes and specifically so designated.

19. Swimming.

No person shall enter creeks or waterways within Township parks for the purpose of swimming or bathing.

20. Clothing.

No person shall appear in bathing attire in any park except within the limits of designated bathing places or areas, and all bathing costumes shall conform to commonly accepted standards. Persons over five years of age shall wear shirts or other proper covering, except for gentlemen while sunbathing. Dressing or undressing on any beach or in any vehicle, toilet or other place is prohibited.

21. Merchandising, advertising and signs.

A. No person in a park or playground shall:

(1) Expose or offer for sale any article of personal property, nor shall he station or place in a park or playground any stand, cart or vehicle for the transportation, sale or display of any such article. The solicitation of alms or subscriptions in a park or playground is prohibited.

(2) Advertise or call the attention of the public in any way to any article or service for sale or hire.

(3) Paste, glue, tack or otherwise post any sign, placard, advertisement or inscription whatever on any tree, building, fence, playground equipment or other property in a park or playground.

22. Age restrictions for certain parks.

Certain parks and playgrounds shall be only for the use of persons of certain ages, and such certain parks and playgrounds and ages shall be as established by resolution of the Recreation Commission, subject to ratification by the Board of Supervisors. The Recreation Commission shall then post the ages of persons permitted to use or occupy such certain parks and playgrounds in such respective parks and playgrounds. It shall be unlawful for any person other than authorized Township personnel to use or occupy a park or playground if such person is not of an age permitted to use or occupy such park or playground.


The Board of Supervisors may from time to time, by resolution, adopt a schedule of fees and charges for Township facilities. In addition, the Recreation Commission may establish a schedule of administrative fees for the use of Township facilities with the approval of the Board of Supervisors.

23. Camping

No overnight camping shall be allowed in any of the parks or recreation areas without permission from the Board of Supervisors upon recommendation by the Recreation Commission.  All persons wishing to receive permission for overnight camping must give at least 30 days notice.

24. Violations and penalties.

A. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall be liable on conviction thereof to a fine or penalty of not more than $600 for each and every offense, to be collectible before any District Justice as like fines or penalties are now by law collectible.

B. Police may remove from any Township park or recreation area any person who, upon the complaint of any individual and upon the police acknowledging probable cause, is violating any law, Township ordinance, regulation or is otherwise disturbing the normal peaceful enjoyment of a Township park or the area surrounding such park.

Ordained and enacted this _________ day of ___________,  201__


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following Ordinance amending its Municipal Pension Plan.  Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on December 3, 2013 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford. 


SECTION I. Dingman Township (the Township) being a member muncipality of the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System (the System), hereby elects to amend its Municipal Pension Plan administered by the System in accordance with Article IV of the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Law, 53 P.S. §881.101 et seq. (Retirement Law), and does hereby agree to be bound by all the requirements and provisions of the Retirement Law and the Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard & Recovery Act, 53 P.S. §895.101 et seq., and to assume all obligations, financial and otherwise, placed upon member municipalities.

SECTION II. As part of this Ordinance, the Township agrees that the System shall administer and provide the benefits set forth in the amended Municipal Pension Plan Contract entered into between the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Board and the Township effective October 1, 2013 (the contract).

SECTION III. The passage and adoption of this Ordinance by the Township is an official acceptance of the Contract and the financial obligations resulting from the administration of the Contract.

SECTION IV. Payment for any obligation established by the adoption of the Ordinance and the Contract shall be made by the Township in accordance with the Retirement Law and the Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard & Recovery Act.  The Township hereby assumes all liability for any unfundedness created due to the benefit structure set forth in the Contract.

SECTION V. The Township intends this Ordinance to be the complete authorization of the Contract and it shall become effective and specifically repeal Ordinance Number 05-2015 wither immediately or on October 1, 2013, which is the effective date of the Contract, whichever is later.

SECTION VI. A duly certified copy of this Ordinance and executed Contract shall be filed with the System.



Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing on the application of Sean Strub, Xavisean LLC, P.O. Box 1233, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 will be held on Thursday, December 5, 2013 beginning at 5:00 p.m.  The applicant is proposing to convert the inn into a multi-family dwelling and is requesting a variance of the lot size and density requirements found in Section 415.2 of the Zoning Ordinance.  The property is identified as Tax Map No. 112.00-03-44 and located at 102 State Route 2001, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  The hearing will be held at the Dingman Township Muncipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.    

The property is located in the CP Zoning District.  All interested parties are invited to attend. 

James Leighty, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

 Matthew J. Galasso



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing to receive comments relative to determining the boundaries of the area to be designated a "deteriorated area" under LERTA, and also to consider for adoption an ordinance establishing said "deteriorated area" for the purpose of temporary tax exemptions for certain commercial and industrial improvements. A full copy of the ordinance can be viewed at; the Township Offices; Pike County Law Library, 410 Broad Street, Milford; and the Pike County Dispatch, 105 W Catherine St, Milford.  Said Hearing will be held at 7:30 pm on November 19, 2013 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.  Editors note:  The proposed ordinance is posted immediately following this notice.



Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor



ORDINANCE NO. _________


            WHEREAS, the Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance Act (“LERTA”), Act No. 1977-76, as amended, authorizes local taxing authorities to exempt from real property taxation, within certain limitations, the assessed valuation of improvements to, and new construction of, industrial, commercial, and other business property in areas designated for such purpose by the governing body of the appropriate, city, borough, incorporated town, or township; and

            WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Dingman Township (“the Board”), being a “municipal governing body” within the meaning of LERTA, proposes to establish an area within the boundaries of this Township as an area in which such tax exemption may be granted by the local taxing authorities; and

            WHEREAS, the Board has held a public hearing for the purpose of determining the boundaries of the area to be designated a “deteriorated area” in which such exemption may be granted by the local taxing authorities; and

            WHEREAS, the Board, with the consideration having been given to the recommendations and comments made at such public hearing by the local taxing authorities and other knowledgeable and interest public and private agencies and individuals regarding the establishment of the boundaries of an area in the Township within which local taxing authorities may grant tax exemption to new industrial and commercial construction and improvements in accordance with LERTA, has determined that the area hereinafter designated meets one or more of the criteria of a “deteriorated area” under this Act.

            NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED AND ORDAINED, and it is enacted and ordained, by the Board of Supervisors of Dingman Township, as follows:

            ARTICLE I – Definitions:  The following words and phrases shall be defined for the purposes of this ordinance as follows:

            Designated Area – The area within the Township of Dingman identified in Article II of this ordinance as a “deteriorated area” as set forth in LERTA.

            Eligible Property – Any property located within the designated area that is lawfully developed or improved for an industrial or commercial purposes or use, regardless of the zoning district in which it is situated except that additions to or accessory buildings for single family residences shall not be eligible.

            Improvement – Repair, construction, or reconstruction, including alterations and additions, having the effect or rehabilitating any property located within the designated area for any industrial or commercial purpose or use.

            Local Taxing Authorities – The Township of Dingman, the County of Pike, and the Delaware Valley School District.

            Person – Any individual, partnership, company, association, society, trust, corporation, municipality, municipal authority, or other group or entity created or recognized by law.

            School District – The Delaware Valley School District, acting by and through its Board of School Directors or duly authorized representatives.

            ARTICLE II – Designated Area:  The Board of Supervisors of Dingman Township does hereby designate the entire land area within the nonresidential zoning districts (RC, ND2, NC) of the Township of Dingman as a “deteriorated area” within the meaning of LERTA, and in which the local taxing authorities may grant a tax exemption to eligible properties pursuant to the provisions of that act.

            ARTICLE III – Exemptions:  Where proper application has been made and approved in accordance with this ordinance, all portions of the actual costs of new construction upon, or improvements to, eligible property are exempt from real property taxation of Dingman Township (as set forth in Section 302) for five years following completion of all improvements.

            a.         The schedule of real property taxes to be exempted shall be in accordance with the following percentage of the assessed valuation of new construction or improvements to the eligible property:


            Tax Year(s) Following Completion                     Exempt Portion of Assessed Valuation


                                    (1)                                                                    90%

                                    (2)                                                                    80%

                                    (3)                                                                    60%

                                    (4)                                                                    40%

                                    (5)                                                                    20%

            b.         The tax exemptions granted pursuant to this Ordinance shall first apply in the tax year of Dingman Township immediately following the tax year in which the eligible new construction or improvements is or are completed.  Notwithstanding this provision, Dingman Township may levy interim real property taxes upon new construction or improvements prior to completion thereof.

            c.         A tax exemption granted under this Ordinance shall not terminate upon the sale or exchange of the property.

            d.         Any person who is an owner of eligible property and who desire tax exemption pursuant to this Ordinance with respect to new construction or improvements on an eligible property shall apply in writing for such exemption on a form designated by Dingman Township, and must be received by Dingman Township at its principal address within sixty (60) days following the date of issuance of a building permit for the new construction or improvements with respect to which exemption is desired or, if no building permit is required and no other notification of new construction or improvements is required to be given to the Township, within sixty (60) days following commencement of construction.

            e.         Dingman Township shall make available to any person desiring to apply for a tax exemption in accordance with this Ordinance an application form, which shall require such person to supply the following information:

                        i.          The name of the title owner(s) of the eligible property;

              ii.          The location of the eligible property, including the tax parcel identification number or numbers assigned to such property for real property tax purposes;

                        iii.         The type of new construction or improvements to be made to the eligible property;

                        iv.         The nature of the improvements to be made to the eligible property; 

               v.         The date on which the relevant building permit was issued or, if no building permit is required, the date on which construction commenced or the estimated date on which it shall commence, as appropriate;

                        vi.         The cost or estimated cost of the new construction or improvements;

                        vii.        The number of new employees anticipated upon completion of the project;

                        viii.       Such additional information as Dingman Township may reasonably require.

            f.          Appeals from the reassessment of an eligible property and the amounts eligible for exemption may be taken by the taxpayer or by Dingman Township as provided by law.

            g.         The cost of new construction or improvements to be exempted and the schedule of taxes exempted at the time of an initial request for tax exemption shall be applicable to that exemption request.  Any subsequent amendment to this Ordinance shall not apply to applications filed prior to their adoption.

            ARTICLE IV – Effective Date:  This Ordinance shall become effective five (5) days from the date of adoption.

            ARTICLE V – Severability:  In the event that any provision, section, sentence, clause or part of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect or impair any remaining provision, section, sentence, clause, or part of the Ordinance.

            ARTICLE VI – Repealer:  All ordinances or parts of ordinances and all resolutions or parts of resolutions that are inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby repealed.

Editors note:  The problem has been corrected and this notice is no longer relevant.

Editors note:  Under Pennsylvania law, the well serving the snack bar in the Dingman Township Recreational Park is considered a public water supply.  Recent routine testing of the water found small amounts of coliform bacteria in the water.  Subsequent retesting confirmed the bacteria.  NO HARMFUL BACTERIA WERE DETECTED.  State law requires that this notice be posted on the site and made available to the public.  Please be advised that this notice only applies to the snack bar building in the Dingman Township Recreational Park and not to any other business or residence in the township.


Este informe contiene información importante acerca de su agua potable.  Haga que alguien lo traduzca para usted, o hable con alguien que lo entienda.

Tests Showed Coliform Bacteria in Dingman Township Recreational Park Water

Our water system recently violated a drinking water standard.  Although this incident was not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened and what we did to correct this situation.

We routinely monitor for drinking water contaminants.  We took five samples to test for the presence of coliform bacteria during September.  Three of our samples, all taken from the kitchen sink, showed the presence of total coliform bacteria.  The standard is that no more than one may do so.

What should I do?

You do not need to boil your water or take other corrective actions.  However, if you have specific health concerns, consult your doctor.

People with severely compromised immune systems, infants, and some elderly may be at increased risk.  These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers.  General guidelines on ways to lessen the risk of infection by microbes are available from EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1 (800) 426-4791.

What does this mean?

This is not an emergency.  If it had been, you would have been notified immediately.  Coliform bacteria are generally not harmful themselves.  Coliforms are bacteria, which are naturally present in the environment and are used as an indicator that other, potentially harmful, bacteria may be present. Coliforms were found in more samples than allowed and this was a warning of potential problems.

Usually, coliforms are a sign that there could be a problem with the system’s treatment or distribution system (pipes).  Whenever we detect coliform bacteria in any sample, we do follow-up testing to see if other bacteria of greater concern, such as fecal coliform or E. coli, are present.  We did not find any of these bacteria in our subsequent testing.

What happened?  What was done?

Routine testing found total coliform bacteria in the water of the Dingman Township Recreational Park’s water system.  Subsequent testing further confirmed the presence of total coliform bacteria in the water system.

As this has been a reoccurring problem, the Township has secured the services of an engineer to investigate the problem.  No conclusion has been made at the time of this posting.  In the interim, this notice will be posted inside and outside the building.

For more information, please contact Chris Wood at 570-296-9260 or by visiting the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA.

Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.

This notice is being sent to you by Dingman Township. PWS ID#: 2521079    Date distributed: 9/12/13


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following amendment to the Township Road Encroachment Ordinance at 7:30 pm on September 17, 2013 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford. 


Section 9a: Maintenance.

All property owners shall be responsible for the long-term maintenance of driveways and related drainage or storm water management plan on their real property or on property used by them for access. In the event that excess storm water runoff or sediment is diverted onto public roads, or it is determined that installed storm water facilities are not functioning as designed or require maintenance or replacement, or a driveway or related facility otherwise causes or is likely to cause damage to any Township road then the Township reserves the right, after written notice to the property owner, to require the owner to make repairs, to make the repair at the owner's expense or to contract with a third party at owner's expense to perform the needed repairs. All property owners shall be responsible for any and all costs for maintenance to public roadways resulting from water runoff caused by improperly maintained driveway pipes, culverts or other drainage facilities.


Adopted this ____ day of _________, 2013.

New provisions are in bold.


      Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following amendment to the Township Zoning Ordinance at 7:30 pm on September 17, 2013 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford. 




            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

Section 515 – Political Signs

a. Political signs shall be defined as temporary signs relating to the election of a person to public office, or a political party, or a matter to be voted upon at an election by the general public, or a limited group thereof or an issue of concern to the general public. The person, organization, party or entity responsible for any such signs shall complete and file with the Township a disclosure form, as provided by the Township, which lists the candidates or issues that the signs will support and gives the name, address, telephone number and/or e-mail address of such responsible person, party or entity. Political signs shall otherwise be exempt from the permit requirements of this ordinance, provided that no sign shall be displayed more than one hundred eighty (180) calendar days prior to an election or for more than twenty-one (21) days following the election for which it is erected, if applicable. Such signs may not:

a.      Be placed closer than five (5) feet to the curb line or edge of pavement, as applicable.

b.      Be placed in a location where they create a traffic hazard.

c.       Exceed thirty-two (32) sixteen (16) square feet in size.

d.      Exceed two (2) signs per candidate per property.

e.     Be placed on any on any utility pole, streetlight pole, traffic or parking sign or device, including any post to which such sign or device is attached, historical marker, or tree in the public right-of-way.

b. Violation of any provision of this section shall subject the responsible person, party or entity to the enforcement powers of this ordinance including, but not limited to, the removal cost provisions of 511.2, Section 706 and Section 707.

Adopted this ____ day of _________, 2013.

New provisions are in bold.  Deleted provisions are in strikethrough.


                                                                                                                                                               Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

Editors note:  Under Pennsylvania law, the well serving the snack bar in the Dingman Township Recreational Park is considered a public water supply.  Recent routine testing of the water found small amounts of coliform bacteria in the water.  Subsequent retesting confirmed the bacteria.  NO HARMFUL BACTERIA WERE DETECTED.  State law requires that this notice be posted on the site and made available to the public.  Please be advised that this notice only applies to the snack bar building in the Dingman Township Recreational Park and not to any other business or residence in the township.


Este informe contiene información importante acerca de su agua potable.  Haga que alguien lo traduzca para usted, o hable con alguien que lo entienda.

Tests Showed Coliform Bacteria in Dingman Township Recreational Park Water

Our water system recently violated a drinking water standard.  Although this incident was not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened and what we did to correct this situation.

We routinely monitor for drinking water contaminants.  We took six samples to test for the presence of coliform bacteria during AugustTwo of our samples showed the presence of total coliform bacteria.  The standard is that no more than one may do so.

What should I do?

You do not need to boil your water or take other corrective actions.  However, if you have specific health concerns, consult your doctor.

People with severely compromised immune systems, infants, and some elderly may be at increased risk.  These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers.  General guidelines on ways to lessen the risk of infection by microbes are available from EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1 (800) 426-4791.

What does this mean?

This is not an emergency.  If it had been, you would have been notified immediately.  Coliform bacteria are generally not harmful themselves.  Coliforms are bacteria, which are naturally present in the environment and are used as an indicator that other, potentially harmful, bacteria may be present. Coliforms were found in more samples than allowed and this was a warning of potential problems.

Usually, coliforms are a sign that there could be a problem with the system’s treatment or distribution system (pipes).  Whenever we detect coliform bacteria in any sample, we do follow-up testing to see if other bacteria of greater concern, such as fecal coliform or E. coli, are present.  We did not find any of these bacteria in our subsequent testing.

What happened?  What was done?

Routine testing found total coliform bacteria in the water of the Dingman Township Recreational Park’s water system.  Subsequent testing further confirmed the presence of total coliform bacteria in the water system.  The water well and distribution piping was flushed and disinfected by shock chlorination.  After an appropriate amount of time passed, the water system was re-tested.  Coliform was still found to be present in the restroom faucets.  No coliform was found in the rest of the system.  It is believed that the coliform is collecting on minerals that are found in the restroom faucets.  The faucets in the restrooms will be replaced.  In the interim, this notice will be posted inside and outside the building and the individual faucets will be posted to advise against drinking the water.

For more information, please contact Chris Wood at 570-296-9260 or by visiting the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA.

Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.

This notice is being sent to you by Dingman Township. PWS ID#: 2521079    Date distributed: 8/14/13




Attention Dingman Township Residents

In order for the Township to be compliant with Pennsylvania State Law

Effective September 1, 2013

The burning of garbage is prohibited

The recycling of aluminum, corrugated cardboard, and high quality

office paper (e.g. copy paper, stationary, and similar) is required.

The recycling of other products is encouraged.

Yard waste must be composted.

  Your cooperation is appreciated.

For more information log on to

Editors note:  Under Pennsylvania law, the well serving the snack bar in the Dingman Township Recreational Park is considered a public water supply.  Recent routine testing of the water found small amounts of coliform bacteria in the water.  Subsequent retesting confirmed the bacteria.  NO HARMFUL BACTERIA WERE DETECTED.  State law requires that this notice be posted on the site and made available to the public.  Please be advised that this notice only applies to the snack bar building in the Dingman Township Recreational Park and not to any other business or residence in the township.



Este informe contiene información importante acerca de su agua potable.  Haga que alguien lo traduzca para usted, o hable con alguien que lo entienda.

Tests Showed Coliform Bacteria in Dingman Township Recreational Park Water

Our water system recently violated a drinking water standard.  Although this incident was not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened and what we did to correct this situation.

We routinely monitor for drinking water contaminants.  We took six samples to test for the presence of coliform bacteria during JulyAll six of our samples showed the presence of total coliform bacteria.  The standard is that no more than one may do so.

What should I do?

You do not need to boil your water or take other corrective actions.  However, if you have specific health concerns, consult your doctor.

People with severely compromised immune systems, infants, and some elderly may be at increased risk.  These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers.  General guidelines on ways to lessen the risk of infection by microbes are available from EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1 (800) 426-4791.

What does this mean?

This is not an emergency.  If it had been, you would have been notified immediately.  Coliform bacteria are generally not harmful themselves.  Coliforms are bacteria, which are naturally present in the environment and are used as an indicator that other, potentially harmful, bacteria may be present. Coliforms were found in more samples than allowed and this was a warning of potential problems.

Usually, coliforms are a sign that there could be a problem with the system’s treatment or distribution system (pipes).  Whenever we detect coliform bacteria in any sample, we do follow-up testing to see if other bacteria of greater concern, such as fecal coliform or E. coli, are present.  We did not find any of these bacteria in our subsequent testing.

What happened?  What was done?

Routine testing found total coliform bacteria in the water of the Dingman Township Recreational Park’s kitchen.

Subsequent testing further confirmed the presence of total coliform bacteria in the water system.

The water well and distribution piping will be flushed and disinfected by shock chlorination.

After an appropriate amount of time passes, the water system will be tested.

In the interim, this notice will be posted inside and outside the building and the individual faucets will be posted to advise against drinking the water.

For more information, please contact Chris Wood at 570-296-9260 or by visiting the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA.

Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.

This notice is being sent to you by Dingman Township. PWS ID#: 2521079    Date distributed: 7/17/13


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following amendment to the Township Zoning Ordinance at 7:30 pm on August 6, 2013 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford. 




The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specialty advertised meeting do hereby ordain and enact the following:

Section 305 – Zoning Use Chart

Add the following as a Conditional Use:

          Shooting Facilities

Adopted this ____ day of _________, 2013.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing to hear the appeal filed by Miguel & Teresa Escobar of a determination by the Sewage Enforcement Officer.  Said Hearing will be held on July 16, 2013 at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed bids until 12:00 p.m. on June 3, 2013, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. Awarding of the contract is anticipated to occur during their regular meeting on June 4, 2013 at 7:30 pm for the following:

            1294 SY milling, 311 ton superpave base course, 56 ton superpave leveling course, 2470 ton superpave wearing course, 8600 lf double yellow and 17200 lf single white line painting.  Prevailing Wage Rates apply. 

            Bid Proposals MUST be submitted on forms supplied by the Township in a sealed envelope clearly labeled as “CHRISTIAN HILL PAVING BID”, and must include Bid Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid.  Bids will be accepted in person or by mail at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455. The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.

            The successful bidder shall: (a) provide proof of workers compensation insurance and liability insurance in an amount acceptable to the Board of Supervisors; (b) be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract and warranty with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded; and (c) be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing the prompt payment for all materials furnished and labor supplied or performed in the prosecution of the work hereunder with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded, & shall provide that every person, copartnership, association or corporation who, whether as subcontractor or otherwise, has furnished material or supplied or performed labor in the prosecution of the work & who has not been paid therefore, may sue in assumpsit on said additional bond in the name of the Township for his, their, or its use and prosecute same to final judgement for such sum or sums as may be justly due him, her, them or it and have execution thereon, provided, however, that the Township shall not be liable for any costs of suit.  Upon failure to provide said bonds, the award shall be void. 


                                                                                                Donny James Snyder, Roadmaster

                                                John H. Klemeyer, Esquire, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption a revised Solid Waste Management Ordinance (summary provided below) that includes provisions for mandatory recycling in accordance with Act 101 of 1988 at 7:30 pm on June 4, 2013 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.  A complete copy of the proposed Ordinance can be viewed at, the Dingman Twp. Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, the Pike County Dispatch, 105 W Catherine St, Milford; and the Law Library of the Pike County Courthouse, Broad Street, Milford.



ORDINANCE NO. ________________


Section 1.  SHORT TITLE




Section 5.  FUNCTIONS AND POWERS OF the Board of Supervisors













Section 18.  REGULATIONS

Section 19. Reporting requirements


Section 21.  INSURANCE


Section 23.  PENALTIES





Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

Click Here to See the Proposed Ordinance

Click Here to See the Existing Ordinance


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board will meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month beginning March 12, 2013.  Meeting dates are as follows:

            March 12, 2013      April 9, 2013     May 14, 2013      June 11, 2013     July 9, 2013     August 13, 2013      September 10, 2013

            October 8, 2013     November 12, 2013     December 10, 2013

Meetings to be held at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 beginning at 5:00 p.m.

James Leighty


Matthew J. Galasso



Notice is hereby given that the meeting dates for the Dingman Township Parks and Recreation Commission for 2013 will be as follows:

February   06th and 20th

March        06th and 20th

April           03rd and 17th

May           01st and 15th

June          05th and 19th

July            17th

August       07th and 21st

September 04th and 18th

October      02nd and 16th

November  06th and 20th

December  04th and 18th


           Meetings will be 6:00 pm at the Dingman Township

           Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA 18337.

           All interested parties are welcome.

Positions Available

Dingman Township has two seasonal positions available at the Township Park. 

Duties to include opening & closing the facility and light grounds & building maintenance.  Part-time, 5 hrs/day, 3-4 days/week, approximately April through November.  Ideal for a semi-retired individual!

Click here for an Application form or call Karen Kleist at 570-296-8455.


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing upon and consider for adoption the following amendment to the Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance (new provisions are in bold italic).  Said hearing will be held at 7:30 on March 5, 2013 at the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA.  All interested parties are invited to attend.



            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

§ 100-17.    Preliminary Plan Requirements.

V.         Copies of permits from either Dingman Township or the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, as the case may be, for street encroachment or highway occupancy.  The Township, however, may waive this requirement where no immediate plans exist to improve the property, provided that any lot where a permit requirement is waived must contain at least 50 acres, and a notice has been placed on the plat that such permits are required.  Notwithstanding any exceptions granted, such permits shall be obtained prior to starting construction or guaranteeing any road construction required. When a subdivision is also a lot improvement and no new access is required for either, or any, resulting lots then the requirement for an HOP may be waived.

Ordained and enacted, this the ____ day of ______________, 2013.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor



Notice is hereby given that a public hearing on the application of Miguel A. Escobar, 9 McNally Street, Goshen, New York 10924 will be held on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 beginning at 5:00 p.m.  The applicant is requesting a variance of the property line setbacks found in Section 306 of the Zoning Ordinance.  The property is identified as Tax Map No. 110.03-01-43 and located at 127 East Lake Drive, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  The hearing will be held at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.    

The property is located in the R1 Zoning District.  All interested parties are invited to attend. 

James Leighty, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Matthew J. Galasso




Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors intend to adopt the following change to the compensation for Township Tax Collector at their meeting on February 5, 2013 commencing at 7:30 pm. at the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA.  All interested parties are invited to attend.



            RESOLVED, the Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby enact the following:

            The commission or compensation payable to the Dingman Township Tax Collector for the collection of Township taxes is hereby fixed at five (5%) percent of the amount actually received for general purposes taxes and zero (0%) percent for the fire tax, whether such taxes are paid during the discount period, flat rate or par period or the penalty period.

            The Resolution shall be effective on the first day of the term of Dingman Township Tax Collector after the next election held for that office or at an earlier date if permitted by law.

            Resolved and enacted this _____ day of ___________,  2013.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Eureka Stone Quarry Inc. has submitted a request to the PA DEP to renew their NPDES permit for the Milford Quarry on US Route 6 in Dingman Township.  DEP will accept public comment until February 25, 2013.    A copy of the request is available for review at the Dingman Township office located at 118 Fisher Lane.


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold their 2013 Organizational Meeting on January 7, 2013 at 3:00 pm and their regular Jan. 2013 meetings on January 8 and January 22 at 7:30 pm in the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Twp.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors intends to appoint the independent certified accounting firm of Kirk, Summa & Co. LLP to conduct the Dingman Township FY2012 Audit.  Said appointment will take place at the Jan. 7, 2013 Organization Meeting located in the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Twp.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor



Notice is hereby given that the DINGMAN TOWNSHIP FY2013 PROPOSED BUDGET is available for public review through December 18, 2012 at the Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Township during regular business hours (8:30 am - 4:00 pm). It is anticipated that adoption of the Final Budget will occur at the December 18, 2012 Board of Supervisors meeting.



Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Click here to see the proposed budget.



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption an Ordinance establishing a Uniform Construction Code Board of Appeals, at 7:30 pm on October 2, 2012 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.  A complete copy of the proposed Ordinance can be viewed at, the Dingman Twp. Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, the Pike County Dispatch, 105 W Catherine St, Milford; and the Law Library of the Pike County Courthouse, Broad Street, Milford.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

Editor's note:  The text of the proposed ordinance follows:

ORDINANCE NO. ____-2012_



The Dingman Township Board of Supervisors, (“the Governing Body”) hereby establishes and appoints members to serve on a Board of Appeals under 501(c) of the Act 35 P.S. § 7210.501 (c) and the Board shall adhere to the following:

The Board of Appeals shall hear and rule on appeals, requests for variances, and requests for extensions of time.  An application for appeal shall be based on claim that the true intent of the Act or Uniform Construction Code has been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of the Act or Uniform Construction Code do not fully apply or an equivalent form of construction is to be used.

Composition of the Board:

1)     A member of the Board of Appeals shall be qualified by training and experience to pass on matters pertaining to building construction. Training and experience may consist of licensure as an architect or engineer, experience in the construction industry, and training or experience as an inspector or plan reviewer.

2)     A member of the Board of Appeals holds office at the pleasure of the Governing Body.  Following initial appointment, Appeal Board members shall serve five (5) year terms.

3)     Members of the Governing Body and their Building Code Administrators/ employees may not serve on the Board of Appeals.

4)     The Board of Appeals shall consist of five (5) members and at least two (2) alternates for the purpose of reviewing appeals, requests for variances and/or requests for extensions of time.

5)     A Board of Appeals member may not cast a vote or participate in a hearing in any appeal, request for variance or request for extension of time which the member has a personal, professional or financial interest.

6)     The Board of Appeals shall schedule meetings and provide public notice of meetings in accordance with 65 Pa.C.S.701-706, (relating to the Sunshine Act).

7)     The Board of Appeals may not act upon appeals, request for variance or requests for extension of time relating to accessibility under the act.

Appeals, Variances, and Extensions of Time:

1)     Any owner of owner’s agent may seek a variance or extension of time or appeal a Building Code Official’s decision by filing a petition for an informal opinion or formal Hearing with the applicable Municipal Secretary on designated form(s).

2)     The postmark date or the date of personal service will establish the filing date of the appeal and the request for variance or extension of time.

3)     An appeal or request for variance or extension of time to the Board of Appeals will automatically suspend an action to enforce an order to correct until the matter is resolved. An action under §403.84 (relating to unsafe building, structure or equipment) may not be stayed.

4)     The Board of Appeals shall decide on an appeal, variance request or request for extension of time by reviewing documents and written brief or argument unless the owner or owner’s agent requests a Hearing.

5)     The Board of Appeals shall hold a Hearing or meeting, as applicable, within thirty (30) days for requests pertaining to one and two family residential issues and sixty (60) days for requests pertaining to non-residential issues, unless the applicant agrees in writing to an extension of time.

6)     The Board of Appeals shall only consider the following factors when deciding an appeal under §501 (c)(2) of the act:

a)     The true intent of the Act or Uniform Construction Code was incorrectly interpreted.

b)     The provisions of the Act do not apply.

c)      An equivalent form of construction is to be used.

7)     The Board of Appeals may consider the following factors when ruling upon a request for extension of time or the request for variance:

a)     The reasonableness of the Uniform Construction Code’s application in a particular case.

b)     The extent to which the granting of a variance or extension of time will pose a violation of the Uniform Construction Code or an unsafe condition.

c)      The availability of professional or technical personnel needed to come into compliance.

d)     The availability of materials and equipment needed to come into compliance.

e)     The efforts being made to come into compliance as quickly as possible.

f)        Compensatory features that will provide for an equivalent degree of protection to the Uniform Construction Code.

8)     If the owner or owner’s agent requests a Hearing, the Board of Appeals shall schedule a hearing and notify the owner or owner’s agent and Building Code Official of the date, time and place of the hearing. The Board of Appeals may:

a)     Deny the request is whole or in part.

b)     Grant the request in whole or in part.

c)      Grant the request upon certain conditions being satisfied.

9)     The Board of Appeals shall provide a written notice of its decision to the owner and the Building Code Official.

10)            An owner shall file an appeal, request for variances and request for extensions of time relating to accessibility with the Accessibility Advisory Board under §403.142 (relating to Accessibility Advisory Board).


The Governing Body shall each set a fee schedule for hearings related appeals, requests for variances and requests for extensions of time for permits with in their respective jurisdiction. The fee schedule may be reviewed from time to time to determine reasonable rates for hearing costs.


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider the Conditional Use Zoning application of Sunrise Lake Property Owners Association to construct a road salt shed at its property located at 101 Sunrise Drive, and further known as tax map #122.00-01-04.  The property is located in the RC (Resort Commercial) zoning district; the proposed Use is a “Residential Subdivision Facilities & Amenities”.  Said Hearing will be held on September 18, 2012 at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider the Conditional Use Zoning application of Stephen Leech, SJL Realty Holdings Inc., to locate an auxiliary generator sales and service business at his property located at 576 Route 6, and further known as tax map #095.00-02-04.001.  The property is located in the NC (Neighborhood Commercial) zoning district;  the proposed Use is a “Low Impact Retail and Service Establishment”.  Said Hearing will be held on September 18,  2012 at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on AUGUST 21, 2012, at 7:30 pm., at the Dingman Twp. Municipal Office, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Twp, Pennsylvania, the officers of the Township of Dingman, Pike County, Pennsylvania, will act on an ordinance (of which this notice is the summary) authorizing the issuance of an awarding of its $ 283,754.00 principal amount, general obligation Note Series 2012-A, at a private sale.  If enacted, the ordinance will award the Note to the purchaser thereof, approve the form of the Note, fix the rate of interest to be paid, pledge the full faith and credit of the local government unit for the payment thereof, create a sinking fund and authorize the proper officers to take the necessary steps to issue the Note.  The funds to be obtained from the borrowing will be used for the following purpose: to refinance an existing Note at a lower rate of interest and similar remaining term.

A copy of the full text of the proposed ordinance may be examined by any citizen at the Dingman Township Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, on any business day (except Saturdays and Sundays) between the hours of 8:30 am. and 4:00 pm., prevailing time.

                                                          Secretary of the Township of Dingman


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on AUGUST 21, 2012, at 7:30 pm., at the Dingman Twp. Municipal Office, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Twp, Pennsylvania, the officers of the Township of Dingman, Pike County, Pennsylvania, will act on an ordinance (of which this notice is the summary) authorizing the issuance of an awarding of its $ 150,000.00 principal amount, general obligation Note Series 2012-B, at a private sale.  If enacted, the ordinance will award the Note to the purchaser thereof, approve the form of the Note, fix the rate of interest to be paid, pledge the full faith and credit of the local government unit for the payment thereof, create a sinking fund and authorize the proper officers to take the necessary steps to issue the Note.  The funds to be obtained from the borrowing will be used for the following purpose: to provide funding for park and recreation development in and for the residents of Dingman Township, Pike County.

A copy of the full text of the proposed ordinance may be examined by any citizen at the Dingman Township Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, on any business day (except Saturdays and Sundays) between the hours of 8:30 am. and 4:00 pm., prevailing time.

                                                                               Karen Kleist, Secretary


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following amendment to the Township’s Zoning Ordinance, at 7:30 pm on August 21, 2012 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford. 


             The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

Section 305 - Zoning Use Chart

    CP District

Add the following as a SPECIAL EXCEPTION use:

   Apartment Conversions


Apartment Conversions- Conversions of buildings in existence as of January 1, 2012 to multi-family use provided that the building is served by public (licensed PUC or Municipal Authority) water supply. If the building subject to conversion is at the time of application approved for commercial use the objective standards in Sections 415.3, 415.4, 415.7, and 415.10 shall not apply. The Zoning Hearing Board shall have jurisdiction over the entire application and issues normally presented to the governing body for conditional use approval shall be presented to the Zoning Hearing Board.

 415.1  Procedure.  Multi-family dwelling projects shall be considered subdivisions and land developments subject to the Township Subdivision and Land Development Regulations.  This classification shall apply to all subdivision of property in connection with the development, including parcels used for building and open space, and the approvals required shall be processed concurrently.

Applications for preliminary subdivision land development approval and conditional use approval of multi-family dwelling projects shall be made to the Township Planning Commission in the manner provided in the Subdivision Regulations and simultaneously with the Conditional Use application made hereunder.  The developer shall submit all information required by the Subdivision Regulations and the following additional information:

                The Township Planning Commission, before recommending action to the Board of Supervisors, shall conduct a public hearing pursuant to the notice requirements of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code review the entire application.  The Commission shall then report its findings together with a recommendation indicating whether the conditional use criteria contained in Section 404 will be satisfied.

415.12  Conversions of Existing Structures.  Conversions of motels, hotels, or other existing structures to multi-family dwelling use, regardless of  whether such conversions involve structural alteration, shall be considered subdivisions land developments and shall be subject to the provisions of this Section 415. If the proposed project does involve structural alterations, the Preliminary Plan shall include a certification of a registered architect or engineer that the existing building is structurally sound and that the proposed conversion will not impair structural soundness.

(New provisions are bold.  Deletions are strikethrough.)


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed proposals until 4:00 p.m. on AUGUST 7, 2012 for 250 tons of Sodium Chloride treated with “Ice-Ban Ultra M”, “Clear Lane”, or similar.  Bid Proposals should reflect delivery prices and must be accompanied by a 10% bid bond. Bids will be accepted in person or by mail, on forms provided by the Township, at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455.  Bid Opening will be held during the August 7, 2012 Supervisors meeting commencing at 7:30 pm.

The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.  Quantities indicated above are estimated amounts.  The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract with sufficient surety in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded.  Upon failure to provide such bond the award shall be void.


                                                              DINGMAN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

                                                              Jim Snyder, Roadmaster


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing to consider an appeal of the Zoning Officer’s determination that a single family structure was changed to a two family structure without first obtaining the required permits has been scheduled for Tuesday, August 14, 2012 beginning at 5:00 p.m..  The property is identified as Pike County Tax Map No. 112.00-03-03 and located at 119 Route 2001, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  The appeal was requested by Eric Rienzie, 398 Echo Avenue, Sound Beach, New York 11789.  The hearing will be held at the Dingman Township Muncipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.    

The property is located in the R1 Zoning District.  All interested parties are invited to attend. 

James Leighty, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Douglas J. Jacobs



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting on July 9, 2012 at 6 pm in the Dingman Twp. Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford to award bids for Projects 1-3 of Park Construction Phase 1-B.


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed bids until 12:00 p.m. on June 28, 2012, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. Awarding of the contract is anticipated to occur during their regular meeting on July 3, 2012 at 7:30 pm for the following:

            Installation of a non-residential Drip Dispersal Sewage System with a 4800 LF absorption area and employing free access sand filters at the Dingman Twp. Park, 679 Log Tavern Road.  Prevailing Wage Rates apply. 

            Bid Proposals MUST be submitted on forms supplied by the Township in a sealed envelope clearly labeled as “PARK SEWAGE SYSTEM BID PROPOSAL”, and must include Bid Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid, and a Statement of Manufacturer’s Certification (if applicable). Compliance with the PA DCED Grant program and PA Prevailing Wage Rates are required for the project. Bids will be accepted in person or by mail at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455. The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.

            The successful bidder shall: (a) provide proof of workers compensation insurance and liability insurance for a minimum of $1,000,000; (b) be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract and warranty with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded; and (c) be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing the prompt payment for all materials furnished and labor supplied or performed in the prosecution of the work hereunder with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded, & shall provide that every person, copartnership, association or corporation who, whether as subcontractor or otherwise, has furnished material or supplied or performed labor in the prosecution of the work & who has not been paid therefore, may sue in assumpsit on said additional bond in the name of the Township for his, their, or its use and prosecute same to final judgement for such sum or sums as may be justly due him, her, them or it and have execution thereon, provided, however, that the Township shall not be liable for any costs of suit.  Upon failure to provide said bonds, the award shall be void. 



The Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will receive sealed Bids, in the manner and at the place further identified in the Instructions to Bidders, for the following:  construction of the Dingman Township Park- Phase 1-B on Log Tavern Road, in Dingman Township, Pike County.  There are three (3) projects included:  Project #1- Site Work (football field, playground site, misc.);  Project #2- General Contracting for Snack Bar & Electric; Project #3- Water Supply Well & Water System. Prevailing Wage rates apply.  A mandatory Pre Bid meeting will be held at 10 AM on June 18, 2012, at the project site, 679 Log Tavern Road, Milford, PA 18337.  The deadline for submission of Bids is 12:00 P.M. (Noon) local time, on JUNE 28, 2012 at the Township Building, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read.  Bids shall be mailed or hand-delivered to the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, Attention: Karen Kleist, Township Sec/Treas; 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA, 18337 (570)296-8455.  Bids must be submitted on the form and in the manner provided in the Contract Documents and include a 10% Bid Bond; bids submitted otherwise will not be considered.  The Bid/Contract Documents will be available at the Township Office, during normal business hours, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM weekdays.  A NONREFUNDABLE check of One-Hundred Dollars ($100.00) is required for one complete set of General Construction Drawings and a Project Manual; individual Project(s) documents are available at $50.00 each.  All checks shall be made payable to Dingman Township. Please call ahead to schedule a pick-up.

The successful Bidder will be required to file a Stipulation Against Mechanic's Liens, a one hundred percent (100%) performance/payment bond, and Insurance Certificates for both Workers Comp and Contractor's General Liability prior to commencing work. Compliance with the PA DCED Grant program and PA Prevailing Wage Rates are required for the project(s).

Inquiries regarding the Project or the Contract Documents may be directed to: Northeast Construction Services, by either fax (570-296-5811) or email info@noreastconservices.comAll inquiries must be made in writing and include specific identification of the Project by name.


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed bids until 4:00 p.m. on June 28, 2012, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. Awarding of the contract is anticipated to occur during their regular meeting on July 17, 2012 at 7:30 pm for the following:

            Supply, delivery and installation of two playgrounds (one 2-5 and one 5-12 years of age) at the Dingman Twp. Park, 679 Log Tavern Road.  Equipment pricing not to exceed COSTARS contract pricing. Prevailing Wage Rates apply to installation. 

            Bid Proposals MUST be submitted on forms supplied by the Township in a sealed envelope clearly labeled as “PLAYGROUND BID PROPOSAL”, and must include Bid Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid. Compliance with PA Prevailing Wage Rates are required for the project. Bids will be accepted in person or by mail at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455. The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.

            The successful bidder shall: (a) provide proof of workers compensation insurance and liability insurance for a minimum of $1,000,000; (b) be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract and warranty with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred percent (50%) of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded; and (c) be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing the prompt payment for all materials furnished and labor supplied or performed in the prosecution of the work hereunder with sufficient surety in the amount of one hundred percent (50%) of the contract amount within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded, & shall provide that every person, copartnership, association or corporation who, whether as subcontractor or otherwise, has furnished material or supplied or performed labor in the prosecution of the work & who has not been paid therefore, may sue in assumpsit on said additional bond in the name of the Township for his, their, or its use and prosecute same to final judgement for such sum or sums as may be justly due him, her, them or it and have execution thereon, provided, however, that the Township shall not be liable for any costs of suit.  Upon failure to provide said bonds, the award shall be void. 



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption an amendment to the Township’s Zoning Ordinance, a summary of which is provided below, at 7:30 pm on June 19, 2012 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.  The complete text of the amendment can be found on the Township’s website; at the Township Offices; the Pike County Law Library, 410 Broad St, Milford; and the Pike County Dispatch, 105 W Catherine St, Milford.         [Editor's Note:  Entire text follows this Notice]


            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

Section 306 – Development Standards

     Footnote #2:  [setbacks for corner lots are being revised]


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

Text of proposed ordinance.  Text in bold are words to be added.





            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

Section 306  -  Development Standards

Footnote #2 – (Revised as follows) Central water supply and off-site sewage disposal facilities are required for principal permitted uses. Recreational Vehicle sites - 9,000 sq. ft. The setback lines for the placement of any structure on a recreational vehicle campsite including but not limited to: recreational vehicles, tents, trailers, cars, trucks or other motorized vehicles used for camping, accessory buildings (which may not be used for human habitation), decks, landings, patios, gazebos, or anything other than natural vegetation shall be: fifteen (15) feet from the front lot line; fifteen (15) feet from the back lot line; seven and one-half (7 ½ “ ) feet from the side lot lines; and fifty (50) feet from the top of the bank of any body of water (lake, stream, brook, etc.) No part of the recreational vehicle, including slide outs, tip outs, etc., may encroach into the setback area. The total of both side yards shall be no less than fifteen (15) feet and no recreational vehicle or structure that exceeds fifteen (15) feet in height may be placed on the lot. For a corner lot the rear yard opposite the road on which the lot has the most frontage may be reduced by 50%. A lot used for transient camping may obtain a permit for such use with a designated pad area for the placement of structures. The entirety of any structure, including any camping structures, shall be within the confines of the pad at all times after installation. Seasonal camping shall not be considered transient. The property owner shall be required to show the zoning officer adequate evidence of the location of lot lines (including a survey if deemed necessary by the officer) before placing any such structures. The placement of any such structure shall require a zoning permit under this ordinance. Any owner may apply for a certificate of non-conforming use for any structure previously placed that would otherwise be in violation of this provision within one (1) year of the date of enactment. Thereafter, any such structures shall be considered to be in violation of this provision.

Ordained and enacted this _________ day of ___________, 2012.

Click Here for Public Notice Requesting Bids for Road Work


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Parks and Recreation Commission’s regular meetings are to be held at the Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA 18337 The first and third Monday of every month at 6:00 P.M. on the following dates:

March 05, March 19

April 02, April 16

May 07, May 28, Memorial Day (Township closed) no meeting

June 04, June 18

July 02, July 16

August 06, August 20

September 03, Labor Day (Township closed) no meeting, September 17

October 01, October 15

November 05, November 19

December 03, December 17

All interested parties are invited to attend.

George Kleist, Chairman

Anthony Contino, Vice Chairman


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption an amendment to the Township’s Sewage Facilities Ordinance, a summary of which is provided below, at 7:30 pm on March 20, 2012 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.  The complete text of the amendment can be found on the Township’s website; at the Township Offices; the Pike County Law Library, 410 Broad St, Milford; and the Pike County Dispatch, 105 W Catherine St, Milford.  [Editors Note:  Entire text is printed at the conclusion of this notice.]


            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

Section 3: Definitions

Section 5: Individual Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems

Section 6: Community Subsurface Systems

Section 7: Land Application & Sewage Treatment Plants

Section 7A: Individual Residential Spray Irrigation Systems

Section 7B: Alternate & Experimental Sewage Disposal Systems

Section 9: Portable Toilets

Section 10: Malfunctions & Repairs

Section 19B: Severability Clause


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

[Editor's Note:  The following is the text of the proposed ordinance to amend the sewage ordinance.  Struck through text are words to be deleted from the existing ordinance.  Bold text are words to be added to the existing ordinance.  Click here to read the existing sewage ordinance.]

ORDINANCE NO.            .



            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

Add the following definition to Section 3:

“Waters of this Commonwealth”     shall mean rivers, streams, creeks, rivulets, impoundments, ditches, water courses, storm sewers, lakes, dammed water, ponds, springs and other bodies or channels of conveyance of surface and underground water, or any of their parts, whether natural or artificial within or on the boundaries of this Commonwealth.

Amend Section 5 (Individual Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems) subsection A 2 to read as follows:

Upon the completion of the necessary testing, which shall include a test pit and percolation test and may include additional testing (eg., hydroconductivity testing),  and the design of a sewage disposal system based on said testing, the Applicant shall complete and submit to the SEO Part II and Part III of the application. the application, design, and any other documentation required to obtain the permit.

Amend Section 5 subsection A 3 to read as follows:

All costs associated with preparing for and conducting the test pit, percolation test, and any other tests required by the Township shall be borne by the Applicant.

Amend Section 5 subsection A 5 to read as follows:

The Applicant shall provide information concerning the component parts of the sewage disposal system by utilizing a simple layout sketch, and their proposed location, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Sewage Facilities Act of 1966 (P.L. 1535) and Act 208 (S.B. 1550) of 1974 and amendments thereto, the regulations promulgated thereunder, and the requirements of this ordinance.  If necessary additional sheets for layout sketches may be used.

Amend Section 5 subsection A 6 to read as follows:

All applications filed under this Section V shall be accompanied by a plot           plan drawn to scale and legible in every detail which shall show all lot boundary lines, and all existing and proposed wells on the subject lot and/or on other lots or parcels that are within one-hundred fifty (150) feet of the proposed system.  In the case where the subject lot is less than one (1) acre in size, said plot plan shall be a survey drawn and certified by a Surveyor licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or a Professional Engineer licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  The applicant shall have the burden of determining the location of wells and other features on other lots as described herein, and the Township shall make its files available for inspection for this purpose.  The Township SEO may rely upon the accuracy of the plot plan or survey, as the case may be, for all purposes described herein. In the event that subsequent investigation of information received subsequent to the issuance of the permit reveals inaccuracies or omissions in the plot plan or survey this shall be an adequate basis for revocation of any permit issued in reliance on the accuracy of that plot plan or survey.  Such revocation may be issued without prior notice to the applicant or the applicant's agents.

This section shall not apply to repairs, component replacements, or modifications to existing sewage disposal systems in which the repaired, replaced, or added component is installed in the same location as the previous component or does not otherwise violate the required set backs from water wells nor shall it apply to permits issued for the placement of portable chemical toilets.

Amend Section 5 subsection B to read as follows:

Isolation Distance:         No aggregate of any subsurface   sewage system component shall be located or placed less than one-hundred (100) feet  the mandatory isolation distance specified in the Sewage Facilities Act regulations from any existing well, or any proposed well as permitted by a valid Dingman Township Well Permit, located on the subject parcel or on any adjoining or neighboring parcel.  (See also Section V, J of this Ordinance). Applications for exception to this requirement for sewage disposal systems and wells on the same lot filed with the Township pursuant to Section 8.f of the Sewage Facilities Act shall be in writing and shall include, at a minimum:

Amend Section 5 subsection B (1) to read as follows:

(1)   a survey of the subject premises indicating the existing and proposed well(s) on both the subject and neighboring properties and the proposed septic system

Amend Section 5 subsection C to read as follows:

Site Preparation:   It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to have the site prepared for inspection including any digging of test pits or percolation test holes required by Chapter 73 of the Department's Rules and Regulations.  It shall also be the responsibility of the applicant to provide any technical personnel that may be required including, but not limited to, percolation test technicians, soil scientists, or engineers, as may be required for the specific application. The SEO shall have the authority, however, to refuse to accept the results of tests performed during unsuitable weather or when site conditions are such that the test results will not be indicative of the normal soil capacity to renovate wastewater (eg., during times of dry or drought conditions).

Amend Section 5 subsection D to read as follows:

Validity:            The construction and installation of both the sewage disposal system  AND  of any building or structure for which such system is to be installed shall be initiated within three (3) years from the date of issuance of the subject permit.  Permits shall not be valid for more than three (3) years from the date of permit issuance.

If construction or installation of an individual or community sewage disposal system  AND  of any building or structure for which such system is to be installed has not commenced within three (3) years after the issuance of a permit for such system, said permit shall expire, and a new permit shall be obtained prior to the commencement of said construction or installation.  For purposes of this section, building or structure construction shall not be considered initiated until such time as the foundation has been completed and approved by the Township Building Inspector; and sewage system construction shall not be considered initiated until such time as the septic treatment tank has been installed and the laterals have been approved by the SEO for covering.

Amend Section 5 subsection F to read as follows:

DEP Approval: With the exception of alternate systems types that DEP has granted the SEO permission to issue without Department review, any application for any individual sewage disposal system which either requires approval of the Department or is an alternate or an experimental system shall receive the concurrence of the Department in writing prior to the issuance of a permit by the SEO.

Amend Section 5 subsection H to read as follows:

Approval:         Within seven (7) days of the Applicant's compliance with the procedures set forth in this Ordinance and the Applicant's submission of the completed application and all other required information, the SEO shall issue, or deny or return the application for correction or amendment.  If the said application is approved, the SEO shall issue a permit and forward same to the Applicant.  Applications returned for corrections or amendment shall be issued, denied, or returned for further correction and/or amendment within fifteen (15) days of resubmission.  If the application is denied, the applicant shall be so notified in writing within seven (7) days of the SEO's denial

Amend Section 5 to add a subsection J (2) to read as follows:

(2)        Whenever DEP or a sewage system component manufacturer requires that the property owner enter into an Operation and Maintenance agreement for the inspection, maintenance, and/or servicing of the particular sewage system type or component thereof, the permit shall be issued contingent on the property owner entering into such agreement with the manufacturer’s representative or other approved party, as appropriate.  The agreement shall be binding on all future property owners until such time as the system or component is no longer servicing the property.  Utilization of the sewage system or any structure in which it serves without a valid agreement for the system or subject component shall be a violation of this ordinance.

Amend Section 6(Community Subsurface Systems) subsection A 1 to read as follows:

1.        A list of the names and addresses of all participants in  properties or buildings to be served by the community system shall be provided to the Township.  Any change in participation shall be immediately reported to the Township.  And a revised list of names and addresses of all participants shall be submitted to the Township.

Amend Section 6 subsection A 2 to read as follows:

2.         Participants All property owners whose property is designated to be served by the community system shall be equally liable for any expenses incurred by the Township in the inspection or permitting of said system or other related costs unless the participants have agreed among themselves to otherwise share expenses.

Amend Section 6 subsection A 3 to read as follows:

3.         Expenses incurred by the Township on components that serve an the individual property of participants shall be assessed against the individual participant property owner.

Amend Section 7 (Land Application & Sewage Treatment Plants) subsection B to read as follows:

Operator:         All systems shall at all times be operated by an individual licensed for same by DEP, and the owner of each system shall also provide for a licensed "back-up" operator.  The name, address and telephone number of said operator and back-up operator shall be provided to the Township by no later than January 15th of each year, and the Township shall be notified by the owner of any changes in operators.  The Board of Supervisors may, based upon the size or nature of the treatment system, require a full-time operator.  This section shall not apply to individual sewerage systems (small flow treatment facilities) when DEP does not require a licensed operator.

Amend Section 7 subsection D to read as follows:

Flow Monitoring:          The system owner shall install a continuous twenty-four (24) hour "strip chart" or "circular chart" flow meter on the system to determine  spray/discharge volumes.  The Board of Supervisors may require the installation of such flow meters on both the influent and effluent sides of the treatment system.  Similar flow meters shall be installed on the water supply system to provide a means of assessing infiltration/inflow volumes.  Daily readings of all flow meters shall be made by the systems operator(s) for reporting to the Township on a monthly basis.  This section shall not apply to individual sewerage systems (small flow treatment facilities) when DEP does not require flow monitoring.

Amend Section 7 subsection E 1 to read as follows:

1.         In the case of land application systems, the owner shall install a series of    observation wells, of such number, location, and design, as determined by   the Township, to monitor the functioning of any spray zones.  In order to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment system, the owner shall, on a        monthly basis, sample each well and submit said samples to a PA DEP certified laboratory for analysis for the parameters established by the             Board of Supervisors, based upon the recommendation of the Township Engineer.  Said test results shall be submitted to the Township on a monthly basis.  The requirement of monitoring wells will not apply to Individual Residential Spray Irrigation Systems (IRSIS) which will be monitored in accordance with section 7A of this ordinance.

Amend Section 7 subsection E 2 to read as follows:

In the case of stream discharge, two stream sampling locations shall be established by the Township, one location upstream of the discharge and one location downstream of the discharge.  The upstream location shall serve as a baseline of stream water quality, and the downstream location shall serve as a means of assessing the long term affect of the stream discharge.  The system owner shall, as part of the sewage planning process, conduct a chemical, biological and flow analysis of the upstream location to provide sufficient data to establish the baseline condition.  All such tests shall be conducted by a qualified and/or certified person(s) and shall include the parameters established by the Board of Supervisors, based upon the recommendation of the Township Engineer.  Test results shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors within twenty (20) forty (40) days of the testing date.

Any proposed and any existing treatment systems with a stream discharge shall conduct similar testing at the downstream testing location at times as established by the Board of Supervisors, but in no case less than two (2)       times per year.  All such tests shall be conducted by a qualified and/or certified person(s).  In order to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment system, the owner shall submit said samples to a PA DEP certified laboratory for analysis for the parameters established by the Board of Supervisors, based upon the recommendation of the Township Engineer. Test results shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors within twenty (20)  forty (40) days of the testing date.

Amend Section 7A (Individual Residential Spray Irrigation Systems) by deleting subsection D in its entirety:

D.       Environmental Impact:     The Applicant will present documentation, prepared by a qualified Pennsylvania licensed engineer, that the use of the proposed system will not adversely impact existing and proposed drinking water supplies and will not create a nuisance or public health hazard.

Amend Section 7A subsection E to read as follows:

Testing:     The Applicant shall test the effluent at the first nozzle for BOD, fecal coliform, total suspended solids and chlorine residual on a monthly basis for the first two years. and quarterly thereafter, if the testing for the first two years reveals no violations of standards After 24 consecutive tests reveal no effluent parameter violations, the testing frequency may be reduced to a quarterly basis.  However, should any quarterly test find an effluent parameter violation, the testing shall revert back to monthly and will not be conducted quarterly again until such time as there are no violations found for 12 consecutive months. A copy of the test results shall be submitted to the Township by certified mail within thirty (30) days of the test date.  The Township reserves the right to conduct effluent testing, at its cost, either on a random basis or to investigate a possible malfunction or violation.  It would be considered a violation of this ordinance should an inspection find that system components have been rendered inoperable or the system does not have enough chlorine to operate correctly.  

Amend Section 7B (Alternate & Experimental Sewage Disposal Sysstems) to read as follows:

Any sewage disposal system classified as “Experimental’ under the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act regulations or classified as “Alternate” for which DEP, through regulation or written policy, requires periodic operation, maintenance, and monitoring similar to that required by an Individual Residential Spray Irrigation System (IRSIS) shall enter into a maintenance and operation agreement that meets state regulations or the requirements of Section 7A, subsection C of this Ordinance, whichever may be greater, and shall be secured in accordance with Section 8 subsections D, E, F, and G herein.  Effluent samples shall be taken at a point in the system designated by the SEO.

Amend Section 9 (Portable Toilets) by deleting subsection A in its entirety and re-numbering accordingly:

Type:                Said toilet is made by a manufacturer approved by DEP.

Amend Section 9 subsection F to read as follows:

Community Beaches and Parks:            Portable toilets shall be permitted for seasonal use at community beaches, and parks, and other amenities. Permits for same shall be obtained by the applicable community association.  Permits for same shall not be          valid for a period in excess of six (6) months and toilets shall be removed prior to the expiration of the permit.  twelve (12) months

Amend Section 10 (Malfunctions & Repairs) subsection B 2 to read as follows:

A malfunctioning sewage disposal system may be evidenced by discharge of effluent to the surface of the ground, bacteriological samples or dye tests which confirm pollution of wells or streams  other Waters of this Commonwealth ,or the back-up of sewage into house sewers. The Township SEO shall, subject to the requirements and authority of the Sewage Facilities Act and the Second Class Township Code, in response to written complaints by affected persons, or with other evidence of nuisance to the public health, inspect any property, determine the existence of a malfunction and direct remedial action.

If so directed by the SEO, a plot plan shall be prepared by the applicant showing a layout of the lot and all surface features which may have caused or contributed to the malfunction including isolation distances to wells, streams, and the like.  Soil survey information shall also be noted and analyzed.  Before ordering other corrective action the Sewage Enforcement Officer may require the cleaning of the septic tank to ascertain whether the problem stems from a lack of maintenance.  Regular periodic pumping may also be ordered.

Add a Section 19B which shall read as follows:

Section 19B    Severability Clause

The provisions of this Ordinance are severable, and if an of its sections, clauses, or sentences be held illegal, invalid, or unconstitutional, such illegality, invalidity, or unconstitutionality shall not affect or impair any of the remaining sections, clauses, or sentences of this Ordinance.

This Ordinance shall take affect five days after adoption.

            Ordained and enacted this _________ day of ________________,  2012.

                                                                                       DINGMAN TOWNSHIP

                                                                                    BOARD OF SUPERVISORS

                                                                                    _____________________________                                                                                                                          Thomas E. Mincer


                                                                                    Dennis L. Brink 

                                                                                   _____________________________                                                                                                                          Kerry Welsh

Public Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold their reorganizational meeting on Thursday, February 23, 2012 beginning at 5:00 PM at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher lane, Milford, PA  18337.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

Bonnie Mullins, Secretary

Douglas J. Jacobs, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Parks and Recreation Commission’s Reorganization Meeting will be held on January 11, 2012 6:00 PM at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337. All interested parties are invited to attend.

Julie Forbes, Rec. Sec.



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold their 2012 Organizational Meeting on January 3, 2012 at 6:00 pm and their regular Jan. 2012 meetings on January 3 and January 17 at 7:30 pm in the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Twp.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor



Notice is hereby given that the DINGMAN TOWNSHIP FY2012 PROPOSED BUDGET is available for public review through December 20, 2011 at the Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Township during regular business hours (8:30 am - 4:00 pm). It is anticipated that adoption of the Final Budget will occur at the December 20, 2011 Board of Supervisors meeting.



Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

Editors note:  Click here to see proposed budget

Ed. Note:  This hearing was rescheduled for 1/3/12



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following amendment to the Township’s Sawkill Creek Watershed Management Ordinance at 7:30 pm on December 6, 2011 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford. 


            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:


Any activity conducted in violation of this Ordinance is declared to be a public nuisance.

A.     Notice

In the event that an owner, applicant, developer, property manager, or his/her agent fails to comply with the Ordinance, the Enforcement Officer shall provide a written notice of the violation to be served upon the person. Such notice shall set forth the nature of the violation(s) and direct the person to whom it is served to comply with all the terms of this Ordinance within seven (7) days, or such additional period, not to exceed thirty (30) days, as the Enforcement Officer shall give notice to the owner, applicant, developer, property manager, or agent thereof that if the violation is not corrected, the Township of Dingman may correct the same and charge the landowner or other person responsible the cost thereof plus penalties as specified herein for failure to comply. The Board of Supervisors may, for good cause shown by the owner, applicant, developer, property manager, or agent thereof, extend the period for compliance under this section.


A.       Anyone violating the provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of amisdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be subject to a fine not more than $1,000.00 for each violation, recoverable with costs, or imprisonment of not more than thirty (30) days, or both.  Each day that the violation continues shall be a separate offense. The court of common pleas, upon petition, may grant an order of stay, upon cause shown, tolling the per diem judgment pending a final adjudication of the violation and judgment. 

B.      In case any building, structure, or land is, or is proposed to be, erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, converted, maintained or used in violation of this ordinance the Township Supervisors or, with the approval of the Township Supervisors, an officer of the Township, in addition to other remedies, may institute in the name of the  Township any appropriate action or proceeding to prevent, restrain, correct, or abate such building, structure, or land, or to prevent in or about such premises, any act, conduct, business or use constituting a violation.

C.       Nothing contained in this section shall be construed or interpreted to grant to any person or entity other than the Township of Dingman the right to commence any action for enforcement pursuant to this section.


New Provisions are Bold, Deleted Provisions are Strikethrough.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor



Notice is hereby given that the public hearing to consider the application of Nextel Communications of the Mid-Atlantic, Inc. for the construction of a cell tower on Etna Circle in the Mount Haven Subdivision identified as Pike County Tax Map No. 124.00-02-45 has been continued to Thursday, November 17, 2011 beginning at 6:00 p.m at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.

The application has been determined by the Zoning Officer to be classified as a Special Exception use in accordance with Section 305 of the Zoning Ordinance.  The property is owned by Dingman Pike Holding L.P., PO Box 643, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 and is located in the NC Zoning District.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

Craig Moureaux, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board



Notice is hereby given that the public hearing to consider the application of Arnold Green and Fabio Disla to establish a bed and breakfast at 300 Water Street, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 and identified as Pike County Tax Map No. 112.00-03-48 has been continued to Thursday, November 17, 2011 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.

The applicants are requesting a Special Exception permit in accordance with Section 307 of the Dingman Township Zoning Ordinance.  The applicants are also requesting a variance of Section 603 of the Zoning Ordinance.  Section 603 requires a large truck parking area, which the applicants consider unnecessary to the project.  The property is owned by the applicants and is located in the FP Zoning District.    All interested parties are invited to attend. 

James Leighty, Vice Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Douglas J. Jacobs



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold budget workshops on Oct. 4 & 18, 2011 and Nov. 1 & 15, 2011 at 6:30 pm, and on Oct. 25, 2011 at 7:00 pm at the Dingman Twp. Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

NOTICE - To Correct Erroneous Information Being Disseminated by Others

The Public Hearing to consider the application of JoJo Oil Company  (d/b/a Airline Petroleum Company) has been continued to September 29, 2011, 4:30 PM at the Dingman Township Municipal Building on 118 Fisher Lane.  There will be no Zoning Hearing Board meeting on September 13th.  (See official notice below).

It has come to the attention of Dingman Township officials that unknown persons have mailed post cards urging area residents to attend the Hearing on September 12th.  Please be advised that there was never a hearing scheduled on that date --- JoJo Oil, or otherwise.  All interested parties are encouraged to obtain information from official Township sources such as this website or by calling the Township office at 570-296-8455, M-F 9 to 3:30 PM.


Notice is hereby given that the public hearing before the Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board to consider an appeal by the Lake Adventure Community Association has been continued to Thursday, September 29, 2011 beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.

Lake Adventure Community Association is appealing the denial of Zoning Permit Application #194-11 for the placement of an 11.5 foot wide park model on property known as Lot 9, located at 170 Forest Glen Drive.  The permit was denied because the vehicle specified did not meet the Dingman Township Zoning Ordinance definition of a recreational vehicle.  The  property is owned by the Lake Adventure Community Association, 5000 Lake Adventure Drive, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 and located in the ND2 Zoning District.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

Craig Moureaux, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Douglas J. Jacobs



Notice is hereby given that the public hearing to consider the application of JoJo Oil Company, Inc. d/b/a Airline Petroleum Company to place a bulk fuel transfer station on property known as Lot 6 in the Dingman Hills Subdivision and identified as Pike County Tax Map No. 122.00-01-09.006 has been continued to Thursday, September 29, 2011 beginning at 4:30 p.m. at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  All testimony was received at the hearing on July 26, 2011 and no further testimony will be received.  The only purpose of the continued hearing is for the Zoning Hearing Board to issue its decision.

The use has been determined by the Zoning Officer to be classified as a Use Not Provided For in accordance with Section 105 of the Zoning Ordinance.  As such, the application will be addressed under the Special Exception process.  The property is owned by Pike TC 739 LLC, 5020 Clark Road, Sarasota, Florida 34233 and is located in the RC Zoning District.    All interested parties are invited to attend. 

Craig Moureaux, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Douglas J. Jacobs



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, September 29, 2011 beginning at 5:00 p.m. at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 to consider the application of Lake Adventure Community Association, Inc. for a Substantive Challenge to the Validity of Ordinance No. 02-2011 that amended the Dingman Township Zoning Ordinance.  The applicant has also filed a request for a Variance from said Ordinance for all properties located in the Lake Adventure Community.  

The Substantive Challenge to the Ordinance is with regard to the definition of a Recreational Vehicle and the applicability of the recreational cabin clause of the Uniform Construction Code.  The Variance requests relief from the application of the Amended Zoning Ordinance.  The property is located in the ND2 Zoning District.  All interested parties are invited to attend. 

Craig Moureaux, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Douglas J. Jacobs



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors Sept. 20, 2011 meeting has been rescheduled for Sept. 27, 2011 at 7:30 pm in the Dingman Twp. Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors and the Parks and Recreation Commission will hold a joint workshop on September 14, 2011 at 6:30 pm in the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.

Dingman Township Board of Supervisors

Karen Kleist, Sec./Treas.


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors held a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance on May 18, 2011.  The modified amendment (the following provisions indicated in strikethrough are being removed) will be considered for adoption at 7:30 pm on June 7, 2011 at the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA:


Recreational Vehicle - A transportable or vehicular type of unit initially designed as temporary living quarters for recreational camping or travel use that does not require a special highway moving permit when transported which either has its own motive of power or is mounted on or drawn by another vehicle.  All such vehicles in use for camping shall have a current state license, inspection sticker and registration and be titled in the name of the current owner. The types of recreation vehicles or units are:

Section 437 - Recreational Vehicles, Recreational Vehicle Parks and Campgrounds

 h.    No recreational vehicle may be used as a permanent residence.  For purposes of this section, permanent residency is assumed should the property address be used for driver’s license, hunting license, fishing license, voter registration, income tax or government benefits purposes or if the property is occupied for over 180 days within a 12 month period.

 i.    No recreational vehicle park lot may be leased, rented, loaned, or otherwise used in such a manner as to have it occupied more than 180 days per year.

The full text of the revised amendment can be viewed at the Township Offices; the Pike County Law Library of the Pike County Courthouse, Broad Street, Milford; the offices of the News Eagle, 303 Main Ave. Suite C, Hawley; and at

 Editor's note:  Full text is printed in the following notice.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following summarized amendment to the Zoning Ordinance at 7:30 pm on May 18, 2011, at the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Township.  The full text of the proposed amendment can be viewed at the Township Office;  the Pike County Law Library of the Pike County Courthouse, Broad Street, Milford;  the offices of the Pike County Dispatch, 105 W Catherine St, Milford; and at




Section 305 - Zoning Use Chart

Section 424 - Bed and Breakfast Establishments

Section 437 - Recreational Vehicles, Recreational Vehicle Parks and Campgrounds


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

[Editor's note:  The entire text follows below.  Text in Bold font is text to be added to the ordinance.  Text that is stuck through is text to be deleted from the existing ordinance. ]



            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:


Recreational Vehicle - Any vehicle designed and built for camping and vacation use, whether towed behind a car or  truck or self-propelled. A transportable or vehicular type of unit initially designed as temporary living quarters for recreational camping or travel use that does not require a special highway moving permit when transported which either has its own motive of power or is mounted on or drawn by another vehicle.  All such vehicles in use for camping shall have a current state license, inspection sticker and registration and be titled in the name of the current owner. The basic types of recreation vehicles or units are:

A. Travel Trailers - A vehicular unit, mounted on wheels, of such size or weight as not to require special highway moving permits when drawn by a motorized vehicle (8.5 feet wide maximum) designated and constructed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, or travel use, and a size of no more than three hundred (300) square feet when assembled for highway travel but and not larger than 400 square feet when used for camping (in setup mode).        

B. Truck Camper - A portable unit, designed to be loaded onto, or affixed to, the bed or chassis of a truck and constructed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use and not larger than 400 square feet..        

C. Motor Homes - A vehicular unit built on a self-propelled motor vehicle chassis, designed to provide temporary living quarters for recreation, camping or travel use and not larger than 400 square feet.  All such vehicles in use for camping shall have a current state license, inspection sticker and registration and be titled in the name of the current owner  

D. Camper Trailer - A vehicular unit mounted on wheels and constructed with collapsible partial side walls which fold for towing by another vehicle and unfold at the campsite and designed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use and not larger than 400 square feet.        

E. Tent - A movable shelter made of canvas or other similar material and supported by a pole or poles and designed and manufactured to provide temporary living quarters for recreational and camping use.        

F. Self-Contained Unit - A unit that can operate independent of connections to external sewer, water and electrical systems; has a toilet and holding tank for liquid waste; contains water storage facilities; and may contain a lavatory, kitchen sink and/or both bath facilities connected to the holding tank and of a size of not larger than 400 square feet. 


Recreational Vehicle Pad – a designated and defined area on a recreational vehicle park lot for the placement of recreational vehicles that are intended to be moved on and off the property on a frequent basis.


Section 305 - Zoning Use Chart

ND-2 Limited Neighborhood Development District

 Add the following as a principal use:

Recreational Vehicles ***

Recreational Vehicle Pads ****

*** When sited on a Recreational Campground lot approved for the RV unit type.

**** When sited on an approved Recreational Vehicle Campground lot.

Add the following as an accessory use:

Customary RV accessory uses *

* When sited on an approved Recreational Vehicle Campground lot.


FP Flood Plain District

Add the following as Special Exception Uses:

Bed and Breakfast Establishments *

Offices *

* When created in a pre-existing structure and subject to the provisions of section 307.


 Section 424 - Bed and Breakfast Establishments

Bed and breakfast establishments are classified as conditional uses in all Districts except the ND2 - Limited Neighborhood Development where they are not permitted and FP - Floodplain Districts where they are permitted as special exceptions when created in a pre-existing structure and may be permitted but only when in accord with the following standards The commercial standards set forth in Sections 409 and 423 shall not apply to bed and breakfast establishments.

A.        Adequate off-street parking is provided in accord with Article VI of this Ordinance, with the minimum number of parking spaces provided as follows: one (1) space for each rentable room; one (1) space for each non-resident employee, and two (2) spaces for the dwelling unit. Loading and unloading space shall not be required for a bed and breakfast establishment.



 Section 437 - Recreational Vehicles, Recreational Vehicle Parks and Campgrounds

 Recreational Vehicles, when allowed for under section 305, may be permitted subject to the following regulations.

a.   No recreational vehicle may exceed a size of 320 square feet nor exceed 8.5 feet in width when in assembled for highway transportation and may not exceed 400 square feet when assembled for camping use. Vehicle size shall be determined by multiplying the greatest exterior length of the unit by the greatest exterior width. (excluding hitches and bay windows).

b.  No recreational vehicle may enter a recreational vehicle park nor may be sited on a recreational vehicle park lot unless said vehicle is capable of being transported over public roads without requiring a special highway moving permit.

c.   A permit is required to site a recreational vehicle on a designated recreational vehicle park lot.  The recreational vehicle and all accessory structures must meet the property line and littoral setbacks required by Section 306 and 307 of this ordinance. 

d.    In cases where the recreational vehicle is expected to be moved on and off a recreational vehicle park lot on a frequent basis, a “recreational vehicle pad” may be permitted.  In such case, the pad must meet all the applicable setbacks found in Sections 306 and, when on property, the recreational vehicle (including any extensions) must be sited wholly within the perimeter of the pad.

e.   No recreational vehicle may be temporarily or permanently attached to any structure or to other recreational vehicle.  Decks, platforms, screen houses, and other such accessory structures may abut a recreational vehicle but not be connected to it.  Accessory structures abutting a recreational vehicle shall not be required to meet the ten (10) feet separation required in section 402.

f.    No more than one recreational vehicle, as defined in this ordinance, may be sited at any one time on a recreational vehicle park lot.

g.    No recreational vehicle may be used as a permanent residence.  For purposes of this section, permanent residency is assumed should the property address be used for driver’s license, hunting license, fishing license, voter registration, income tax or government benefits purposes, or if the property is occupied for over 180 days within a 12 month period.

h.    No recreational vehicle park lot may be leased, rented, loaned, or otherwise used in such a manner as to have it occupied more than 180 days per year. 

Ordained and enacted this _________ day of ___________, 2011.

                                                                                    DINGMAN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, April 28, 2011 beginning at 5:00 p.m. at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 to consider the application of Nextel Communications of the Mid-Atlantic, Inc. for the construction of a cell tower on Etna Circle in the Mount Haven Subdivision identified as Pike County Tax Map No. 124.00-02-45.  

The application has been determined by the Zoning Officer to classified as a Special Exception use in accordance with Section 305 of the Zoning Ordinance.  The property is owned by Dingman Pike Holding, L.P., PO Box 643, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 and is located in the NC Zoning District.    All interested parties are invited to attend. 

Craig Moureaux, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Douglas J. Jacobs


editor's note:  postponed - see Zoning Hearing Board section for rescheduling information.



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, April 28, 2011 beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 to consider the application of JoJo Oil Company, Inc. d/b/a Airline Petroleum Company to place a bulk fuel transfer station on property known as Lot 6 in the Dingman Hills Subdivision and identified as Pike County Tax Map No. 122.00-01-09.006.  


The use has been determined by the Zoning Officer to be classified as a Use Not Provided For in accordance with Section 105 of the Zoning Ordinance.  As such, the application will be addressed under the Special Exception process.  The property is owned by Pike TC 739 LLC, 5020 Clark Road, Sarasota, Florida 34233 and is located in the RC Zoning District.    All interested parties are invited to attend. 


Craig Moureaux, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Douglas J. Jacobs


editor's note:  rescheduled for 7/26/11 at 5:30 PM at DTVFD Hall, 680 Log Tavern Road

Notice is hereby given that the previously advertised bid deadline for the Dingman Township Park Phase 1 Project has been extended from 2:00 pm on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 to 2:00 pm on Monday, April 4, 2011.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor






Sealed bids for the Dingman Township Park will be accepted by Dingman Township until 2:00 PM on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 at the Dingman Township Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA 18337.  Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 PM on Wednesday, March 30, 2011 at the Dingman Township Building.  All Bids shall be submitted on the forms furnished, in sealed envelopes, clearly marked "DINGMAN TOWNSHIP PARK – Phase I” and addressed to Karen Kleist,  Secretary/Treasurer, Dingman Township Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA  18337.


Work shall include, but is not limited to furnishing all labor, materials and equipment necessary for: completion of site excavation, rough and finish grading; access road and parking areas; athletic fields complete; pavement markings; topsoil placement and seeding; and site restoration.


Contract documents including Construction Drawings, General Conditions, Technical Specifications, and Bid Forms may be obtained at the offices of THOMAS J. McLANE ASSOCIATES, 601 STAFFORD AVENUE, SCRANTON, PA 18505, PH: (570) 347-3668.  Drawings and Project Manual will be available beginning Friday, March 11, 2011 between the hours of 9AM and 4PM, Monday through Friday.  A non-refundable check in the amount of $60.00 per set shall be made payable to THOMAS J. McLANE ASSOCIATES.  Addenda, if any, will be issued only to those persons whose name and address are on record as having obtained contract documents.  A mandatory pre-bid conference (weather permitting) shall be held at the site off Log Tavern Road, at 11:00 AM on Tuesday, March 22, 2011.


A certified check, bank draft, U.S. Government Bonds, or other satisfactory Bid Bond executed by the bidder and acceptable surety, in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Base Bid, drafted in favor of Dingman Township, must be submitted with each bid.  Performance, Labor and Materials, and Maintenance bonds in the amount of 100% of the Base Bid and any selected Add Alternate Bids must be furnished within twenty (20) days of the award on companies licensed to do business in Pennsylvania.


All bids shall be considered binding and shall not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) calendar days from the bid opening date without the consent of Dingman Township.  The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids or portions of bids, and to waive any formality or defects in the bidding.  Notice that this project is subject to Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Rates.

Submitted:  Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treasurer


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following amendment to the Fire Protection Ordinance at 7:30 pm on April 5, 2011, at the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Township. 


Section 7.03  Penalty

Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this code shall upon conviction be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than One Thousand ($1,000.00) dollars. Any property owner or owners shall be responsible for the actions of all family members, tenants, guests and business invitees that violate the provisions of this ordinance on real property owned by them. Each day a violation exists constitutes a separate offense.  In default of payment of the fine, such person, members of firms, shall be liable to imprisonment for not more than sixty (60) days.

This Ordinance shall take affect five days after adoption.

(New provisions are bold.)     


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

   John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption the following amendment to the Zoning Ordinance at 7:30 pm on March 15, 2011, at the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Township. 


415.2     Parcel Size and Density.  All land proposed for particular multi-family dwelling project shall be part of the same parcel and contiguous.  The following minimum parcel sizes and maximum floor areas shall apply in place of Section 306 minimum lot area per dwelling standards:

Multi-Family Dwelling Type Minimum Parcel Size (Acres) Maximum Floor Area Ratio
Townhouses 3 0.15    0.125
Apartment Building 3 0.100


               The  maximum floor area permitted shall be calculated after deducting the following from the lot area:

a.       Land contained within public rights-of-way;

b.       Land contained within the rights-of-way of existing or proposed private streets, and parking areas and sewage facilities and open space/recreation areas.  Where formal rights-of-way are not involved the width of all streets shall be assumed as fifty (50) feet;

c.       Land contained within the boundaries of easements previously granted to public to public utility corporations providing electric or telephone service, and any petroleum pipeline rights-of-way;

d.       The area of waterbodies including lakes, ponds and streams (measured to the normal high water mark on each side); floodplains, wetlands; quarries; areas with slope of twenty-five (25) percent or greater, and area used for improvements and other common areas (not including dwelling units);

               and multiplying the remainder by the applicable floor area ratio.

                    As an example, a five-acre lot (217,800 square feet), with 30,000 square feet of deductions for roads, water and the like utility easements, would yield 187,800 square feet of net lot area, which multiplied by a floor area ratio of 0.15 0.125 would yield 28,170 23,475 square feet of permitted floor area.  This, in turn, would yield 18.78 15.65 dwelling units (maximum of 18 15 units) at an average floor area of 1,500 square feet per unit.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider the Subdivision & Land Development Waiver application of Kam Sau Shi for relief from Section 100-30 F. (turnabout area required on dead-end roads; and from Section 100-30 H. (minimum road width) for Maple Park Garden Apartments located at 119 Laufer La., and further known as tax map #125.00-01-42.  Said Hearing will be held on February 15, 2011 at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the DINGMAN TOWNSHIP FY2011 PROPOSED BUDGET is
available for public review through December 21, 2010 at the Municipal
Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Township during regular business hours
(8:30 am - 4:00 pm). It is anticipated that adoption of the Final Budget
will occur at the December 21, 2010 Board of Supervisors meeting.

Click here to see proposed budget

Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treas.
John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

Karen Kleist
Dingman Township


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 14, 2010 beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 to consider the application of Lake Adventure Community Association, Inc. for a Substantive Challenge to the Validity of Ordinance No. 03-2010 that amended the Dingman Township Zoning Ordinance.  The applicant has also filed a request for a Variance from said Ordinance for all properties located in the Lake Adventure Community.  

The Substantive Challenge to the Ordinance is with regard to the definition of a Recreational Vehicle.  The Variance requests relief from the application of the Amended Zoning Ordinance.  The property is located in the ND2 Zoning District.  All interested parties are invited to attend. 

Craig Moureaux, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Douglas J. Jacobs



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors intends to appoint the independent certified accounting firm of Kirk, Summa & Co. LLP to conduct the Dingman Township FY2010 Audit.  Said appointment will take place at the Dec. 21, 2010 Meeting located in the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Twp.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Planning Commission will be reviewing a preliminary land development plan for Maple Park Garden Apartments located on Laufer Lane (off S.R. 2001). The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on October 13, 2010 at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

Walter H. Myer -Chairman

John H. KlemeyerSolicitor



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider the Conditional Use Zoning application of Kam Sau Shi for “Maple Park Garden Apartments”, the proposed development of 14 townhouse units and a maintenance building in addition to the existing 7 apartments situated on her property located at 119 Laufer Lane, and further known as tax map #125.00-01-42.  Said Hearing will be held on October 5, 2010 at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend.



Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance at 7:30 pm on August 17, 2010, at the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Township.  A summary of the Amendment is provided below;  the full text can be viewed at the Dingman Twp. Municipal offices; the Law Library of the Pike County Courthouse, 410 Broad St., Milford; and the News Eagle, 310 E Harford St, Milford.


Section 708.4 – Zoning Hearing Board

Section 305 – Use Regulations

Article II - Definitions


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

Editors Note:  The entire text of the proposed ordinance is listed below.

Bold type are proposed additions.  Cross outs are proposed deletions.


ORDINANCE NO.____________



                The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

708.4  The Board shall hear and decide requests for special exceptions pursuant to the criteria also applying to conditional uses and outlined in Section 408  404.

Section 305 – Use Regulations – Under ND-2 Limited Neighborhood Development District – Permitted Uses:  subject to the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance, Article XI  Article V as amended, and under Conditional Uses   subject to the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance, Article X, Article VI


Recreational Vehicle - Any vehicle designed and built for camping and vacation use, whether towed behind a car or  truck or self-propelled. A vehicular type of unit initially designed as temporary living quarters for recreational camping or travel use which either has its own motive of power or is mounted on or drawn by another vehicle.  The basic types of recreation vehicles are:

A. Travel Trailers - A vehicular unit, mounted on wheels, of such size or weight as not to require special highway moving permits when drawn by a motorized vehicle designated and constructed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, or travel use, and a size of no more than three hundred (300) square feet.        

B. Truck Camper - A portable unit, designed to be loaded onto, or affixed to, the bed or chassis of a truck and constructed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use.        

C. Motor Homes - A vehicular unit built on a self-propelled motor vehicle chassis, designed to provide temporary living quarters for recreation, camping or travel use.

D. Camper Trailer - A vehicular unit mounted on wheels and constructed with collapsible partial side walls which fold for towing by another vehicle and unfold at the campsite and designed to provide temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use.        

E. Tent - A movable shelter made of canvas or other similar material and supported by a pole or poles and designed and manufactured to provide temporary living quarters for recreational and camping use.        

F. Self-Contained Unit - A unit that can operate independent of connections to external sewer, water and electrical systems; has a toilet and holding tank for liquid waste; contains water storage facilities; and may contain a lavatory, kitchen sink and/or both bath facilities connected to the holding tank. 



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 beginning at 5:00 p.m. at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.  The hearing is being requested by Joseph and Helene Dalton, 29 Sperry Place, Staten Island, New York 10312 and the Lake Adventure Community Association, 5000 Lake Adventure Drive, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 concerning property located at 136 Stag Run, also known as Lot 1322 in Lake Adventure and further identified as Tax Map No. 108.01.03-61.

The applicants are requesting an appeal of the Zoning Officer’s determination that recreational vehicles set on Lake Adventure properties must enter the community at a width of 8 feet or less.  The property is owned by the applicants and is located in the ND-2 Zoning District.    All interested parties are invited to attend. 

Craig Moureaux, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Douglas J. Jacobs



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, June 3, 2010 beginning at 5:00 p.m. at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 to consider the application of Arnold Green and Fabio Disla to establish a bed and breakfast at 300 Water Street, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337 and identified as Pike County Tax Map No. 112.00-03-48.  

The applicants are requesting a Special Exception permit in accordance with Section 307 of the Dingman Township Zoning Ordinance.  The applicants are also requesting a variance of Section 603 of the Zoning Ordinance.  Section 603 requires a large truck parking area, which the applicants consider unnecessary to the project.  The property is owned by the applicants and is located in the FP Zoning District.    All interested parties are invited to attend. 

Craig Moureaux, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Douglas J. Jacobs



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption an amendment to the Township Zoning Ordinance at 7:30 pm on January 19, 2010 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.  The full text of the amendment can be viewed at the Pike Co. Dispatch, 105 W. Catherine St, Milford, and the Law Library of the Pike County Courthouse, Broad Street, Milford.  A summary is provided below.


Article II – Definitions

Article III, Section 307  -  Floodplain Development

Article IV, Section 415 - Multi-Family Dwellings


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

Editor's Note:  Actual Text is Listed below - Underlined is new text.    Strike out is text to be deleted.



The Supervisors of Dingman Township, Pike County, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

Article II – the following definitions shall be added:

Apartment Building - A building containing three or more dwelling units, excepting townhouses.

Floor Area - The floor surface area within the inside perimeter of the exterior walls of the building, including all floors and surface areas, exclusive of courts, without deduction for corridors, stairways, closets, interior walls, columns, garage space. basements, storage areas, mechanical spaces or other similar features.

Floor Area Ratio - The gross floor area all buildings on a lot divided by the lot area.

Townhouse - A single-family dwelling unit constructed in a group of three (3) or more attached units in which each unit extends from foundation to roof and with a yard or public way on at least two (2) sides.  A combination of three (3) or more townhouses as a single building project shall be considered a multi-family dwelling project.

Article III  -  District Regulations

Section 307  -  Floodplain Development

4.         Permitted Uses:  The permitted uses within the floodplain shall be limited to the following:

(1)       Timber harvesting

(2)       Commercial nurseries, but not including any permanent structures

(3)       Agricultural uses, but not including any intensive  livestock operations or permanent structures

(4)       Golf courses, but not including any permanent structures

(5)       Public parks and playgrounds, but not including any permanent structures

(6)       Boating access areas not including any permanent structures shall be considered conditional uses

         An existing structure within a designated FP Floodplain Development District may, subject to Special Exception approval, and provided no changes to the footprint of the structure or increases in the floor area are involved, be converted to an office or bed and breakfast establishment. 

Article IV  -  Supplemental Regulations

Section 415 - Multi-Family Dwellings

In orderto provideMulti-family dwellings are permitted as Conditional Uses in certain districts to provide the opportunitiesy for the construction of a variety of housing types in the Township, multi-family dwellings are permitted as conditional uses in certain Districts.  Due to the unique developmental considerations associated with multi-family dwellings, the following standards are provided for multi-family dwelling projects shall apply to all multi-family dwelling proposals.  Said standards, in addition to the Conditional Use Standards contained in Section 404 of this Ordinance, shall be applied to all multi-family dwelling proposals.

415.1          Procedure.  Multi-family dwelling projects shall be considered major subdivisions and land developments subject to the Township Subdivision and Land Development Regulations.  This "major subdivision" classification shall apply to all subdivision of property in connection with the development, including parcels used for building and open space, and the approvals required shall be processed concurrently.

Applications for preliminary subdivision approval and conditional use approval of multi-family dwelling projects shall be made to the Township Planning Commission in the manner provided in the Subdivision Regulations and simultaneously with the Conditional Use application made hereunder.  The developer shall submit all information required by the Subdivision Regulations and the following additional information:

a.         A written conditional use application for the multi-family dwelling project indicating how the project will specifically meet the conditional use standards contained in Section 404 of this Ordinance.

b.         Proposed plans including all information necessary to demonstrate compliance with this Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance, including, but not limited to:

1)        All information required by Section 604 of Subdivision Regulations.

2)        Location of all project improvements including:

a)        Buildings

b)        Streets and parking areas

c)        Landscaping and planting strips

d)        Stormwater management facilities

e)        Water supply and distribution systems

f)          Sewage collection and treatment systems

g)        Street lighting and parking area lighting

h)        Building setbacks from property lines and other improvements shall be specifically shown

3)        Building construction specifications including floor plans and profiles and showing any common use or ownership areas.

4)        Construction specifications for all other project improvements.

5)        Designated open space areas.

6)        Density calculations pursuant to Section 415.2.

 c.        A plan and proposed agreement(s) either with the Township or a property owner's association for the purpose of dedicating, in perpetuity, the exclusive use and/or ownership of the open space required by this Ordinance to the prospective dwelling owners or occupants.  Such agreement may be incorporated in the applicant's proposed covenants and restrictions, but shall in any event, provide to the satisfaction of the Township that maintenance and use of the property, regardless of ownership, be restricted to either (1) activities intended for the sole benefit of the occupants of the particular project proposed or, (2) permanent open space as hereinafter provided.

        The application package shall be processed on a schedule identical with requirements for review and approval of Preliminary Plans pursuant to the Township Subdivision Regulations, including providing the County Planning Commission with a thirty (30) day opportunity to review the entire application package.

                    The Township Planning Commission, before recommending action to the Board of Supervisors, shall conduct a public hearing pursuant to the notice requirements of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code.  The Commission shall then report its findings together with a recommendation indicating whether the conditional use criteria contained in Section 404 will be satisfied.

                    The Board of Supervisors shall act on the Preliminary Plan, conditional use, and "Planning Module for Land Development" concurrently, making the Preliminary Plan approval and conditional use approval, if such approvals are granted, subject to approval of the Planning Module by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

                    No building permit shall be issued to the applicant until all conditions attached to the approval of any Preliminary Plan, including DEP approval the "Planning Module," shall have been satisfied and nothing herein shall be construed as permitting the issuance of a building permit prior to Preliminary Plan approval. If the Preliminary Plan shall be rejected no conditional use, building or zoning permit shall be granted.

                    Following Preliminary Plan approval, the developer shall provide for the installation of all required or proposed improvements including but not limited to streets, parking areas, storm drainage facilities, sewage disposal facilities pursuant to a valid sewage permit, recreational facilities and lighting.  Building improvements shall also be completed or guaranteed prior to the applicant's request for Final Approval.  No Certificate of Use shall, however, be issued until such time as: (1) Final Plan approval shall have been granted pursuant to the Subdivision Regulations; and (2) buildings have been completed and inspected by the Zoning Officer; and all improvements required to serve the unit in question have been installed and approved.

                    Complete final building plans shall also be submitted as part of the Final Plan Application.  Such building plans shall substantially conform to the floor plans submitted for purposes of determining floor area ratios and shall not include more floor area than approved at the time of Conditional Use approval.  All Conditional Use approvals of such projects shall specify the total floor area to be permitted.

                    No person shall sell, transfer, lease or agree or enter into an agreement to sell or lease any land and/or buildings or interests in the individual dwelling units to be created until Final Plan approval has been granted and the Plan has been recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Deeds.                  

415.2          Parcel Size and Density.  All land proposed for particular multi-family dwelling project shall be part of the same parcel and contiguous.  The following minimum parcel sizes and dwelling unit densities maximum floor areas shall apply in place of Section 306 minimum lot area per dwelling standards:

                    Multi-Family                  Minimum Parcel           Density UnitsMaximum Floor

            Dwelling Type                    Size (Acres)                         Per AcreArea Ratio

        Townhouses                                  53                                               2.50.15

        Garden Apartments                       5                                                2.5

        Apartment Building                        3                                                3.00.10

                    The total number of dwelling units maximum floor area permitted shall be calculated after deducting the following from the lot areas:

a.         Land contained within public rights-of-way;

b.         Land contained within the rights-of-way of existing or proposed private streets and parking areas, sewage facilities and open space/recreation areas.  Where formal rights-of-way are not involved the width of all streets shall be assumed as fifty (50) feet;

c.         Land contained within the boundaries of easements previously granted to public to public utility corporations providing electric or telephone service, and any petroleum pipeline rights-of-way;

d.         The area of waterbodies including lakes, ponds and streams (measured to the normal high water mark on each side); floodplains, wetlands; quarries; areas with slope of twenty-five (25) percent or greater, and area used for improvements and other common areas (not including dwelling units);

                    from the total area of the project parcel (including all areas to be devoted to open space) and multiplying the remainder by the applicable densityfloor area ratio.

As an example, a five-acre lot (217,800 square feet), with 30,000 square feet of deductions for roads, water and the like, would yield 187,800 square feet of net lot area, which multiplied by a floor area ratio of 0.15 would yield 28,170 square feet of permitted floor area.  This, in turn, would yield 18.78 dwelling units (maximum of 18 units) at an average floor area of 1,500 square feet per unit.

415.3          Location.  Multi-family dwellings shall be subject to the following requirements related to location:

a.         No multi-family development shall be permitted within one hundred (100) feet of any District where multi-family dwellings are not permitted unless there shall be a one hundred (100) foot setback of all buildings and project improvements from the property lines of any adjacent parcels.  Project improvements include buildings, streets, parking areas, lighting, storm water management facilities, sewage treatment facilities, effluent disposal areas, signs and recreational facilities.

415.5          Water and Sewage.  All multi-family developments shall be served with central or community on-site sewage facilities and central water supplies.  Effluent disposal areas shall not be placed upon individual lots and shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet from any public road right-of-way or exterior development property line.  The Township may, in its discretion, require hydrogeology studies, which identify the potential impact on the groundwater from the proposed disposal system and the use of denitrification technology for systems servicing more than ten dwelling units and may require a larger set back for such systems.  A reserve area suitable for a replacement disposal area equal in size to the required area shall be provided and so identified on the plan.

415.6          Buildings.

a.         The number of dwelling units in a multi-family dwelling building shall not exceed:

1)        teneight (8) units for townhouses

2)        teneight (8) units for garden apartments

3)        fifteen ten (10) units for apartment buildings


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider for adoption an amendment to the Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance at 7:30 pm on January 19, 2010 at the Dingman Twp Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford.  The full text of the amendment can be viewed at the Pike Co. Dispatch, 105 W. Catherine St, Milford, and the Law Library of the Pike County Courthouse, Broad Street, Milford.  A summary is provided below.


§ 100-36  Multi-Family Dwelling Projects


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor

Editor's Note:  Actual Text is Listed below - Underlined is new text.    Strike out is text to be deleted.


The Supervisors of Dingman Township, Pike County, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

§ 100-36.       Multi-Family Dwelling Projects

G.        Land Area Per Dwelling Unit.  Multi-family dwelling projects shall be required to provide community on-lot or central sewage disposal and central water supply.  They shall not exceed a density of three units per acre.  Density, however, shall be calculated by taking the total acreage of the development, deducting the following acreages;

(1)       Land contained within public rights-of-way

(2)       Land contained within the rights-of-way of existing or proposed private streets (Where formal rights-of-way are not involved the width of the street shall be assumed as fifty (50) feet wide); and

(3)       Land contained with the boundaries of easements previously granted to public utility corporations

            and dividing by the number of units proposed.the floor area ratios specified in Section 415.2 of the Dingman Township Zoning Ordinance.

I.          Design Criteria.  The followingAll multi-family dwelling projects shall comply with design criteria established under Section 415 of the Dingman Township Zoning Ordinance. design criteria shall apply to multi-family developments;

(1)       There shall be no more than eight (8) dwellings in each multi-family building.

(2)       There shall be a one-hundred (100) foot setback of all buildings and improvements in a multi-family dwelling project from the property lines of any adjacent parcels and a seventy-five (75) feet setback from any public right-of-way.  This shall not apply to utility lines or rights-of-way.  No structure shall be constructed within twenty (20) feet of the edge of any access road to or through the development or within ten (10) feet of the edge of any parking area.

(3)       Access roads through the development (any vehicular way through the project including those connecting parking areas) shall comply with minor street requirements as specified in this ordinance and no parking space shall be designed such that a vehicle would be backing or driving out onto a through road.  Instead, there shall be a defined entrance and exit to and from each parking area.  Bus, truck and emergency vehicle turnarounds, as required under the Township Fire Protection Ordinance, shall also be provided along with designated areas for school bus stops and mailboxes, which shall be approved by the Township Board of Supervisors.

(4)       No multi-family development shall be served by more than one access to any public highway, unless topography or other physical circumstances would preclude the use of a single entrance in a safe manner.

(5)       Two (2) improved parking spaces per dwelling unit shall be provided and for every two (2) units intended for rental or other transient occupancy, one additional space shall be provided to accommodate parking needs during sales and other peak visitation periods.

(6)       No more than sixty (60) parking spaces shall be provided in one lot, nor more than fifteen (15) in a continuous row without being interrupted by landscaping.  All off-street parking shall be adequately lighted and so arranged as to direct light away from residences.

(7)       No structure shall be erected within a distance equal to its own height of any other structure.

(8)       A landscaping plan shall be prepared by the developer and approved by the Township.  Where a property line is not wooded, a planting strip of at least thirty (30) feet in width, and more if required by the Township Board of Supervisors, shall be required to buffer adjoining property owners.  Such planting strip shall consist of two or more rows of offset White Spruce plantings, or other species of comparable screening value, at least six feet in height and sufficient to ensure that direct views of the project will be largely obscured on an immediate basis.  Any additional buffer area required by the Board shall be not less than the minimum required to effectively contain lighting, noise or other impacts to the property being developed.

(9)       Multi-family developments shall be subject to the Township Stormwater Management Ordinance and stormwater management requirements of this ordinance, as the case may be.  Facilities shall be, at a minimum, designed to accommodate storms of a 10 year frequency unless a more stringent standard shall be recommended by the Township Engineer.  The general performance standard shall be that the amount of uncontrolled stormwater leaving the site along any property line after development shall not exceed that estimated for the site prior to development.  In instances where stormwater facilities are impractical for engineering reasons the Township Engineer may modify this standard as it applies to a particular project but shall provide for the maximum practical reduction in flow which can be achieved under the circumstances.

J.         Water and Sewage Facilities.  All multi-family developments shall be served with community on-lot or central sewage facilities and water supplies as defined herein.

K.        Non-Residential Uses.  Non-residential uses in a multi-family development shall be limited to clubhouses (including snack shops), recreational facilities and minor home occupations.

L.         Conversions of Existing Structures.  Conversions of motels, hotels or other existing structures to multi-family dwelling use regardless of whether such conversions involve structural alterations, shall be considered subdivisions and land developments and be subject to this ordinance.  If the proposed project does involve structural alterations, the Preliminary Plan shall include a certification of a registered architect or engineer to the effect that the existing building is structurally sound and that the proposed conversion will not impair structural soundness.

All subsequent sections shall be renumbered accordingly beginning with  J.


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.   The hearing is being requested by Richard B. Williams, 543 Grove Street, Upper Montclair, New Jersey 07043 concerning property located at 141 Metcalfe Lane, Tax Map No. 126.00-01-17. 

The applicant is requesting an appeal of the Zoning Officer’s determination that the subject property is in a regulated floodplain area and a variance request from Sections 305 and 307 of the Dingman Township Zoning Ordinance.   The appeal/variance is requested to allow the placement of a shed in his front yard.  The property is located in the Floodplain (FP) Zoning District.  All interested parties are invited to attend. 

Craig Moureaux, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Douglas J. Jacobs




Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing upon and consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, a summary of which is provided below. A full copy of the Amendment can be viewed at the Township Office; the Law Library of the Pike County Courthouse, Broad St, Milford; and the News Eagle, 301 E Harford St, Milford.  Said hearing will be held on December 15, 2009 at 7:30 P.M. at the Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA 18337. Interested parties are encouraged to attend.



Article II Definitions

Section 305 – Use Regulations:

Section 401 -  Home Occupations


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Note:  A Full Copy of the Proposed Changes Follows Below

Test Struck through   is existing text to be removed

Text in bold italic  is text to be added to the ordinance


Article II Definitions

Home Occupation  -  Any use customarily conducted, to the extent that commercial activity is conducted on a the home site, entirely within a dwelling or in a building accessory thereto and carried on by the inhabitants residing therein, providing that the use is clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes, the exterior appearance of the structure or premises is constructed and maintained as a residential dwelling, and no goods are publicly displayed on the premises other than signs as provided herein. ; including but not limited to the following occupations:  the professional practice of medicine, dentistry, architecture, law, and engineering; artists, beauticians, barbers, veterinarians, small offices for performance of clerical, word processing and computer functions which may or may not be connected to the operation of a business that otherwise operates off site, but excluding stables or kennels.

Section 305 – Use Regulations:

            Remove Home Occupations as a conditional use in the R-1 District.

            Add Home Occupations as a Special Exception in the R-1 District.


Section 401 -  Home Occupations

401.1 Home occupations shall be permitted as indicated in Section 305 anywhere in the Township, as conditional uses, provided such occupation is clearly incidental or secondary to the use of the property as a residence and does not change the character of or have an exterior effect on the dwelling. 

a.      In the R-1 District the minimum lot size shall be five (5) acres and the minimum set back of any home occupation activity to adjoining properties or streets, alleys, roads, etc. shall be one hundred (100) feet. 

b.     In all other Districts where home occupations are permitted the minimum lot size shall be two (2) acres and the minimum set back of any home occupation activity to adjoining properties or streets, alleys, roads, etc. shall be fifty (50) feet.

c.      Home occupations shall be limited to the employment, on premises, of not more than two (2) persons, other than immediate family members living on the premises, at any one time.  An additional off street parking space shall be provided for each employee.

d.     Home occupations shall not occupy more than twenty-five (25) percent of the total floor area of the dwelling unit including basement and accessory buildings.

e.      In addition to the requirements for home occupations applications conditional uses as set forth in this ordinance, all applicants for home occupations shall give written notice of their application to all property owners with real property that abut the subject property or are within 500 feet of the boundaries of their property (the subject parcel) on the same street, public or private, and shall submit an affidavit showing proof of said notice to the Board of Supervisors at the time of hearing.

f.       Applicants must demonstrate compliance with all applicable state and local laws and regulations, including but not limited to those regulating sewage, building, solid waste removal, etc. as they relate to the project.

g.      Applicants must supply the Township with filed copies of fictitious name registrations or certificates of incorporation as applicable.

h.      Home occupations shall not detract from the residential character or appearance of the neighborhood.  The following factors shall be used to make this assessment.

1.     Extent of business - whether or not the home is still the identifiable primary use of the property.  Factors shall include the amount of time the business is operated on a daily basis.

2.     Appearance from an adjacent street - whether or not the use of the property as a business is distinguishable from an adjacent street.  Except for a non-illuminated, identification sign no larger four (4) square feet in size attached to the principal structure, nothing shall occur on the property that can be observed from an adjacent street which makes it readily apparent a business is being operated on the premises.  In cases where the principal structure is obscured from the street, or the structure is set back more than fifty (50) feet from the property line, a non-illuminated ground sign not to exceed four (4) square feet may be used.  Factors for evaluating this standard shall include but not be limited to be that the residential dwelling not be altered to change its residential appearance, and no activity related to the conduct of the home occupation shall be permitted to occur in such a manner as to be obtrusive to the neighborhood or attract extra attention to the business.

3.     Impact on the neighborhood - whether or not the business activity is causing a deviation from the residential character of the neighborhood. Factors for evaluating this standard shall include but not be limited to whether or not the business is generating excessive traffic detrimental to the neighborhood beyond normal residential trafficA home occupation shall generate no greater than twenty-four (24) vehicle trips per day, based on estimates provided by the Institute of Transportation Engineers.  However, for specific neighborhoods, these amounts may be lowered or raised, at the discretion of the Township to consider widths of properties, widths of streets, hills, curves and the number of children present. 

4.     Parking - whether or not parking problems could result from the use.  Factors shall include, but not be limited to:

1)     except for special gatherings, parking required for the business shall be provided on-site or be limited to the area along the frontage of the property on the street;

2)     parking on the property shall be on a surface equal in quality to the paving surface of any existing driveway unless there is no surface other than the ground in which case a gravel surface shall be provided; and

3)     no home based business shall be permitted which requires parking of tractor-trailer combinations along the street or on site  for other than short term delivery purposes.

5.     Nuisance - whether or not the use is causing or will cause other nuisances for surrounding property owners or is deviating from the residential character or appearance of the neighborhood.

6.     Expansions - no home based business, having once been permitted or established, shall be added to, expanded, enlarged or otherwise increased or changed substantially in character without complying with this law and such permission or establishment shall not be a basis for a later application to establish a principal commercial use.  Moreover, the conversion of a residence with a home based business to a commercial use by the abandonment of the residence or the sale, rent, or transfer of the business to a party which does not reside on-site is strictly prohibited unless the business is then moved off site.

7.     Violation of subsections 4, 5 and 6 of this section shall be grounds for revocation of any permit issued by the township for a home occupation.                                                                                   



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing upon and consider the following amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. Said hearing will be held on December 1, 2009 at 7:30 P.M. at the Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA 18337. Interested parties are encouraged to attend.




            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:


Section 306  -  Development Standards

Footnote #2 – (Revised as follows) Manufactured home parks and recreational land developments are subject to the requirements of Articles V and VI of the Dingman Township Subdivision & Land Development Ordinance, as amended.  The setback lines for the placement of any structure on a recreational vehicle campsite including but not limited to: recreational vehicles, tents, trailers, cars, trucks or other motorized vehicles used for camping, accessory buildings (which may not be used for human habitation), decks, landings, patios, driveways, gazebos, or anything other than natural vegetation shall be: fifteen (15) feet from the front lot line; fifteen (15) feet from the back lot line; seven and one-half (7 ½) feet from the side lot lines; and fifty (50) feet from the top of the bank of any body of water (lake, stream, brook, etc.) No part of the recreational vehicle, including slide-outs, tip-outs, etc. may encroach into the setback area.  The total of both side yards shall be no less than fifteen (15) feet and no recreational vehicle or structure that exceeds fifteen (15) feet in height may be placed on the lot. The property owner shall be required to show the zoning officer adequate evidence of the location of lot lines (including a survey if deemed necessary by the officer) before placing any such structures. The placement of any such structure shall require a zoning permit under this ordinance. Any owner may apply for a certificate of non-conforming use for any structure previously placed that would otherwise be in violation of this provision within one (1) year of the date of enactment. Thereafter, any such structures shall be considered to be in violation of this provision.  Any certificate of non-conforming use issued shall only apply to the structure(s) described in the certificate.  If that structure or structures is/are replaced or relocated, the setbacks in effect at the time of relocation or replacement shall apply.

(New Provisions are bold.)



Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.   The hearing is being requested by Robert S. Trezza, 35 Deer Lane, Wantagh, New York 11793 concerning property located at 219 Village Drive East, Lot 1743 in Lake Adventure, Tax Map No. 108.02-04-59. 

The applicant is requesting a variance of Section 306 of the Zoning Ordinance.   The variance is requested to allow a recreational vehicle to be located 3.7 feet from the side property line.  The property is located in the ND2 Zoning District.  All interested parties are invited to attend. 

Craig Moureaux, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board 

Douglas J. Jacobs



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing upon and consider an amendment to the SALDO Ordinance shown below.  The full text of the amendment may also be viewed at the Township Office, the Pike County Dispatch, 105 W Catherine St, Milford, & the Law Library of the Pike County Courthouse, Broad St, Milford. Said hearing will be held on July 7, 2009 at 7:30 P.M. at the Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA 18337. Interested parties are encouraged to attend.

ORDINANCE NO.      -2009






            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

§ 100-04.      Jurisdiction.

B.      Lot improvement subdivisions shall be exempt from all other requirements of § 100-15 through § 100-19 and Articles IV through VII of this Ordinance provided that:

(1)     The subdivision map shall be labeled "Lot Improvement Subdivision of ____________" and shall accurately identify and show clearly the entirety of the parcels before the lot improvement and shall accurately identify, clearly show and label the resulting parcel or parcels after the subdivision to the satisfaction of the Township and its professionals


§ 100-25.      Common Open Space/Recreation Areas.

A.     Such portion of the development as may be required by the Township Zoning Ordinance, but not less than 10% of the gross area of any subdivision or land development, exclusive of lakes or ponds, shall be designated as common open space for the enjoyment of and be freely and safely accessible to all residents of that subdivision which portion shall be a minimum of one acre.  This requirement may be waived or reduced  dispensed, at the discretion of the Board of Supervisors, in instances where less than five (5) 6 new lots are involved or where 4 or fewer additional lots are added to existing developments on a cumulative basis after October 21, 2003 on a cumulative basis (through resubdivision since the enactment of this Ordinance [October 21, 2003]).


§ 100-36.      Multi-family Dwelling Projects.

H.  (4)             Developments of five (5) 6 units or more (or where 5 or more additional units are added to existing developments on a cumulative basis after October 21, 2003) shall also provide on-site community recreation amenities for the use of residents, applying the “Park, Recreation Open Space and Greenway Guidelines” from the National Park and Recreation Association as general criteria for planning purposes.   Specific amenities and facilities shall be designed in accordance with approved national standards for that sport, for example, the USTA, the USGA, Little League Baseball, Amateur Softball Association of America, USA Swimming, US Soccer Federation, etc. All recreational improvements within each phase shall be installed or financially guaranteed prior to final approval of that phase.


§ 100-37.      Conservation Subdivisions.

E.   1. Developments of five (5) 6 units/lots or more (or where 5 or more additional lots are added to existing developments on a cumulative basis after October 21, 2003)  shall also provide on-site community recreation amenities for the use of residents, applying the “Park, Recreation Open Space and Greenway Guidelines” from the National Park and Recreation Association as general criteria for planning purposes.  Specific amenities and facilities shall be designed in accordance with approved national standards for that sport, for example, the USTA, the USGA, Little League Baseball, Amateur Softball Association of America, USA Swimming, US Soccer Federation, etc.  All recreational improvements within each phase shall be installed or financially guaranteed prior to final approval of that phase.


Hereby adopted, this the ______ _ day of ________________, 2009.


                                                                                    DINGMAN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS


ATTEST:                                                                     Thomas E. Mincer


                                                                                    Dennis L. Brink


                                                                                     Kerry W. Welsh


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing upon and consider an amendment to the Fire Protection Ordinance shown below.  The full text of the amendment may also be viewed at the Township Office, the Pike County Dispatch, 105 W Catherine St, Milford, & the Law Library of the Pike County Courthouse, Broad St, Milford. Said hearing will be held on July 7, 2009 at 7:30 P.M. at the Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA 18337. Interested parties are encouraged to attend.

ORDINANCE NO.          -2009



            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:


1)        Residential subdivisions/land developments or multi-family housing projects consisting of an aggregate of 5 or more lots/units where the applications for same were submitted after the effective date of this ordinance (February 4, 2003) and additions to existing subdivisions or land developments in which five (5) or more additional lots or units are proposed after said effective date. In the case where lots or units are added which total five (5) after the effective date of this ordinance but are not proposed at one time, the requirement for compliance with this ordinance shall commence in the application where the fifth (5) lot or unit is proposed and shall apply to all lots or units included in that submission. The Township will presume that this ordinance applies to the lots or units in any subdivision submitted after the effective date and the burden shall be upon the applicant to submit adequate proof in the form of approved maps or plans to show that it does not apply under the provisions set forth herein.

Section 5.01         General Provisions

(h)         Water sources shall be available to fire companies for use in any fire event regardless of where the event is located so long as the use is reasonably related to the event and the water used in the event is restored and any maintenance required by virtue of said use is performed by the fire company or the property owner whose property was serviced in the event.

Section 5.02         Static Water Systems

(b)      For residential subdivisions consisting of between 5 Fire Protection sources serving up to 9 residential lots/units, a minimum of 1000 gallons per lot/unit shall be provided, with each static water source containing at least 5,000 gallons of water.  Each static water source shall be located not more than 2000 feet from the center of the front lot-line.

(c)For multi-family housing consisting of between 5 Fire Protection sources serving up to 9 multi-family units, a minimum of 1000 gallons per unit shall be provided, with each static water source containing at least 5,000 gallons of water.  Each static water source shall be located not more than 1000 feet from each multi-family structure.

(d)      For residential subdivisions and multi-family housing consisting Fire Protection sources serving of ten or more residential lots/units, a static water source containing a minimum of 10,0005,000 gallons shall be located no more than 4000 2000 feet from the center of the front lot-line.

in the case of subdivisions, or no more than 1000 feet from each multi-family structure.

Section 5.06         Exceptions

(c)          The Board may waive the duty to provide fire protection facilities completely only where the applicant shows a reasonable alternative source of water that is adequate for the proposed use, the water is accessible and it is located within an acceptable distance from the proposed use. The Board may also waive this duty completely where the lots proposed are ten (10) acres in size or greater and there is a permanent restriction against further subdivision.

Hereby adopted, this the ______ _ day of ________________, 2009.

                                                                                    DINGMAN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS


ATTEST:                                                                     Thomas E. Mincer


                                                                                      Dennis L. Brink


                                                                                     Kerry W. Welsh


In accordance with the provisions of the Agricultural Area Security Law Act 43 of 1981, and all revisions to this statue through Act 14 of 2001, notice is hereby given that the Dingman Twp. Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing on June 16, 2009 at 7:30 pm. At the Township Office, 118 Fisher Lane.

    The purpose of the Hearing is to review additions to the Quinn Agricultural Security Area involving the proposal of the following owners, parcels, and acreage within Dingman Twp., Pike County:  Owners - Lous P. & Nancy Bellini;  Tax Parcel #077.00-01-08 consisting of 3 parcels totaling 47.49 acres.

    The Board of Supervisors shall review the proposal, recommendations from the Dingman Twp Planning Commission/ASA Advisory Committee and the Pike County Planning Commission, and any written or oral public comment thereto at the Hearing.  A decision shall be rendered after the conclusion of the public hearing.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


In accordance with the provisions of the Agricultural Area Security Law Act 43 of 1981, and all revisions to this statue through Act 14 of 2001, notice is hereby given that the Dingman Twp. Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing on June 16, 2009 at 7:30 pm. At the Township Office, 118 Fisher Lane.

    The purpose of the Hearing is to review additions to the Quinn Agricultural Security Area involving the proposal of the following owners, parcels, and acreage within Dingman Twp., Pike County:  Owners - Louis P. & Nancy Bellini;  Tax Parcel #077.00-01-08 consisting of 3 parcels totaling 47.49 acres.

    The Board of Supervisors shall review the proposal, recommendations from the Dingman Twp Planning Commission/ASA Advisory Committee and the Pike County Planning Commission, and any written or oral public comment thereto at the Hearing.  A decision shall be rendered after the conclusion of the public hearing.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing upon and consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance shown below.  Said hearing will be held on June 16, 2009 at 7:30 P.M. at the Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA 18337. Interested parties are encouraged to attend.


            The Supervisors of Dingman Township, at a regularly or specially advertised meeting, do hereby ordain and enact the following:

Section 404  -  Conditional Use and Special Exceptions is hereby replaced with:

404.1 Conditional Uses - Uses listed as "Conditional Uses" shall require individual consideration in each case because of their unique characteristics.  Such "Conditional Uses" shall be referred to the Planning Commis­sion for review and recommendation and may be permitted only after public notice and hearing and determination by the Board that such uses meet the standards in this Ordinance.  The Commis­sion shall have 30 days from the date they receive the referral in which to make a recom­mendation to the Board.

                    Applicants for Conditional Uses shall submit plot plans in sufficient detail to provide the Board and the Planning Commission with enough information to properly evaluate the proposed planned use.  The burden of proof shall be on the applicant to present sufficient evidence to show compliance with all applicable standards hereunder and the burden shall never shift to the municipality or other parties to show the contrary.

Such Conditional Uses which are authorized by the Board may be subject to any additional conditions and safeguards including but not limited to increased lot size established by the Board in each case which may be warranted by the character of the areas in which such uses are.

404.2 Special Exceptions - Uses specified as special exceptions under this Ordinance shall be permitted only after review by the Planning Commission and review and approval by the Zoning Hearing Board. Such approval shall be based on the determination that the use is appropriate to the specific location for which it is proposed, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and in keeping with the purposes and intent of this Ordinance. The following criteria shall be used as a guide in evaluating a proposed use:

            a.  The presence of adjoining similar uses.      

            b.  The presence of an adjoining district in which the use is permitted.

            c.  The need for the use in the area proposed, as established by the comprehensive plan.

                                               d. Sufficient area to effectively screen the use from nearby different uses.

            e.  Conditions such that there were several potential sites for the use but not sufficient need to establish a permitting zone district or to leave the District open to indiscriminate  placement of such use.

            f.  Sufficient safeguards such as parking, traffic control, screening and setbacks can be effectuated to remove any potential adverse influence the use may have on adjoining uses.

            g.  The burden of proof shall remain with the applicant to show compliance with all standards and the burden shall never shift to the Township.

            h.  Applicants shall submit plot plans in sufficient detail to provide the Board and the Planning Commission with enough information to properly evaluate the proposed planned use.

404.3  Upon making a determination that an application for a specific use could only be granted as a conditional use or special exception under the terms of this Ordinance and upon making the further determination that the application for such a use is complete, the Zoning Officer shall forward a copy of said application to the Planning Commission and to the Board of Supervisors.  In the event that the Zoning Officer determines that the application for a use is incomplete he may return it to the applicant together with a narrative indicating the basis for rejection or he may, in his discretion, refer the application to the Planning Commission to review.  The Commission shall, within thirty (30) days following its next regular meeting, make a review thereof and forward recommendations, if any, to the Board of Supervisors or Zoning Hearing Board as applicable. The Board shall promptly schedule a public hearing to receive public comment on the application and, after the completion of said hearing or hearings or adjournments thereof, render a decision to grant or deny the application. If the application is granted, the Board will direct the Zoning Officer to issue a permit in accordance with its decision. In approving an application, the Board may attach such reasonable conditions to the approval as they may deem necessary.  The Board may, in their discretion, direct the Zoning Officer to issue a permit for a limited period of time which permit shall be subject to a renewal procedure at which time the Board will have the discretion to deny the renewal, grant the renewal or order the implementation of additional conditions that the Board may deem necessary and appropriate.  If the application is denied, the applicant shall be notified within five (5) days of the decision and the reasons for the action.

            Ordained and enacted this _________ day of ___________, 2009.



Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will accept sealed proposals for the following road materials (quantities are approximate):  100 tons 9.5mm wearing course; 100 tons 19mm binder course; 300 tons surge material; 1700 tons 2A stone; 200 tons Aashto #3; 300 tons Antiskid; and 700 tons Screenings (aashto #10).  Bid proposals will be accepted until 1:00 p.m. on APRIL 29, 2009, at which time they will be read.  Bids will be awarded at the May 5, 2009 Supervisors meeting commencing at 7:30 pm.

Bid Proposals must include a Bid Bond with sufficient surety in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total minimum amount of the bid, and MUST be submitted on forms supplied by the Township in a sealed envelope clearly labeled “2009 Road Materials Bid”, and will be accepted in person or by mail at the Dingman Township Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania, 18337, (570) 296-8455.

The Township reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in full or in part.  The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a bond guaranteeing performance of the contract with sufficient surety in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the contract within twenty (20) days after the contract has been awarded.


Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treasurer

 John H. Klemeyer, Esquire, Solicitor

Public Notice for an Addition to the Quinn Agricultural Security Area

This announcement will hereby serve to notify the citizens of Dingman Township, Pike County, that the Dingman Twp. Board of Supervisors has received a proposal for an addition to the Quinn Agricultural Security Area (ASA) within Dingman Twp., pursuant to the ASA Law, Act 43 of 1981. 

The aforementioned proposal is currently on file and available for public inspection at the Dingman Twp. Municipal office, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA 18337 between the hours of 8:30 am and 3:00 pm.

Any affected municipality and any landowners who own land which is within, adjacent to, or near the area proposed to be included in the addition to the above named ASA may propose changes to the proposed ASA Addition within 15 days of the date this notice is published.  Such proposed changes must be submitted to the Dingman Twp. Offices on or before April 9, 2009.

Upon expiration of the aforementioned 15-day period, the proposed ASA Addition and any proposed changes will be submitted to the Dingman Twp. Planning Commission and the Pike Co. Planning Commission for review and recommendation.  Thereafter, a public hearing will be held by the Township Supervisors to consider the ASA Proposal, any proposed modifications and any recommendations from the Planning Commissions.


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. at the Dingman Township Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, Pennsylvania 18337.   The hearing is being requested by Rebecca Lerner, 130 West 15th Street Apt. 9K, New York, NY 10011 concerning property located at 175 East Lake Drive in Gold Key Lake, Tax Map No. 110.03-03-18. 

The applicant is requesting a variance of Section 307 of the Zoning Ordinance.  The subject property has had improvements made within 50 feet of the lake.  The variance is requested to permit the improvements to remain in place.  The property is located in the FP and R1 Zoning Districts.  All interested parties are invited to attend. 

Craig Moureaux, Chairman

Dingman Township Zoning Hearing Board

Douglas J. Jacobs



Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing as required under Sect.419 (traffic study) of the Township Zoning Ordinance to consider the zoning application of Raymond & Barbara Lizzi for a 5,600 sq.ft. Retail & Service Establishment on their property located on Route 739 and further known as tax map parcel #122.00-01-09.002.  Said Hearing will be held on January 20, 2009 at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing upon and consider the zoning application of Buist Road Ltd. Partnership for a 39-lot residential subdivision of properties located on Buist Road and further known as tax map parcel nos. 112.00-02-30 & 112.00-02-30.001.    Said Hearing will be held on January 20, 2009 at 7:30 pm at the Municipal Bldg, 118 Fisher Lane.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Notice is hereby given that the Dingman Township Board of Supervisors intends to appoint an independent certified accountant to conduct the Dingman Township FY2008 Audit.  Said appointment will take place at the Jan. 20, 2009 meeting located in the Municipal Offices, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Twp.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


Public Hearing Regarding Cable Franchise Renewal for

the Township of Dingman

Notice is hereby given that the Township of Dingman will hold a public hearing regarding cable franchise renewal.  The public hearing will take place on February 3, 2009 at 7:30 P.M. at the Municipal Building located at 118 Fisher Lane, Milford, PA 18337.  Citizens are invited to testify.  The public hearing will be to review the past performance of the cable operator, Blue Ridge Cable, and to identify the future cable-related community needs of the Township.  Questions may be directed to Karen Kleist, Township Secretary/Treasurer at (570) 296-8455.


Karen Kleist, Sec/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor



Notice is hereby given that the DINGMAN TOWNSHIP FY2009 PROPOSED BUDGET is available for public review through December 16, 2008 at the Municipal Building, 118 Fisher Lane, Dingman Township during regular business hours (8:30 am - 3:00 pm). It is anticipated that adoption of the Final Budget will occur at the December 16, 2008 Board of Supervisors meeting.



Karen Kleist, Secretary/Treas.

John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor


John H. Klemeyer, Solicitor




  301.000 REAL PROPERTY TAXES:    
    301.100 Current Year's Levy  $             930,000  
    301.200 RE Tax; Prior Year Levy  $                       -  
    301.400 Delinq.Taxes from Tax Claim  $               30,000  
    301.500 Tax Sales  $                       -  
    310.100 Real Estate Transfer Tax  $             190,000  
  SUBTOTAL  $          1,150,000  
    321.800 Cable Franchise Fee  $               50,000  
  SUBTOTAL  $               50,000  
  331.000 FINES:    
    331.100 Court/Magistrate Cks  $                8,900  
    331.110 Vehicle Code Violations  $                3,000  
    331.120 Violation of Ord., Statutes...  $                   100  
  SUBTOTAL  $               12,000  
  341.000 INTEREST EARNINGS:    
    341.000 Gen Fund Act Interest  $               12,000  
  SUBTOTAL  $               12,000  
    350.001 Fed/State Operating Grants  $                       -  
    354.070 State Culture/Rec. Grants  $                       -  
  SUBTOTAL  $                       -  
    355.010 Public Utility Realty Tax  $                1,500  
    355.080 Alcoholic Beverages Tax  $                   500  
    355.130 Foreign Fire Insurance Premium Tax  $               83,000  
    355.150 Pension State Aid  $               35,000  
  SUBTOTAL  $             120,000  
    356.010 Taxes in Lieu of Forest Reserves  $                6,500  
    356.020 Taxes in Lieu of Game Land  $                2,900  
  SUBTOTAL  $                9,400  
  361/362  FEE & PERMIT INCOME    
    361.310 All Subdivision/Land Devel Filing Fees  $                3,500  
    361.330 Zoning Permits  $               10,000  
    361.340 All Hearing Fees  $                1,000  
    361.500 Xeroxing Fees from Public  $                   250  
    361.520 Sale of Code Ordinances  $                   100  
    362.410 Building Permits  $               75,000  
    362-411 Pa UCC Fee  $                       -  
    362-412 Plan Box Rentals  $                1,500  
    362.430 Well Permits  $                2,000  
    362.440 Sewage Permits  $               36,500  
    362.460 Driveway Access Permits  $                   150  
    362.500 Pmts in lieu of fines  $                       -  
  SUBTOTAL  $             130,000  
  363.000 HIGHWAY & STREETS:    
    363.500 Contracted Highway & Street Work  $                3,500  
    363.501 Springbrook Road Agreement  $                2,500  
     363.531 Escrow Settlements to Township  $                       -  
  SUBTOTAL  $                6,000  
    380.600 Cleanup Day Receipts  $                5,000  
    380.000 Miscellaneous Revenues  $                   500  
  SUBTOTAL  $                5,500  
     391.100 Insurance proceeds from losses  $                       -  
     391.520 Sale of Hwy trucks, equip.  $                5,000  
  SUBTOTAL  $                5,000  
    392.350 Reimbursement from Liq.Fuels Acct  $             149,000  
    392.850 Transfer from Pension Fund  $                       -  
  SUBTOTAL  $             149,000  
  395.000 Refunds of Prior Year Expenditures  $                       -  
  REVENUE SUBTOTAL  $          1,648,900  
  PREVIOUS YEAR'S CARRY OVER                                          (2009 Opening Balance)  $             566,094  
  TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE  $      2,214,994  
  400.000 LEGISLATIVE BODY:    
    400.113 BOS Salaries  $                7,500  
    400.192  Volunteer Events  $                3,000  
    400.210 Office Supplies  $                4,500  
    400.211 Office Stationery/Forms  $                1,100  
    400.213 Office Equipment  $                6,000  
    400.214 Maps  $                   100  
    400.238 Unform/Laundry Service  $                7,500  
    400.321 Telephone Monthly Charges  $                8,000  
    400.325 Postage  $                4,000  
    400.331 General Office Mileage  $                1,450  
    400.341 Advertising - General  $                3,500  
    400.374 Office Eqip Maintenance  $                   400  
    400.420 Dues, Subscriptions, Memberships  $                2,000  
    400.460 Seminars/Conferences  $                3,000  
    400.530 COG Donation  $                   100  
    400.700 Capital Purchases  $                1,850  
  SUBTOTAL  $               54,000  
    402.115 Auditors Compensation  $                   150  
    402.311 Accounting Professional Services  $                3,500  
    402.331 Auditors Mileage  $                     50  
    402.341 Audit Advertisements  $                   200  
    402.350 Treasurer's Bond  $                2,200  
    402.460 Seminars/Conferences  $                     50  
  SUBTOTAL  $                6,150  
  403.000 TAX COLLECTION:    
    403.114 Tax Collector Commission  $               47,000  
    403.300 Other Charges (Tax Duplicates)  $                1,200  
    403.353 Insurance & Bonding  $                   300  
  SUBTOTAL  $               48,500  
  404.000 LEGAL SERVICES    
    404.310 Township Solicitor Fees  $               22,500  
    404.311 Planning Commis. Solicitor  $                4,000  
    404.314 Zoning/Bldg Hearing Board Solicitors  $                2,500  
    404.316 Court Stenographer Fees  $                1,000  
  SUBTOTAL  $               30,000  
  405.000 CLERK/SECRETARY:    
    405.120 Township Secretary/Treasurer  $               54,000  
    405.140 Clerical/Secretarial Salaries  $               91,500  
    405.179 Vacation Pay  $                9,300  
    405.331 Mileage - Sec/Clerk  (Combined figures)  $                   200  
    405.460 Seminars/Conferences  $                       -  
  SUBTOTAL  $             155,000  
  407.000 DATA PROCESSING:    
    407.210 Computer Supplies/Forms  $                   750